Got myself one of those PS3 thingamabobs shortly after Christmas and quite enjoying it...even if it's taking away time from schoolwork.
Still, got a chance to play some of the following:
Batman Arkham Asylum: Beat it with nearly all of the Riddles found (and only one did I look up on an FAQ). Damn good game. In fact, not only is it, hands down, the best Batman game to date, but arguably the best superhero game to date.
Katamari Forever: Hee, I love me the katamari.
Saints Row 2: Nearly beat it with a good portion of the side missions finished. There's something very odd and hilarious about escorting ho's in a pimped out FBI truck wearing a pimp suit and shooting people with a pimp cane shotgun.
Dead Space: I...wasn't crazy about it. It felt like galatic whack-a-mole.
Uncharted: Kinda dug it, but not a fan of the endless amount of baddies that you have to duck-cover-shoot against. There was a moment where I crashed my plane in a jungle or something and was fighting dozens of baddies in just one area. It brought the story to a screeching halt, much to my dismay.
Ratchet & Clank (Tools of Destruction): It was either buy a second controller for $54 or buy R&C with it for $59. And goddamn is this game fun. The sheer amount of weapons is, by far, the highlight of the game.
Dante's Inferno (demo): It's God of War minus Greek mythology plus Christian mythology. Kinda fun. Might rent it and that's about it.
Also, I went buy-crazy during Steam's holiday specials. On top of that, I only spent a little over $20 by the end of it (I think; I didn't do the math). Max Payne 1&2, the Ben There Dan That games, World of Goo, Machinarium, Braid, Zombie Driver (a big eh for this one), the LucasArts collection (a gift from a friend). It was like combining impulse buying with flea market prices.