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Eromanga Sensei
Genre: Ecchi, Romance, Harem, Squick
Fanservice: Yup, if you can call it that
Premise: Light Novel Author is in love with his loli step-sister.
You can only be told how bad something is so many times before you check it out for yourself. I blame @DarkAudit .
From the same author as Oreimo, here comes another pedotastic incestfest that tries its damnedest to be endearing. "Technically" she's not a blood relative, but neither were Greg and Marsha Brady and that would have been unfortunate too, now wouldn't it? And it doesn't change the fact that he's 15 and she's 11.
To be honest though, I wasn't as bothered by the siscon/brocon/lolicon themes in Eromanga Sensei as I was in, say, No Game No Life. However, Eromanga Sensei does not have the engaging story and characters to it that NGNL had, so it comes off as being a worse total package. Heck, even KissXsis seems less awful than this because KissXsis is at least a train wreck of discomfort you can't look away from and deuteragonists with a conflict you could get invested in... but ES is a big ball of bland tropes wrapped in taboo cellophane. If it wasn't for the shock value of the brother-sister taboo, this would still be an exercise in formulaic tedium at best and lazy writing at worst. Throw in the fact that the little sister is, 90% of the time, completely unendearing and needs nothing so much as a swift kick in the rear and to be made to get the fuck out of her room, go to school, go outside, and the extent to which everyone coddles and indulges her unhealthy shut-in-syndrome just makes watching it all the more irritating. The supporting cast is entirely one-dimensional as well.
All in all, it's a bad show, and not even the kind of bad that you want to watch to relish in the badness... it's just a waste of time.
And just for giggles, here's Gigguk (spoiled for slightly NSFW):

Genre: Ecchi, Romance, Harem, Squick
Fanservice: Yup, if you can call it that
Premise: Light Novel Author is in love with his loli step-sister.
You can only be told how bad something is so many times before you check it out for yourself. I blame @DarkAudit .
From the same author as Oreimo, here comes another pedotastic incestfest that tries its damnedest to be endearing. "Technically" she's not a blood relative, but neither were Greg and Marsha Brady and that would have been unfortunate too, now wouldn't it? And it doesn't change the fact that he's 15 and she's 11.
To be honest though, I wasn't as bothered by the siscon/brocon/lolicon themes in Eromanga Sensei as I was in, say, No Game No Life. However, Eromanga Sensei does not have the engaging story and characters to it that NGNL had, so it comes off as being a worse total package. Heck, even KissXsis seems less awful than this because KissXsis is at least a train wreck of discomfort you can't look away from and deuteragonists with a conflict you could get invested in... but ES is a big ball of bland tropes wrapped in taboo cellophane. If it wasn't for the shock value of the brother-sister taboo, this would still be an exercise in formulaic tedium at best and lazy writing at worst. Throw in the fact that the little sister is, 90% of the time, completely unendearing and needs nothing so much as a swift kick in the rear and to be made to get the fuck out of her room, go to school, go outside, and the extent to which everyone coddles and indulges her unhealthy shut-in-syndrome just makes watching it all the more irritating. The supporting cast is entirely one-dimensional as well.
All in all, it's a bad show, and not even the kind of bad that you want to watch to relish in the badness... it's just a waste of time.
And just for giggles, here's Gigguk (spoiled for slightly NSFW):
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