Yeah, pretty sure I'm about done with being friends with that particular person I mentioned recently. Can't even have a conversation with her now without her going out of her way to be kind of a smelly lady part.
Me: SO if you were going to describe your sex life with a video game title, what would it be?

Hmm .. Resident evil 6 : Leon's chapter. Action action
Me:Action action is the title?

It contains action
I didn't think I needed to be specific.
XD why asking these teen fb questions BTW?
Me: nah it was "if you were going to describe you sex life using a video game TITLE"
Because someone else in my feed asked and I thought it was funny
I picked "Alone in the Dark"

Ugh... I hate FB questions. Illogical using an entire story of a game as a synonym for a act.
Me: TITLE. not story. TITLE.

Then none
Can't really think of a title that say : Lots of foreplay and fucking intill I get an asthma attack XD

Sorry , Fb questions annoys me. Maybe because I don't find them funny XD
Me: well, there's one called GASP

Then none XD. I love FB questions that are interesting do. Like favorite movie.
Me: Okay, what's your favorite movie?

Twister... an uuh.. perhaps i shouldn't not tell you the reasons why XD
Me: That's up to you. I haven't seen Twister in a while.
Her: It's dumb Americans vs Natural forces such as weather.
Me: Yeah I HAVE seen it I just haven't seen it in a while. Bill Paxton is a retired storm chaser, Helen Hunt is the woman he's divorcing even though they still love each other, Philip Seymour Hoffman is one of the gonzo storm chasers.
Her: It's cheesy but I love to see America go fucked.
Me: Well so long as you enjoyed it.
Her: No offense, your government and state is a joke. It's a miracle USA hasn't gone bankrupt.
Me: Well, we have enormous national debt, but in the international community, we're generally considered a good investment, so globally other nations and institutions are happy to lend all the money we need. And to be fair, a lot of the debt is domestic - borrowed from our own citizens. Essentially, if the US bankrupts, then that will take out the economies of the UK, European Union, and about half of Asia.
Her: I wouldn't be to proud to, at least EU people are realistic
Me: Who's talking about pride? That's just the global economic reality.
Her: Which I disagree with. But I'm not in the mood to discuss it at the moment do.
Me. Okay.