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Short statement regarding the business accumen and artistic ablility of obese internet based cartoonist living in Texas.
Incoherent hate-filled rant about said obese internet based cartoonist living in Texas based on the closing of an internet forum.
Broken link image of a demotivational poster of exceptional space captain putting value of quotes by famous authors in perspective.
Cynical, sarcastic comment based on previous page.


GIF after reading whole thread

Philosopher B.

Commentary on how the poster loves this forum.
Agreeance with copious amounts of random slang.

*Related YouTube Link*

Reference to the fact that all posts must contain at least one character.
basic non-threatening post relating obvious points touched upon in the first paragraph of original quote and then replied to without reading the next three pages.

asshat image
Opinion thrown in on topic that hasn't been discussed after page one.

Also, declaration of something that this topic reminds me of.

One line break too many.


Staff member
Initiation of meta-thread about forum threads with thinly veiled references to actual forum events and members.


Feeling sad at how trite and predictable we all have become.

clown hat curly hair smiley face.
Late to the thread post with quotes from 20 posts in previous pages with point by point arguments, mostly splitting hairs with elitist undertones.
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