A succinct and accurate recap of The Walking Dead so far.
Okay, I lost is when Yondu showed up.
Also, the bit with the Dale and Herschel was completely true.
With Walking Dead people seem to go out of there way to blab about spoilers. It's not happened for me, but my wife's friend, co-workers, mother can't shut up and apparently say "oh, this isn't a spoiler," then reveal a major character death, which makes me wonder if a lot of people even know what a spoiler is.I think it's funny but true when Burnie Burns of RT says, "The Walking Dead is the one show NO ONE gives a shit about posting spoilers for. Even the fucking official social media account for The Walking Dead spoiled a major character death before anyone not on the East Coast of the US had gotten a chance to see it." It's like, every other show, people go apeshit about spoilers. The Walking Dead? Apparently not.
That was a really strong opener for the mis-season.
Holy shit. The stuff with Tyreese was great. Gonna miss him.
What the hell was with the cut up bodies though? And why did they have W's carved in their heads? Even as a comic reader, I'm kinda stumped on that one.
OrNo, it's too soon for them to have to escape another bad settlement. It's likely things will be good for a few episodes, then whoever those assholes were (The Wolves?) that attacked the other walled city will come calling to set up next season.
They won't be accepted, and they have to become the bad ones to take it.[/spoiler]
Question relating to The Walking Dead video game, season 2:
Is Alexandria the community that Kenny, Clem, and AJ go to (assuming you go that route)? I think it's just called "Washington" in the game, but the two are right by each other.
Question relating to The Walking Dead video game, season 2:
Is Alexandria the community that Kenny, Clem, and AJ go to (assuming you go that route)? I think it's just called "Washington" in the game, but the two are right by each other.
You're right.It's not even that she's not those things. She was the teacher at the prison and looked after a lot of kids and sick people. She can cook and clean and do all the shit... hell, she even enjoys it. These are legitimate parts of her personality. It's just that she's so much than that now and she knows better than to flaunt it when it's better to hide it.
Can I just say how much I enjoy the Daryl/Carol dynamic? She's alternatively his sister, his mom, his friend, and his non-romantic emotional support. She's always there for him because he's always been there for her... even if this mean sometimes she needs to beat him over the head that, yes, he needs to start acting like a human being again. Unfortunately, Daryl was raised in the backwoods by white supremacists who abused him and a brother who wasn't exactly the best role model ether. It doesn't help that he's essentially asexual and doesn't know how to act around people. That means it's going to be up Carol to get Daryl up to speed on how civilization works or I don't see him staying with the group much longer.
Any one else think
The walls look like they were built to keep walkers in rather than out? All the supports are on the outside, not inside. I can't believe something like that was overlooked.
Any one else think
The walls look like they were built to keep walkers in rather than out? All the supports are on the outside, not inside. I can't believe something like that was overlooked.
Those ridiculous outfits she's been wearing only made it all the more terrifying.Jesus fucking Christ, Carol. That was way too intense.
What was that song they played in the closing credits? It fit perfectly.
I assumed IronBrig was being sarcastic.Or.... you know.... 'W' for wolves....