TIL: Today I Learned


Staff member
TIL the female french spy on The Drinky Crow Show was "Mademoiselle DeBoursay," not, as I had previously thought, "Mademoiselle Divorcée." Which I still think would have been better.
TIL that lightning guns are real, that they're called "electrolasers", and they let you fry things with actual lightning. Basically you light something up with an invisible laser beam, and a fraction of a second later the charge causes plasma from the air to follow the channel and hit whatever you targeted with a bolt of lightning. It's also referred to as a LIPC - Laser Induced Plasma Channel.

Picatinny Arsenal has been testing them since 2012.

Science fiction is real, yo.
TIL that my best friend and his wife are having marriage troubles. Now, I know she's a bit anti-social and while he and I are hanging out, she's in her room playing Dragon Age or SWTOR or working on mods or adventure modules or the like. I figured, "Okay, she's got some issue with me or this is her time to do that stuff, so, whatever." Turns out she does the same thing when it's just the two of them. So he's feeling really neglected, and a woman who is now a former coworker of his has gotten in touch... as he put it, it was like an emotional tryst, rather than a sexual one, though he hasn't ruled that out, either, as he put it.

The way I see it, they're both at fault. I mean, yeah, she's more or less shut him out for her hobbies, but at the same time, he's acted like he's fine with it instead of telling her how he felt, to the point where he's considering leaving her.

Awkward night.
That sounds a lot like how my last marriage ended.

Except I told her. I told her multiple times--until I was tired of telling her. Then that was that.
That sounds a lot like how my last marriage ended.

Except I told her. I told her multiple times--until I was tired of telling her. Then that was that.
His first marriage, his wife was a bully. And I mean, she would actually hit him. One time she punched him in the sternum so hard she cracked it. He's got Type I diabetes, so he doesn't heal well. As he told me, one night he's in his office cleaning his dad's .50 Sharp's Buffalo Rifle (reproduction), he looks at it and says to himself, "Two shots and this will all be over." Thinks about it. "Yeah, time for us to have a talk." So he tells her that he's tired of her treating him like garbage and basically not giving him a voice in the relationship, and that he wanted to go to counseling and try and work on making it more of a partnership. She says, "No, things are fine the way they are, put on your big boy pants and deal with it." So he left her.


Staff member
That sounds a lot like how my last marriage ended.

Except I told her. I told her multiple times--until I was tired of telling her. Then that was that.
This is where I am, honestly. Except my wife has no interest in hobbies. For her, it's this almost obsessive need to work. Whether it's job or even housework.
TIL(while perusing the DC wiki) Aquaflash exists in the DC multiverse...part of me feels Grant should've worked harder on that name...or a better combo character. ALSO-Black Mask has fucking mind control powers now, because WHY not?!


Staff member
TIL(while perusing the DC wiki) Aquaflash exists in the DC multiverse...part of me feels Grant should've worked harder on that name...or a better combo character. ALSO-Black Mask has fucking mind control powers now, because WHY not?!
I did not know this... Earth 32, for when DC characters aren't overpowered enough already!

Kind-of a spin-off from the Bat...Lantern story(dear LORD that name sucks) yeah. And really, how does Supermartian not put them all out of work?


Staff member
I don't see what Hawkgirl's powers add to Wonder Woman's existing repertoire.
In the DCAU, Nth metal weaponry is massively damaging to magic-oriented targets. Hawkgirl occasionally tipped the balance in fights vs magic users, who were kind of Superman's second kryptonite.
TIL: There are people who think The Free Thought Project is a reputable news source to link to but believe Snopes is biased as hell.

This world gets weirder and weirder.
That sounds a lot like how my last marriage ended.

Except I told her. I told her multiple times--until I was tired of telling her. Then that was that.
Ever think that maybe she wanted to end it too, but wanted you to do it?

Because it makes no sense otherwise.
She was more broken up about it than I expected at the time.

That makes sense, sadly. Not wanting to admit failure might be why she was acting like that towards you, and once faced with it of course she was broken up.

People are weird... but they do make sense.


TIL: Sioux Indians peacefully surrendered as their land was being stolen, then still were attacked by US forces in the Wounded Knee Massacre