Bloody painfully, and in multiple pieces.
Truth please.HCGLNS. Truth or dare?
((Did I do that right?))
That's nothing compared to Butterscotch Wednesdays...Finnish sodomy involves the nostrils? Dirty buggers....
It's happened to me. Just the frosting. Ow ow ow.Bloody painfully, and in multiple pieces.
If it helps ya sleep better, big boy. When you're ready to get your mind blown, gimme a call.I... I'm not sure I want to keep playing....
But the ButterscotchYOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH!
Sorry... having technical issues...
Season 3 starts this Sunday! Be there or be sparkly.Goddammit, why am I channeling Lafayette from True Blood...?
Nothing much. Want some pudding? *grins*what the hell is going on in here?
I didn't want to go ANYWAYS!Phil B.!
Truth or dare?
I give terrible back messages. It's like what the hell is he doing back there? How does such a large man have such tiny hands anyway?Bumble dont turn your back on phil... just, you know, dont.....
I am so happy that I dont eat pudding right now...
pudding and sausage...awww yea
ok, maybe that was a tad bit too far.
I dare you to write the theme song to a TV show starring Gusto and myself.
To keep the gay theme going, theoretically, if you were gay and could have sex with any man on the Lost island, who do you reckon you'd spring for?Truth please.
Wait how does this game work again.Phil B.!
Truth or dare?
Ninja like me!
Ninja like me!
My brother, like, so well,
METAL bones again fell asleep,
But his heart electonica runs faster,
when you see Tom Cruise on screen. "
I like Ninja!
I like Ninja!
My brother Bumble, so well,
Relaxed in Umbrian is peeling crimes,
girls love her face,
do not see it cutting your head.
Ninja like me!
I like Ninja!
Course I am; I'm a gay robot.Kev, you're such a diva.
Hurley, he has a good fist full of hair and his ability to not lose weight on a deserted island suggests he has magical powers.To keep the gay theme going, theoretically, if you were gay and could have sex with any man on the Lost island, who do you reckon you'd spring for?