What's your new name?

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Frankly, I feel weird when things AREN'T derailed around here. It's like when you go back to the house you grew up in after many years and everything seems the same yet much smaller... home yet alien. Y'know?


I changed my name because "crone" didn't really make sense anymore. Of course, now that I've said that trishegokigoku will say I'm copying her, and then come up with some wow related example. Shortly afterwards spaznozzle or dvr will come in with a throw away insult about my intelligence or something.

Plus I always had a thing for a certain Troy trilogy. And Andromache was a character in it.
Frankly, I feel weird when things AREN'T derailed around here. It's like when you go back to the house you grew up in after many years and everything seems the same yet much smaller... home yet alien. Y'know?
That might just be cause you're so hiiiiigh all the time.


Would someone please consider making a page at http://halforums.wikidot.com/ that shows all the known name changes? I can't keep up!
you could totally do it.[/QUOTE]

I'm totally lazy. Besides, there are name changes occurring that aren't announced in this thread, and I'd be a bad candidate for someone who can keep up with them enough to note them.[/QUOTE]

So, you're asking someone else not to be lazy so you can be?
Would someone please consider making a page at http://halforums.wikidot.com/ that shows all the known name changes? I can't keep up!
you could totally do it.[/QUOTE]

I'm totally lazy. Besides, there are name changes occurring that aren't announced in this thread, and I'd be a bad candidate for someone who can keep up with them enough to note them.[/QUOTE]

So, you're asking someone else not to be lazy so you can be?[/QUOTE]

Hey, you catch on pretty quick!
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