Holy specifics, Batman!
Truth!Morphine! Truth or Dare??
Truth!Morphine! Truth or Dare??
Truth pleaseHCGLNS: ¿Verdad o Reto?
No webcam eh? I dare you to post a love poem of your own creation, written to Dave involving at least three other forumites, Pawn Stars the TV show, Linda Carter and Homer Simpson[/QUOTE]HCGLNS: What the hell, I'll take a dare! (on the caveat that my webcam is still down. Smartphone works, tho....)
Oh, what the fuck. I"ll take a dare. I don't have a videocamera though.Null: Verite ou defi?
No webcam eh? I dare you to post a love poem of your own creation, written to Dave involving at least three other forumites, Pawn Stars the TV show, Linda Carter and Homer Simpson[/QUOTE]HCGLNS: What the hell, I'll take a dare! (on the caveat that my webcam is still down. Smartphone works, tho....)
I'll try and get it between 500 and 1000 words. Probably some time tomorrow.Null: In the vein of my own dare, you must write a short story that involves:
Your elementary school
An archeopteryx
Fine china
The Dewey Decimal System
and peanut butter.
It's like I told my last girlfriend, before making love: "Prepare to be disappointed."Better step it up, Null. OC set the fucking bar. In orbit.
It's like I told my last girlfriend, before making love: "Prepare to be disappointed."[/QUOTE]Better step it up, Null. OC set the fucking bar. In orbit.
Gonna have to share my car wreck story with you sometime. I got mine out of the way early while on FTO and was on my second shift ever.Oddly enough, the one that stands out the most in my mind is from when I was 14 or 15. My brother was being picked on my a kid older than him, so I snatched the kid up and told him to go home. A little later, the little shit came around to my back door. I look up, and the little fuck is pointing a 12-gauge at my head. I look at him calmly, then walk into my brother's room, get him upstairs to where my dad kept his guns, and called police. After that, I had a little mini-freakout on the phone with my mother.
The one that stands out from my job is from when I crashed my car, responding code to an accident with injuries. Approached an intersection, and I had the red light. I slowed down, then noticed that everyone seemed to be (for once) paying attention to the lights and sirens, so I give it some gas. Right about then is when this grey car started pulling out, so I swerved to the right. He kept coming, so I swerved back to the center lane, which overloaded the shocks on the left side. I lost all traction there, pulling me into a spin that ended up wrecking me into a bus stop. After I jumped the curb and was airborne. I came out of it without a scratch, but looking at the damage to my car, if it had hit even a foot forward or back from where it did, I'd have been in trouble. Witnesses said they saw the underside of my car, so it's damned lucky I didn't flip, either.
The extra tire at the front WAS at the rear... apparently it cleared the Arby's and almost struck a car at the drive-through. That's me, walking about in the background. DAMNED lucky.
It's like I told my last girlfriend, before making love: "Prepare to be disappointed."[/QUOTE]Better step it up, Null. OC set the fucking bar. In orbit.
No webcam eh? I dare you to post a love poem of your own creation, written to Dave involving at least three other forumites, Pawn Stars the TV show, Linda Carter and Homer Simpson[/QUOTE]HCGLNS: What the hell, I'll take a dare! (on the caveat that my webcam is still down. Smartphone works, tho....)
Truth!Morphine! Truth or Dare??
Friday, June 13, 1988 Subject was how to dress at the wedding and I said ""Well neither of us is at our ideal weight." with regards to size of clothing needed.HCGLNS: when was the last time you said the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time?
Make this your new User Title, "Ask me about my Bumble."Hmm ok, I'll take a dare
Make this your new User Title, "Ask me about my Bumble."[/QUOTE]Hmm ok, I'll take a dare
That is a most excellent dare, OC.@CG: I DARE you to...
Hrmmm.... ukelele too obvious.... what to do, what to do...
Hrmm.... draw your adventures as Carmen Sandiego, and perform a short score to accompany the display! *grins*
Oh, it's just so good.Hey Morphy, what's the deal with your Bumble?
Sorry, I just have to habitually give everyone a nickname after a while and that was the best I could come up with that 1am while a little tipsy and extremely hot...(''Morphy'' wtf?!)
Well, you said "Truth or dare, someone," so I took it as an invitation...Wait wait wait I never agreed to a dare! Or did I? It's very late. I don't wanna draw anymore. It's too hard!That last horrible strip I drew took an hour! I'll play something though, dare or not.