What are you playing?

You can make Morrowind quite pretty.

I would pay Bethesda 60 80 bucks for an updated Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon looking all Skyrim modernized.
Does that change the combat? Because that's seriously the only thing that kept me from being able to go back.



It adds ambient sound, adds in the bug fix patches, makes the game look about as good as Oblivion, adds this "focus effect" to everything depending on what you're looking at. Water looks better, adds in plants and grass, improves trees and bramble appearances.

As for combat, you get better at it the more you do it. I like how they handle magic in Morrowind way more than Oblivion and Skyrim though.


Oh, and people aren't ugly as hell anymore.

And I just looked at Morroblivion, ew. No, this one makes people look good and the plants/trees are way better.
Oh, I know how it works. I've played more than my fair share of Morrowind (and even made some mods years and years ago). I just can't go back to it, the way it plays. It's so clunky.


"When you go on a quest in Morrowind... you gotta actually pay attention or remember or or or know where to go... you gotta actually think. I don't wanna think.":rofl:
Yeah, no. I'm not down with this dude's advice.
I'm down with it. I couldn't go back to gaming without quest markers and fast travel. I gotta agree with him, I've been spoiled.

It's like trying to go back to EQ1 when you've played WoW/SW:TOR.
Man, the downside of that Morroblivion mod I can see is using Oblivion dark elves. They looked so fucking terrible.


Fair enough. My other gripe is that I can't stand vanilla Oblivion faces and hair. They all look like fat faced, freaky little creeps with Jimmy Neutron hair.

I'm sure that mod will work for other folks, but the MO2.0 one fits the bill for me.
Well, maybe you can use some of the amazing Race Improving mods oblivion released for better looking chars while still using the morroblivion mod?


Mehbeh. For now, I'll continue to play my customized sorceress with uber flying powers and elemental balls of death to rain down on unsuspecting towns.

I mean... monsters... unsuspecting monsters.

Also, I like this video a bit more since it shows gameplay itself.

Flybys don't give the effect of how it really looks.
I'm with Sera, I'd play the hell out of that mod. Might be time to search for my Morrowwind disks. I may not have them anymore, though.

Also, to quote Jay....

"You know what the hell I'm playing"
Mehbeh. For now, I'll continue to play my customized sorceress with uber flying powers and elemental balls of death to rain down on unsuspecting towns.

I mean... monsters... unsuspecting monsters.

Also, I like this video a bit more since it shows gameplay itself.

Flybys don't give the effect of how it really looks.
Um, there was zero gameplay in that.

Also, I know it looks really great but how does the graphics > better gameplay?


So Mario is a flyby game? :troll:

But really, they do have a neat combat aspect added to it that lets you change combat to Daggerfall style controls (chop, slice, stab) if you want.
I'm really being pretty down on it considering I never played either Daggerfall or Morrowind. I think for me, more than the combat, would be the loss of the quest trackers and fast travel.

I'm not quite the "hardcore" gamer I used to be. I'm not writing down quest objectives and drawing my own dungeon maps so much these days.


You don't have to. It draws out the map for you as you go and keeps a categorized and alphabetized journal for you with lots of footnotes and directions. But yeah, no fast travel.
There's the striders to travel between major cities.

Honestly, I know how convenient fast travel made things but the forced exploration in Morrowind made for so many, many more coming across a tomb or a cave that had no bearing on any quest or anything experiences. It was just there to find.


The silt strides and the shipping routes and when you get a buffed to all hell levitate spell and you're literally flying over the landscape.


First Mage guild you run into (in Balmora) has a spell that adds 20 to your jumping. I might make a ridiculously overpowered version of it now and call it "hulk jump"... Then tack on a slow fall effect for good measure. :awesome:
Man, no time for gaming lately. Kinda bumming me out.

Bought the whole Assassin's Creed kit and kaboodle off the Steam sale this weekend. Want to play.
Skyrim: Around hour 150, on second playthrough of my non-dragon Skyrim. Freaking amazing I'm still finding new things to do.

WoW: Little more "clean-up" and "prep" for Mists. Maybe an hour or two a day.

Didn't realize emulation had come as far as it did, been playing a few hours of my all-time favorite fighting game: Capcom Vs Snk 2. The straight arcade board. Not the DS or PS2 port, but the real deal. It emualtes at full speed and it's freakin amazing. What I wouldn't give for this to be online playable.

My list of "ready to be played" games grows, picked up Bastion today, still have Diablo 3 (free with Annual WoW pass) sitting my que, Darksiders etc etc etc
Winkawaks did a decent job of emulating CPS1, CPS2 and SNK boards and was very easy to play online. Used to play a lot of online arcade Alpha 3 many years ago with it.
Yeah I've known about the CPS and SNK boards, but to pull off full speed NAOMI emulation? Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Capcom vs Snk 2?

That's impressive.
Every one tells me that Assassin's Creed games past the first one are such huge improvements but I'm trying to play the first one to get to the later ones and it makes me so mad. WHY ARE YOU ANGRY AT ME? Why am I not allowed to trot on horseback? Not run or sprint, just light press forward on the stick trot.

So instead, I will play some Alan Wake: American Nightmare.
Damn you're such a whiny cop.

I can't trot

Waaaah waaaaah

Climbing building is serious business

Waaaaah waaaaaah

I only have 3 colors to choose from

Waaaaaaah waaaaaaaah