So then go to a bar where the owner/employees aren't morons and have figured out that you can equalize out the vuvuzelas? :noidea: Shit ain't rocket science. Or if by chance you're a regular at the bar you're watching the games at, where you probably know the bartenders/waitstaff, you could just make the suggestion to them. Or hell, just get a bunch of your friends at someone's house and watch.There's stuff you can do about it besides whine like a bitch on the internet.I'm sorry that I'm being an inconvenience to you for getting physically ill by the drone of bees during the last World Cup and would like to watch the great sport of soccer without such noise pollution drilling into my skull without having to resort to being forced to watch it at home ON MY COMPUTER like some loner. I'm sorry that my interest of being able to watch this great sport in a sports bar surrounded by friends while drinking Guinness without the drone of bees killing everyone's fun too hard to realize for some who, evidently, don't leave their homes. Heck, to be able to flic on the TV and watch a game of soccer without anti-vuvuzela condom tech to protect me from being raped sonically.
And as I mentioned, you can do this directly on a tv, you don't need a computer. Unless you have some bunk-ass cathode tube relic, odds are good your tv has a user EQ setting.
Also, thanks for essentially calling me a shut-in loser for trying to help you enjoy your favorite game. I appreciate it.
Dumb, rude and crude, huh? I guess I hit the trifecta.[/QUOTE]
Waiting... (2005) - IMDb