TIL, GasBandit thinks the Spanish Inquisition happened before the 10th century...Does that make him in ANY WAY RESPONSIBLE for the churlish, idiotic, senseless murder of innocents by borderline subhumans with mentalities rooted in a century with only a single digit? Not in the least.
You can if you regurgitate it all mangled up...Sorry guys, you can't have your cake and smear it in your opponent's face too.
TIL @Li3n doesn't realize that Islam was founded in the 7th century.TIL, GasBandit thinks the Spanish Inquisition happened before the 10th century...
Wait, can I get a quote of what he said? Did he really spend time during the same statement about the murders of diplomats to ask people to suppress their right to free speech? Did he really suggest that as a nation we should live by the laws of the Muslim religion by forcing everyone to respect their prophet, regardless of our own views?Obama's condemnation of the attacks was equaled by his condemnation of those who "hurt the religious feelings" of muslims with their mean and evil low budget movies.
No, to the best of my knowledge Obama said no such thing.Wait, can I get a quote of what he said?
It was not during obama's speech this morning, it was his state department's statement issued on the egypt protest-turned-embassy-invasion. I linked it in what you quoted.Wait, can I get a quote of what he said? Did he really spend time during the same statement about the murders of diplomats to ask people to suppress their right to free speech? Did he really suggest that as a nation we should live by the laws of the Muslim religion by forcing everyone to respect their prophet, regardless of our own views?
.September 11, 2012
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others
Ah, it was the embassy that made the odd statement. And, predictably, Obama disassociated himself from it. It would have been monumentally stupid to have said it, or let it stand.No, to the best of my knowledge Obama said no such thing.
Where do you get the word attack, when the first sentence in the article begins with "A senior U.S. official tells CNN that U.S. unmanned surveillance drones..."Attack drones headed towards Libya. Sucks to be a jihadi today.
And during the middle ages it was a way more tolerant religion that christianity (at least to the "peoples of the book")... while murdering others over hurt feeling is older then written history...TIL @Li3n doesn't realize that Islam was founded in the 7th century.
Should we start calling you Mike or did you just steal that?[DOUBLEPOST=1347483707][/DOUBLEPOST]The embassy doesn't speak for the president now? Was not authorized but came from the official source? I guess that 3:00 am call they were talking about in 2008 finally came, and nobody picked up the phone.
Well we still don't know if the guy behind the movie actually exists, so DUN DUN DUN DUN!!!!!In b4 conspiracy theorists suggest that the US carried out the murders so they could convince Libya to allow drone overflights into their country...
Go ahead and blame Anonymous, since there are more Guy Fawkes masks than Adidas sweats. It would only be ironic to burn the German Flag while wearing Adidas.Yeah, tear down that american flag while you wear your adidas sweatpants, dudes.
I see 2 guy fawkes masks, I see 2 pairs of adidas pants.Go ahead and blame Anonymous, since there are more Guy Fawkes masks than Adidas sweats. It would only be ironic to burn the German Flag while wearing Adidas.
They're actually very identifiable. Dark/Navy blue with white stripes down the outer seam. It's a brand image they've been cultivating for decades.The fact that one can identify adidas sweatpants in a photograph says more about one's brand awareness than about the rioters.
I've been trying to figure out how to adequately express my... concerns... over a comment like this for a while now; without just falling back on hyperbole. But after a couple of hours of consideration, I find myself strangely OK with this concept, so long as it can be applied unilaterally. For instance, Christians keep blowing up abortion clinics and killing doctors who perform abortions; this has been going on for years, so we should stop trying to engage the whole of Christianity in any kind of debate. Republicans keep saying really horrific stuff about poor people, people without adequate health care, cheering when politicians say that we should just let poor people die, etc., so we should stop trying to engage them outright.If a low budget film by a fringe Florida pastor carries more weight in the Muslim world than the words and deeds of the President of the United States then that tells me ... these efforts to engage the Muslim world are a monumental waste of time.
Well that's rude, i mean i dignified yours with one...I'm not even going to dignify @lien's asinine bullshit with a response.
You had me through Christians, but I'd like to see some links on the "cheering that we should let poor people die" thing. Cause it just sounds like stock issue leftist hyperbole.I've been trying to figure out how to adequately express my... concerns... over a comment like this for a while now; without just falling back on hyperbole. But after a couple of hours of consideration, I find myself strangely OK with this concept, so long as it can be applied unilaterally. For instance, Christians keep blowing up abortion clinics and killing doctors who perform abortions; this has been going on for years, so we should stop trying to engage the whole of Christianity in any kind of debate. Republicans keep saying really horrific stuff about poor people, people without adequate health care, cheering when politicians say that we should just let poor people die, etc., so we should stop trying to engage them outright.
Germans have more in common with the US than with Egypt, and I'd even be willing to bet more Americans wear Adidas products than Germans. Was Run DMC German?Adidas is GERMAN, dude.
Welp, I googled it to see... we're like on page 4 or so.
Really, you hadn't heard about that one? That's odd... it happened exactly a year before yesterday at a GOP debate, back in the primary season, hosted by CNN and the Tea Party and mediated by Wolf Blitzer - made all of the newspapers and everything. Here are some sources. Oh, and for clarity's sake, I'm not talking about the politicians themselves, I'm talking about the audience members, the voters who keep electing those politicians, or trying to at least.You had me through Christians, but I'd like to see some links on the "cheering that we should let poor people die" thing. Cause it just sounds like stock issue leftist hyperbole.
Really, you hadn't heard about that one? That's odd... it happened exactly a year before yesterday at a GOP debate, back in the primary season, hosted by CNN and the Tea Party and mediated by Wolf Blitzer - made all of the newspapers and everything. Here are some sources. Oh, and for clarity's sake, I'm not talking about the politicians themselves, I'm talking about the audience members, the voters who keep electing those politicians, or trying to at least.
Raw Story - I don't really like Raw Story myself, it doesn't feel like a legitimate enough news source, so there's also
Yahoo News - Though most of the comments seem to be centered around what a Lenninist, left-wing slut the journalist is and how she must have been blowing her boyfriend at the time.
But, I suppose, since that little kerfuffle did include the Tea Party, and they are rather extreme as a group, I'll have to go with my fall-back reason to not want to deal with the Republican party or their voters at all - their statement to their voting base, and to the American population at large - that their number one priority, in a time when we have massive debt problems, 15+% poverty rates, 8.1% unemployment, a weak economy which is struggling to recover, a 12 year long war that's winding down but still managing to kill off our soldiers, a suicide epidemic among our armed forces, escalating tensions between one of our allies (Israel) and Iran, and everything else going on in this country and abroad; their number one priority isn't to fix any of those things through direct action. Their number one priority is to ensure that President Obama is a one-term president. And yes, I know you love sources, so here you go.
- Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell; 2010
Although, it seems that maybe the Senator McConnell was slightly off-message, since the number one priority according to Boehner a mere 8 months earlier was not to make Obama a 1 one-term president (or, of course, to do anything to fix all of those problems up there), but to repeal Obamacare.
And that is easily explained (and has been) by anyone without a political axe to grind as a badly phrased way of saying that he believes that preventing voter fraud will level the playing field enough to where Romney can win. He'd have to have been mentally disabled to come out and say what the equally brain-dead people keep insisting he's "really saying."They sure have wonderful priorities. Take the House Republican Leader in Pa., Mike Turzai as an example:
Well, that last sentence is fair enough. The real issue here is a genuine conflict of two completely incompatible worldviews - collectivism and individualism. Those who feel that the cradle-to-grave government nanny state depicted in the Obama campaign's "Life of Julia" is comforting or horrifying. In today's political reality, there flat out is a great deal of territory over which there can be no "working together," no compromise. Your reaction is the natural progression of this reality. For too long has "work with us" been a euphemism for "give us what we want and shut up," and a great many people are sick of it.Like I said, I'm talking specifically about those people in the audience, not the politicians themselves. And frankly, if anyone's number one priority in a two-party representative democracy is, above all else, the removal of the other side's political leader from office, rather than working with that person to accomplish the goals of the many, they can fuck right off and I, personally, will feel absolutely no regret about refusing to deal with them or their supporters. If your view is going to be "I'd rather get rid of you than try to work with you to improve the lot of the entire country," don't be surprised or dismayed when my view is the same.
So you're saying that no one has a reasonable plan? That seems fairly fatalistic.Yeah, let the other world view bleed you instead.
Honestly, for several years now, I've found myself wondering if the real problem, in the absolute heart of the political divide between liberals and conservatives in America (and all of their off-shoots), isn't that this country is simply too big, too heavily populated, and too diverse for the government that was established 200+ years ago, when the population of the entire country was only 300k people more than the population of the metro area that I currently live in, to continue to govern using the same methods, rules, and values. Since the time when the Constitution was drafted, we've added massive amounts of new immigrants, all with their own personal values, fears, hopes, and moralities; not to mention their own religions and their own cultural heritages. Outside of immigration, we've added massive amounts of natural born citizens, whose viewpoints are just as widely divergent as those of the various immigrants. Technologies and tools, how we accomplish the things we've been doing since the founding of the country, have changed so much in some cases that it's nearly impossible to recognize that the new tools are working on the same projects as the old (case in point, your example of leeches).Well, that last sentence is fair enough. The real issue here is a genuine conflict of two completely incompatible worldviews - collectivism and individualism. Those who feel that the cradle-to-grave government nanny state depicted in the Obama campaign's "Life of Julia" is comforting or horrifying. In today's political reality, there flat out is a great deal of territory over which there can be no "working together," no compromise. Your reaction is the natural progression of this reality. For too long has "work with us" been a euphemism for "give us what we want and shut up," and a great many people are sick of it.
You may have cancer and heart disease and blood pressure problems, but if somebody is trying to "fix" all that by putting leeches on you, your first priority needs to be to stop the quack from putting leeches on you.
Cutting Taxes and Increasing Spending is the alternate plan, so yep WE'RE DOOOOOOOMED...So you're saying that no one has a reasonable plan? That seems fairly fatalistic.
Read this on CSM yesterday. For what it's worth, I wouldn't necessarily say that the movie isn't real - it's obvious that the footage, or at least some of it, does exist. I think they'd get a lot more mileage out of just reporting that the final release product and the film that was shot were wildly different animals; and that the actors and crew themselves had no idea what the final product was going to be - for those who don't want to read the article, it states that the cast and crew signed on to do one film about life in the Middle East in ancient times, shot the whole thing, and then in editing one guy (a former meth cook and scam artist named Nakoula Bassely Nakoula) dubbed over most of the film to make it about how terrible Islam is instead. The actors are reported to be pissed, and the full cast and crew are reported to have signed on to an apology to everyone offended by the film because it's not what they were involved with. But still, the film does exist.The anti-Muslim "movie" that sparked the violence in Libya and Egypt may not even be real.
Of course something has to give at some point - this entire country is cooking right now, it's just that some parts of the country were frozen when they were put in and haven't really gotten as hot as other parts yet. Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything that can be done to stop something from happening. Even more unfortunately, I don't really think that whatever event (civil war, secession, what-have-you) eventually happens will do any good. I'm not sure that, as a species, we can live together in any group that has any members with any ideals different from any of the other members, for any significant length of time, without everything eventually going to hell in a hand-basket or the group splintering off. And, unfortunately, we've pretty much already carved up this country into enough parcels that it's going to be incredibly difficult to move far enough away from the people that certain groups disagree with. That, and as a nation - or perhaps as a species - we've become far too attached to specific plots of dirt. In some ways, animals are much smarter than we are. If a wolf pack gets too big and starts having infighting, the younger group will leave, travel away from their homelands, and set up a new home range. On the other hand, certain segments of our population keep fighting over the same bit of land, over and over again, because the land itself is more important to them than their own lives.I've often thought the same myself. The growing cultural schisms have led to growing political schisms the like of which we haven't seen since the mid 19th century. But when I point out that at some point, something's going to have to give, they call me "chicken little."
And some people divide even in those realms. So it becomes "we need to tolerate all beliefs... except a few that I think are key." Which is pretty much the same as not tolerating at all. It really, really sucks tolerating things. Tolerance is not the same as acceptance. So where do you go with that? Hell, in a less inflammatory way, social services themselves are sometimes seen as ways of keeping people down, but others see them (to various degrees) as 100% essential. So now what?And honestly, at the end of the day, I don't know that any of these divides can ever be sealed, and in some cases I'm not sure that they should be - where "sealing" a divide means subjugating one person's beliefs* in favor of another person's.
*Except in cases where people use their beliefs to hold other people down. Racism, for instance.
Yep, I'm with you 100%. There is nothing easy about this issue. I'd be willing to bet, regardless of how frequently Gas and I butt heads, or of how often Gas posts about something and I just refuse to reply because I don't want to get into it right then, that the two of us have a lot more in common politically than we have differences; but that doesn't mean that those differences aren't as important to us, if not more important to us, than all of the commonalities are combined, and it doesn't necessarily mean that either of us are wrong. There's so much time spent telling everyone to look past each others' differences, and embrace our similarities, but at the end of the day, it's our differences that make us who we are as individuals, and as long as those differences aren't hurting anyone* we shouldn't be punished for being who we are by being forced to let go of our differences.And some people divide even in those realms. So it becomes "we need to tolerate all beliefs... except a few that I think are key." Which is pretty much the same as not tolerating at all. It really, really sucks tolerating things. Tolerance is not the same as acceptance. So where do you go with that? Hell, in a less inflammatory way, social services themselves are sometimes seen as ways of keeping people down, but others see them (to various degrees) as 100% essential. So now what?
Ya I know that's more open-ended and rhetorical, but still, you see why the problem is so damned hard. That's the point I'm trying to make. It's never that simple, as the quote I made above is trying to say.
That's pretty much exactly my view on "Merry Christmas" and I'd take the same view if somebody wished me a "Happy (insert holiday here)" that I didn't observe myself.Regarding tolerance of all beliefs, my favorite example of how badly the tolerance train of thought fails, is Christmas time. If we say that allowing Christians to say "Merry Christmas" is intolerant of other people's religions, which may not recognize Christmas, then by telling them that they can't say it, aren't we equally failing to tolerate Christianity? Wouldn't it be much better if we just accepted their religion, and took a wish for us to have a merry Christmas as being the same as being told "have a nice day" instead of immediately taking it to be an assault on our religious beliefs or lack there of?
*Even "aren't hurting anyone" is a loaded concept, since you're taking one person's or one group's definition of what's hurting someone and what's not hurting them, and then you wind up in the exact mess we're in right now.
The only thing that goes through my brain reading any of these stories is "stupid stupid stupid stupid"This entire thing, the whole situation, is fucking insane to me.
Well, the protests themselves that are happening in several muslim countries are of course nothing new, and we've seen several of them in the past, for much the same reasons as these ones. As I've understood, religion plays a slightly different role in muslim societies than it plays in the secular societies of the west, and in general the idea of fundamental, automatic and inalienable rights of the individual (e.g. free speech) is a western concept, and does not mesh one hundred percent with regular islamic culture.This entire thing, the whole situation, is fucking insane to me.
I don't want to see him jailed, quite the opposite really. I want to see him living out in the open. He started a shit-storm that he knew would happen. And because of that there are several dead people in the world. Let him live with the consequences.I think the thing that is boggling my mind is how many people have heard who are saying they want this video banned and the maker jailed, etc.
I don't say this often with any level of seriousness but... This is America you dipshits.
Which is something the South Park guys were willing to do for example. But the almighty Comedy Central PC division wasn't.I don't want to see him jailed, quite the opposite really. I want to see him living out in the open. He started a shit-storm that he knew would happen. And because of that there are several dead people in the world. Let him live with the consequences.
Holy Shit you actually believe that someone who made a movie is responsible for this. Even worse you feel the appropriate response is mob justice and public lynching. Wow, just wow.I don't want to see him jailed, quite the opposite really. I want to see him living out in the open. He started a shit-storm that he knew would happen. And because of that there are several dead people in the world. Let him live with the consequences.
FUCK YOU Covar . If you know a baby is going to cry when you take its candy, then you are responsible for making the baby cry when you do it.[DOUBLEPOST=1347634312][/DOUBLEPOST]Holy Shit you actually believe that someone who made a movie is responsible for this. Even worse you feel the appropriate response is mob justice and public lynching. Wow, just wow.
If you don't realize it sixpackshaker you're justifying the actions of those nutjobs and approving of similar behavior. If you do realize it, well I have nothing to say but go fuck yourself.
Hopefully if they did run it, they would not change their names and run for the hills.Which is something the South Park guys were willing to do for example. But the almighty Comedy Central PC division wasn't.
The problem shouldn't lie with those that make the statements. The actions of radicals should not dictate the lives of free people. That's like telling women they shouldn't dress provocatively because they might get raped.So they should hide like cowards to let others die in their place...
Smart, but sucks for the rest of the world.
So what you're saying is that you're doubling down on calling muslims petulant children, and asserting that they can't be held responsible for their own actions because they are as unthinking infants?FUCK YOU Covar . If you know a baby is going to cry when you take its candy, then you are responsible for making the baby cry when you do it.
So the person that yells "FIRE!" in a crowded theater holds zero, zip, zilch, nada responsibility for 20 people getting trampled. It is completely the fault of the panicking people in the back of the crowd pushing that is at fault.So what you're saying is that you're doubling down on calling muslims petulant children, and asserting that they can't be held responsible for their own actions because they are as unthinking infants?
I can't agree. I agree they're acting as if they were unthinking infants, but the truth is they are grown, functioning adults and must be held responsible for their own actions. No religion (nor any of its adherents) gets to decide that mocking that religion is justification for violence, much less murder. That notion is over 1000 years out of date.
I have the right to stand on national TV and declare "Churchill was right, Islam in humans is like rabies in a dog, and mohammed was a liar, a pedophile and a criminal" and any violent action taken against me is unjustified and solely the fault of those who commit the violence. That's what it means to be civilized.
Well then after the beating, murder, there is a place for those that commit the act, called prison.Obviously anyone that expresses themselves in any way that offends others should be held out in the open so that those offended can hunt them down and beat them.
Oh wait, no, because that's fucking stupid.
And you have the right to say: ''Muslims are subhuman scum" too but that doesn't make it a good thing. Racism is not cool. Insulting religion is not cool. .Muslims believe that you shouldn't create images of God or Prophets, whether they are positive or negative. Most muslims will denounce a picture by saying ''hey please don't do that, it goes against the rules I observe in my daily life." As shown by the image I posted and the images I linked in the same post. Some, like the armed men that attacked the compound in Benghazi, will exercise that denunciation more violently. Are those attackers to blame? Yes, certainly. Does that mean that the guy that made that video should observe no reprimand? Absolutely not.I have the right to stand on national TV and declare "Churchill was right, Islam in humans is like rabies in a dog, and mohammed was a liar, a pedophile and a criminal" and any violent action taken against me is unjustified and solely the fault of those who commit the violence. That's what it means to be civilized.
In regards to the wbc, I've always maintained that while I don't like them, they gave every right to say what they want to say. Certainly no one needs to murder them.And you have the right to say: ''Muslims are subhuman scum" too but that doesn't make it a good thing. Racism is not cool. Insulting religion is not cool. .Muslims believe that you shouldn't create images of God or Prophets, whether they are positive or negative. Most muslims will denounce a picture by saying ''hey please don't do that, it goes against the rules I observe in my daily life." As shown by the image I posted and the images I linked in the same post. Some, like the armed men that attacked the compound in Benghazi, will exercise that denunciation more violently. Are those attackers to blame? Yes, certainly. Does that mean that the guy that made that video should observe no reprimand? Absolutely not.
I mean, you guys are fond of insulting the Westboro Baptist Church, too, even if all they do is stand at funerals with signs that say ''God hates fags'' and whatnot, and plenty of people say they should get punched in the face or whatever. So why is this guy (I don't know his name, sorry), insulting the faith of the islam, being kept on a pedestal of free speech?
No, and obviously this video dude shouldn't be murdered either, that's silly and I'm not saying that. Now I don't know the exceptions to freedom of speech in the US, but over here, when a government official by the name of Geert Wilders made a film (Fitna) that called the Koran/Qu'ran a book of murder and evil, he was brought to trial. Freedom of speech is a good thing, but there are exceptions, under the name of Hate Speech, for which people can be prosecuted or taken other legal action against. Is this not the same in the US?In regards to the wbc, I've always maintained that while I don't like them, they gave every right to say what they want to say. Certainly no one needs to murder them.
This is basic stuff.
They aren't allowed to incite violence ether. A white supremacist plainly telling his supporters to go out and assault or murder black people would be thrown in jail lickity split.Nope, Americans can be as offensive as they like. As long as they don't put anyone in direct harm by their words, or don't threaten anybody.
That's covered by what I said.They aren't allowed to incite violence ether. A white supremacist plainly telling his supporters to go out and assault or murder black people would be thrown in jail lickity split.
And I'd cut you off and change you at the "and it pisses you off, and you are not allowed to come hit me." Period. That's called being civil. Even when somebody incites you, you stop. Actually hitting the other, or killing them, or anything else is unacceptable. I'd rather follow Evelyn Beatrice Hall: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." (In the wikiquote page, it says how this is often mis-attributed to Voltaire, though she was summarizing what she thought his attitudes were) Far different than saying it's OK to punch somebody for what they said, even if they're thrown in jail later.See... I've always kind of looked at Free Speech as a two-edged sword. I have the right to say any god damn thing I want, so long as I'm not threatening you. On the other hand, you have the right to be upset about anything I say, and if I say something really stupid, and it pisses you off, and you come hit me, well then, maybe I shouldn't have said what I said.
Once again you are dismissing free will and personal responsibility. That it is a predictable outcome that disparaging islam causes muslims to murder is a condemnation of islam, not disparaging speech. The choice to commit violence is a choice.It is a predictable outcome. If y then x.
Each and every girl who dresses provocatively holds some responsibility for the subsequent sexual assault?Where do I recuse anyone of their actions?
Each and every time some one publicly burns a Koran, makes a cartoon about Mohamed... etc... violence happens. So the people that spark the radicals into action hold some responsibility for what happens.
Don't forget Israel, Sudan, London, Yemen, and Alexandria and other parts of Egypt. Oh yeah, and Tunisia.Since Tuesday's fatal aggression by militants in Benghazi and Cairo, protests have spread to Afghanistan, India, Bahrain, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Kuwait, Syria, Pakistan, and Qatar.
The message of the American flag-burning protesters seems to be universal: "Death to America."
Only if it is the law in Rapeymcraperstan.Each and every girl who dresses provocatively holds some responsibility for the subsequent sexual assault?
And now you are arguing that law dictates correctness? Simply by virtue of it being law?Only if it is the law in Rapeymcraperstan.
not so much law as being in a land of raping rapists.And now you are arguing that law dictates correctness? Simply by virtue of it being law?
So, you agree that if people kill off enough abortion providers on a regular basis, then anyone who provides abortion services should accept the responsibility of their actions? Might makes right?It is a predictable outcome. If y then x.
Yes, now it's completely appropriate. Especially since Germany hasn't even been involved in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. In fact, if I recall correctly (which I may not), the last time the Germans were involved in a war in the Middle East or Northern Africa, Rommel was involved.Ok, NOW can I make note of the adidas sweatpants?
See, I genuinely didn't know that. Last I'd heard, they'd refused to provide any troops for either war.Now we just need pics.[DOUBLEPOST=1347659678][/DOUBLEPOST]Germans have/had 5,000 troops in Afghanistan.
It is not so much that they refused to send troops, but the constitution that we wrote for them after the war did not allow them to...[DOUBLEPOST=1347660059][/DOUBLEPOST]I am not too sure when it changed.See, I genuinely didn't know that. Last I'd heard, they'd refused to provide any troops for either war.
General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, called a Florida pastor on Wednesday and asked him to withdraw his support for a film whose portrayal of the Prophet Mohammad has been linked to violent protests - including one that ended with the death of America's envoy to Libya.
"In the brief call, Gen. Dempsey expressed his concerns over the nature of the film, the tensions it will inflame and the violence it will cause," Dempsey's spokesman, Colonel Dave Lapan, told Reuters.
U.S. military officials are concerned that the film could inflame tensions in Afghanistan, where 74,000 U.S. troops are fighting. The Taliban called on Afghans on Wednesday to prepare for a fight against Americans and urged insurgents to "take revenge" on U.S. soldiers over the film.
Ok?And it's not American. The end.
No, it's the Chinese who are busy doing the attacking right now. Bazinga. Topical.Let me lay this on ya then...
Every stitch was made in China. Was the Chinese embassy attacked?![]()
Sounds like a reason to riot!Funny fact about Puma and Adidas,Puma was founded after a falling out between the two brothers who owned Adidas and one brother(i think the younger one) left Adidas and opened Puma in the same town.Its crazy down there.You are either an Adidas person or a Puma one and they hate each other.
You... you MONSTER! I'll bet you wear sauna pants too!Well, I like my steak well done, and anyone who cooks their steak any less than that is obviously a bloodthirsty savage.
Well, I read the first review on Amazon, and how could I resist? I'm now a committed sauna pants wearer. See if you don't become one after reading this excellent review:You... you MONSTER! I'll bet you wear sauna pants too!
Like a lot of guys, I sometimes have trouble getting a good crotch sweat going. Wrapping my nethers in plastic wrap and a dozen freshly baked Hot Pockets only goes so far. So, as soon as I saw this magnificent product I knew I must have it. The friendly orange hue and easy-to-use velcro attachments greatly appealed to me, and I was very pleased to see the roomy 54" waistline!
The first time I tried it I was simply amazed. I had never been so relaxed as I felt my own musky brine soak into every hairy crevice and all the pores on my considerable backside opened up. I fell into a deep meditative trance as my ears were soothed by the gentle sprinkle of ball sweat rolling down my glistening hammy thighs and dropping into a small tepid puddle on the floor. I sat there luxuriating in the cozy warmth of my nethers, slowly saturating my living room couch, and came to only when the depth of my relaxation allowed a small burst of flatulence to rise up and out of the Sauna Pants in a series of hot humid bubbles that tickled my lobster-red skin as they rolled out.
Now on freezing mornings the first thing I do after heaving myself out of bed is slip on my splendid Sauna Pants! Everyone else at the bus stop may be shivering but with my Sauna Pants tightly secured beneath my Utilikilt like a giant orange diaper, I know no fear of cold. When the bus arrives, my sweat-lubed legs slide effortlessly against each other as I waddle for the door. The pungent aroma that arises reminds me of my own healthful vitality. Through either jealousy or appreciation, I am always left with my own seat.
The Boy Scouts have a set protocol for flag disposal...We chose not to legislate against flag burning.
We chose to legislate that all American flags include a lethal dose of HCN when burned.
The point is that under the President's watch, militant islamist terrorists attacked a US embassy and killed the staff in it on the anniversary of 9/11 and he and his underlings lied their pants off both on national TV and before congressional committee, and finger-pointed at a video nobody had ever heard of (but once they did, it sparked even more riots) to cover their own incompetence until they got caught out in it.What's the point? This shit is so bizarrely fucked up.
The fact that they were chanting "We're all Osama, Obama" as they did so, days after the Democrat Party national convention repeatedly crowed how Obama killed Osama, has some people thinking the video is a red herring for that, as well.[DOUBLEPOST=1349990003][/DOUBLEPOST]http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/11/us-egypt-usa-protest-idUSBRE88A11N20120911
Or you know, there was a protest next door on the same day...
Pay for it? This, despite what state department CYA is claiming, is not a case of underfunding. A 10% budget cut (and remember, in washington a cut just means a smaller increase than they want) does not mean an embassy that had repeatedly requested increased security in the face of hints of an upcoming attack only gets 3 security personnel.Why is it that the one thing American security always seems to lack is foresight? We have the best tools in the world to prevent just about anything, but shit keeps happening because no one is willing to pay for vigilance. This isn't a Red or Blue issue... it's a full-on ignorance and arrogance issue and EVERY AMERICAN PRESIDENT/CONGRESS IS GUILTY OF IT.
Pretty much only Fox News cares about itSo, are we trying to turn this into ye olde October Surprise or something?
Once again, with the whole "enough fissile material for 5 bombs" thing. It's nonsense. Any actual nuclear engineer will tell you that. Completely ridiculous. On par with saying the Atlantic Ocean has enough water to make a lot of beer: technically true, not a plausible reality. They either need to enrich that uranium another 70-odd percent, in which case they can make high-yield bombs, which they're incapable of doing, or they have enough for about 1/5th of a bomb at the current quality - a low-yield, high-radiation bomb that they couldn't actualyl use anywhere interesting.
That's because every other network is in the tank for Obama. If you're going to spout banalities, so can I.Pretty much only Fox News cares about it
I think you overstate that. A lot of us think what has riled the left up so much about that mark is how close to home it hit. It's true that at least 47% of this country is petrified at the thought of having to take personal responsibility for their own life and choices.We already got the October Surprise... it just happened in September. The 47% remark is going to gaunt Romney till the election unless he can keep killing it in the debates. Obama really only needs to give his A-game during the final debate to energize his base.
Laura Frickin' Ingraham. The only person more irritating on the radio is the lady they call in when Ingraham takes a day off. (google google google) Her name is Tammy Bruce, and she sounds like a screeching Helen Lovejoy engaging in tribadism with an actual harpy.I love how Laura Ingram goes on and on about bringing our troops home from a pointless war.... while she supports a candidate who's pretty openly saying he wants to go to war again with multiple countries.
What I said was a fact, and what you said had as much credibility as "Obama secret muslim"That's because every other network is in the tank for Obama. If you're going to spout banalities, so can I.
The day I let you lecture me on credibility is the day Biden takes laughing lessons from droopy the dog.What I said was a fact, and what you said had as much credibility as "Obama secret muslim"
The day I let you lecture me on credibility is the day Biden takes laughing lessons from droopy the dog.
Yeah, bloody old people, poor working people and Romney's dad, what a bunch of moochers.I think you overstate that. A lot of us think what has riled the left up so much about that mark is how close to home it hit. It's true that at least 47% of this country is petrified at the thought of having to take personal responsibility for their own life and choices.
The level of putting words in peoples' mouth about this quote is mindrending.Yeah, bloody old people, poor working people and Romney's dad, what a bunch of moochers.
Oh so "people that don't pay income tax" doesn't include those groups of people that don't pay income tax...The level of putting words in peoples' mouth about this quote is mindrending.
That doesn't necessarily mean they're paying no tax. I thought it worked the same for you guys, but I'll state what happens in Canada. Each paycheck, my employer takes off what they expect would be my taxes. So if I had only that job, and no other income, or investments, or whatever, the tax department would be exactly in-sync, and my refund would be zero. But I do contribute to things, and have education expenses, etc, all of which are income-deductible. Thus my "taxable income" for the year is less than what I paid in taxes from my paycheque. Thus the government gives me back some of my tax overpayment. That hardly means that I paid no income taxes at all, only that throughout the year I paid too much, and am now getting that money back.Gas, do you get a tax refund each spring? If you do you are one of the 47% moochers out there.
This only applies if your total tax refund is greater than your total withholding for the year. And that 47% number is a bit disingenuous, as it only counts income tax and not FICA/SS... though supposedly, FICA and SS aren't tax programs, but payments on future benefits. Whether it actually works out that way for those of us under the age of 40 right now remains to be seen.Gas, do you get a tax refund each spring? If you do you are one of the 47% moochers out there.
Actually, as I have repeatedly and proudly stated, every year I make it a priority to make sure that my withholding does not exceed my tax liability. I can't remember the last time I got a refund, and have once even made it as thin as owing a $0.02 payment.Gas, do you get a tax refund each spring? If you do you are one of the 47% moochers out there.
No, as Papachronos tried to explain to you, that is only the case if my refund exceeds my withholding, which is most certainly does not, seeing as how I never get a refund but still am subject to withholding. I'd need a whooooole lot more deductions to effectively not pay federal income taxes (or even get a refund beyond withholding). In fact I'm not sure it's posible for me.So basically you do not pay income tax, if all of your federal taxes come out of your payroll tax.
This is a disturbing quote to me. Do you really think just because you don't owe EXTRA in April that you don't pay income tax? Payroll/income tax is the SAME THING. Payroll just makes it easier to come off "transparently" rather than in a big lump sum which a lot would have trouble budgeting for.So basically you do not pay income tax, if all of your federal taxes come out of your payroll tax.
I don't know how it works in Canada, but income tax is paid from the employees salary not from the employer out of a different account.So basically you do not pay income tax, if all of your federal taxes come out of your payroll tax.
Payroll taxes are different from income taxes, though both are withheld from an employee's paycheck by the employer. Payroll taxes are Social Security (10.4%) and Medicare (2.9%), though if you are employed, the employer pays slightly more than half of that (self-employed evil businessmen pay all of it themselves). Income tax is the federal rate for your bracket, minus any deductions, and is withheld from your paychecks based on how many deductions you claim on your W4 form. Income tax is on top of FICA and Medicare. At the end of the year, your total income tax liability is added up, and withholdings throughout the year are subtracted. If there is a negative balance, you overpaid and are refunded the difference.So basically you do not pay income tax, if all of your federal taxes come out of your payroll tax.
I think you overstate that. A lot of us think what has riled the left up so much about that mark is how close to home it hit. It's true that at least 47% of this country is petrified at the thought of having to take personal responsibility for their own life and choices.
You heard it here 1st people, 47% of americans don't have jobs...Eriol is also correct in that a payroll tax is a de facto income tax, because your boss has to figure it into the cost of what it takes to keep you on the payroll, so for all intents and purposes it's income that is immediately snatched out of your paycheck and goes directly to the government.
"in practice or actuality, but not officially established."Someone needs to learn what "de facto" means.
Oh, I saw your trollface, it's just it was a "francis smiley" to try to indemnify yourself from being labeled a tool, and I don't buy those."in practice or actuality, but not officially established."
Looks fine to me... maybe you just missed the fact that i was being facetious about your de factodefence of Romney's pandering little comment, which i doubt he even believes, considering Romenycare and his policies as governor...
See, that's my problem on the internet, i assume what im saying (and my sig) makes it clear i'm being sarcastic at least 90% of the time...Oh, I saw your trollface, it's just it was a "francis smiley" to try to indemnify yourself from being labeled a tool, and I don't buy those.
Also, Kolob and magic underwear... and yet those make more sense then his current tax plan (math takes too much time, heh: ).As for Romney, much as I said about Clinton back in the day - Everybody has to believe in something. Romney believes he wants to be President.
You want to read my sig you have to work for it you lazy bum...Well, maybe if said signature wasn't in quadruple-spaced 8 point font...