What's your new name?

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I should auction up a name-change. Take like 5 suggestions, put them on a bid board, and the one that earns the most money becomes my handle for the next 90 days.

Element 117

Fuck, now I'm hungry.
I am right now pondering how I can recreate/engineer the pastry bread from poptarts to use for wasabi poptarts instead. I like people who change their names into KICK ASS IDEAS.

Element 117

Honestly, I pay zero attention to names, cause every time I go away for extended time, when I return I recognize people by their posting "voices" and avatars. So when you changed your avatar it was a bit of a loop for a few days, but not a hernia inducing thing. I change my name often. I figure the people (majority) who hate my guts don't really care, because they don't hang on my every word and just ignore me, and the people (few) who know me and count me as a friend recognize me pretty quick.


Well, I guess now is as good a time as any. I've grown a bit tired of the name Psyclone over the years (mostly since discovering it was the name of a roller coaster, a trance band, a brand of sandals, a brand of cables and a bajillion other things) and thus have been gradually phasing it out in favor of Overflight (as it's stated in my PSN account). So I'll see how this goes.

I regret ditching my Evil Inc sig, though :-(


Well, I guess now is as good a time as any. I've grown a bit tired of the name Psyclone over the years (mostly since discovering it was the name of a roller coaster, a trance band, a brand of sandals, a brand of cables and a bajillion other things) and thus have been gradually phasing it out in favor of Overflight (as it's stated in my PSN account). So I'll see how this goes.

I regret ditching my Evil Inc sig, though :-(
Dig the name dude! avatar pic not bad either! :D

Wasabi Poptart

Fuck, now I'm hungry.
I am right now pondering how I can recreate/engineer the pastry bread from poptarts to use for wasabi poptarts instead. I like people who change their names into KICK ASS IDEAS.[/QUOTE]

I just imagined it would be the same sweet pastry with frosting, but have a thick layer of wasabi in the middle. Ka-POW! :laugh:
I think poptart dough could be simulated with a thin layer of phyllo dough. Hmm, wasabi in phyllo. That doesn't sound that bad.


Staff member
I have a recipe in a magazine for "boxless poptarts." I think it's something like phyllo, but I'd have to check.
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