Been switching back and forth between East Coast and Spanish hardcore all day.
Same. Even better, if you run it in Chrome with uBlock Origin you don't have to pay to get ad-free streaming.You can do it, but you have to meticulously curate and prune it, and it doesn't start getting good until you've put a lot of decisions into it. And even once you have, it will still try and sneak a few extra songs in from time to time to see where your boundaries are, because unlike its original purpose, it has morphed into a sort of, "Let's try to build a service that overall plays music you like" instead of allowing you to segregate them by preferred characteristic. Hence the curation required to keep the recommendations in their assigned cages. But it's good enough to last me a few hours' music at a time before it starts to repeat, and doesn't cost anything, so it's Good Enough.
I usually run it off my mobile, through the app.Same. Even better, if you run it in Chrome with uBlock Origin you don't have to pay to get ad-free streaming.
In high school, I hung around with a guy who was a member of a contemporary Christian rock band, so I was exposed to quite a bit. He's the one that introduced me to Steve Taylor's music, which was the point when I started treating CC music as more than merely an excuse to make God music with a rock 'n' roll beat.It should.
You darn kids and your spotifies. I gots the winamp and it works just dandy for me!You can now associate your accounts with Spotify. Go to your preferences and click "Associated Accounts". You can then log in to Spotify. If you are listening and someone arrows over your name they see "Listening to Spotify" and can then listen to what you are listening to.
I'm listening now so you can check out how it looks.
WinAmp is old enough to buy booze, man.I count Spotify among the things I've never used.
Also WinAmp.
Have Spotify and can listen to what you are, because it plays in Spotify when I click on the play button in the integration's modal.So whether you have it or not, can you listen to what I'm currently listening to?
Nope. It wants me to sign up/login to spotify to listen to what you're listening to.And if you DON'T have Spotify?
I mean, really, it makes sense though. Nothing's REALLY for free... here, the cost of listening is to have a spotify account.Well damn. It was free.
You can now also apparently log into the forum using your Spotify account. That's new.You can then log in to Spotify.