There are Cougars eyeing me at Starbucks...

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Nah, the cougars left a few minutes ago and the hotties haven't.

We just discussed the best places in town to watch the world cup and booze it up. We're talking about meeting to watch the Germany-Argentina match. They don't even really like football. tee hee.


Staff member
He could share them!

Dear Penthouse, I know I made this letter as a joke a few posts ago, but this time I couldn't believe it was happening to me....
Hey, the starbucks threads are a staple of Calleja posting!! I just hadn't done one in a while.

The forum is awesome for pretending you're busy.

---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------

I swear, this Starbucks is a HAVEN for the hotties in my area. What the fuck, of the 10 or 12 women in here I want to get to know like 8 of them and marry 4.

Sad thing is I'm now leaving :(
Don't play coy, Sir.

I'll be honest with you. The first part of this thread was amusing and I was on board.... then not so much on the part on where you're chatting it up with hotties. I find it absolutely ridiculous that you're texting on these forums while "flirting" with these women. Getting numbers, showing tats. Comon man, the Jay wasn't born yesterday.
You mean typing?

I had my laptop out, I went there for the wifi. I specifically said in the AMA thread that I was using the forums to appear "busy". They were on the table beside me, not even 4 feet away. I talked to them without moving the laptop. She pulled her pants down with her thumb to show the tat, without even standing up from her place. WTF are you going on about?

No, scratch that, Why the fuck am I defending myself to you?
I don't WANT you to think I have game. I share EVERYTHING in these forums, including when I'm at a starbucks chatting with hotties or when I shoot semen in my eyes. I share, I don't do it so you think or don't think anything about me.
Oooh, getting defensive a touch a bit over there Nando. Mmmmmm.... esta donde la verita amigo?
You're calling me a liar in front of people I actually care about. So yeah, I'm gonna get defensive. You're a fucking troll, though, I see that now. No more feeding you, little boy, fuck along.
You're calling me a liar in front of people I actually care about. So yeah, I'm gonna get defensive. You're a fucking troll, though, I see that now. No more feeding you, little boy, fuck along.
Using that "you're calling me a liar against others" routine? Dude, I'm disappointed. I only found your story suspicious and pointed it out. You're the one thinking I'm out to get you. Don't share things that are hard to believe and not expect to be called on it. No need to call me names or use swear words. It just proves my point.

.... Okay, who put the Chaz in Quebec's water supply again...

Actually... that's not really fair to Chaz.

None of this was called for. Jay might have started out joking around, but now it's just spiteful. The pair of you need to chill the fuck out.
But... I thought you were done? Or is that just another thing that you write that isn't really really true?

And Charon, I'm totally joking around. Though, getting him riled up is kinda funny.... he's way too defensive.

Sorry to get on your bad side Nando, I didn't mean any harm. :whistling:
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