What's your new name?

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My awesomeness is not a matter of individual perception. Like the sky and the sea it simply IS.
Drama over a forum name change..?


..I changed my RL name.

OT: I've changed my forum name in THIS board alone probably about 7 times. Including the merger of 2 separate user accounts.
Yea, but your avatar is usually a picture of you, which makes it easy to tell who you are. Although I guess for new people who don't recognize you, it could be hard.


I don't understand the name change thing because makare is as much my name online as Michelle is my name in person. My name is a part of my identity I wouldn't want to be called anything else.


Staff member
Really, same here. It doesn't upset me that people have changed their names. I just can't imagine doing it myself. Even if I got sick to death of it, it's too much a part of who I am here now. What would become of "Seej" if I suddenly started going by "First Lady Puffinstuff" or something?


Staff member
Seej or First Lady Puffinstuff? Either way, neither. People just call me "Seej", short for CG (or "see gee" phonetically... thanks to Gusto for that one). I LOVE that, but it wouldn't seem relevant if I changed my name.

...It's actually Leslie. :)
It doesn't bother me that people want to change their names. I've been using this one on various places for over a decade, so I wouldn't know what else to go by. (Well, RC-7883 probably.)
I've pretty much been using this since 8th grade when I thought I was a badass for using it. Now I know it's silly, but it stuck because it's never taken.
I've ALWAYS been Calleja too, but it's my ONLY name. It's my last name, but also what all my friends call me. Both online and IRL. I'm probably, eventually, going back to Calleja... but I wanted to try something different for a change. Plus, everybody knows who The Mex is :unibrow:
I've ALWAYS been Calleja too, but it's my ONLY name. It's my last name, but also what all my friends call me. Both online and IRL. I'm probably, eventually, going back to Calleja... but I wanted to try something different for a change. Plus, everybody knows who The Mex is :unibrow:
I've ALWAYS been Calleja too, but it's my ONLY name. It's my last name, but also what all my friends call me. Both online and IRL. I'm probably, eventually, going back to Calleja... but I wanted to try something different for a change. Plus, everybody knows who The Mex is :unibrow:

I vaguely remember a HALwiki article on it, but don't remember the contents. So no, I guess I don't know who The Mex is. (I am not asking for an explanation here either.)[/QUOTE]

Yes you do... it's me! I'M The Mex! Hi!

And no, LB, I think you're implying that Morphine is an alt of mine, but she's not. Ask Dave to check the IPs for you, he'll see she's not even in the same state. It's a 4-hour-ish drive.
Even if it's not what you're implying, I felt like I had to clear it up, I always find it iffy when a new poster who knows an established one IRL arrives. I swear I'm not alting, though. If she sticks around you'll get to see Morphine is way cooler than I am.

Rubbish at suggesting food when you don't know what to eat, but way cooler still.
Seej or First Lady Puffinstuff? Either way, neither. People just call me "Seej", short for CG (or "see gee" phonetically... thanks to Gusto for that one). I LOVE that, but it wouldn't seem relevant if I changed my name.

...It's actually Leslie. :)
And I have seen you referred to by all of those above names.

To rant with the public: "How am I / new people supposed to know who "Seej" or "Leslie" is?!?! There are no posters with such names!!11oneoneone1 Let's all use the entire FULL name of the poster and never change their names, please! I'm old and get confused easily!"[/QUOTE]

Yeah now that you mention it, I make up crazy pet names for a lot of people, not even counting those who I just refer to by their true names (y'know, because they're demons). Seej was just the first.

Chucky D
Cally Jim

No, Susan, I was implying that you're forgettable, as well as that the most important mexican on the forum was not you, but Morphine. The latter is more true than the former.
Pffft, I've categorically outlived every single Mexican that has decided to join the boards. There were 4 of us at a time a while ago. I'm the only one who remains. I have no rival, I have inside me blood of kings. Yeah!
I've changed my name to many times over to many board uses. I'm ok sticking with what I've got going. And although some of the name changes confuse me I'm certainly not going to gripe about it. If I had a decent conversation with someone under one name there is no reason to imply that a simple name change is going to change that fact.
ya know it's been so long, I forgot what your original name was, TN?
As I recall it the first name I used was DatPhysh in the early Image days.

Anyhow, I think that was the first name I used with this community. Could have been Quelox.

Yavaux. Unless there was another before my time.
The change from Yavaux to TN was the most recent in a long line but there were several that took place before it.
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