Wii U Love Thread

Apparently Mario Party Island Tour's download play will only have a free mode and a "best out of" mode, from what I gleaned from this recent Nintendo Direct.

Nintendo, I love you, but if you think we're going to buy four $40 cartridges to play the board game part as intended, fuck you. Now that I have a Wii U, I'll happily wait for a Wii U Mario Party, and hopefully it doesn't suck like the Wii one.
I've decided to delay playing A Link to the Past. I don't think I'm going to need to have finished it to enjoy A Link Between Worlds and I'm pretty sure the good guys win at the end of Past.

The reason is that I'm already knee-deep in Wind Waker and I don't want to squander two great Zelda games by having them compete for my time. Maybe by the time I get to Past, it'll be on Wii VC and will only cost me $1.50 to play on the gamepad even if my wife is using the TV.
This is unrelated, but I just had to call nintendo over a problem with my club nintendo account (which was totally my fault) and their customer support is -amazing.- I didn't have to wait on hold, I got a really knowledgeable and friendly support rep, and was even able to discuss pokemon strategy while he looked up the info he needed to correct the problem. 5 star service all around.
I've just found out recently that the Nintendo eShop has started having sales. Until the 21st, The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: the Adventures of Link are on sale for around 25% off. I don't know what will exactly be the next games on sale, but I know the major characters tied to them:

Nov. 21-Nov. 28: Mega Man
Nov. 28-Dec. 5: Mario
Dec. 5-Dec. 12: Donkey Kong

EDIT: Sorry, had some of the info wrong. Made a slight change to reflect that.
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I'm buying a 3DS tomorrow for Zelda. Eat my shit Microsoft and Sony. I'll probably get a Wii-U for 3D World soon enough. Wait a year, consoles become worthwhile is the best advice ever.
I'm too excited for the new Zelda and Mario. 3D world is looking so goddamn good.

Also, secret character unlock in 3D World! It's

Rosalina, with Galaxy Spin attack!
I mean, I kind of don't want to know any more than that. They had me at sequel to favorite game. Just need disposable income.
I'm buying a 3DS tomorrow for Zelda. Eat my shit Microsoft and Sony. I'll probably get a Wii-U for 3D World soon enough. Wait a year, consoles become worthwhile is the best advice ever.
It's weird to me that the 3DS has been out for 2 years and 8 months. It's been going strong all 2013, but damn did it take a while.[DOUBLEPOST=1385089340,1385089296][/DOUBLEPOST]
I mean, I kind of don't want to know any more than that. They had me at sequel to favorite game. Just need disposable income.
I want to get it too, but

1. my personal spending money is going into a trip
2. too close to Christmas
Is Super Mario 3D World compatible with the regular Wiimote, or does it require the Motion Plus?
I've played through the first world. Far as I can tell, you can use any controller out there.

So far, well, it's kind of... meh. It's using the super claustrophobic level design of Mario 3D Land for the 3DS. It worked for a portable, but I feel like I'm roaring through the game. I'm hoping it picks up further along.
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That's....honestly really tragic. My Wii was basically my Mario Galaxy machine. This was the Wii-U's chance at my heart.
It looks like it'll be a lot of fun multi-player. I won't be after it right away, but I'll probably pick it up later.

People are going bananas over A Link Between Worlds.
People are giving Mario a ton of praise. Maybe I'm just too cynical. I do like the new cat costume powerup, and from what I've heard, the game opens up way more after you beat Bowser. Don't get me wrong, the game is still fun. I just don't like the abbreviated level design.

Also, the game does get bigger and harder (teehee) in the later stages. I think if they would have done that sooner, it would have won me over more quickly.
A Link Between Worlds is the Zelda game we need, but not the Zelda game we deserve.

I just sat down for two hours, didn't move an inch, and have been transfixed by this game. Music, characters, visuals, nostalgia, innovations, fun, pacing, enjoyment, it's all there and spectacular, right from the start.

It's the Zelda game I've dreamed of since I completed Link to the Past 20 years ago.

And I'm saying this...
...before even setting foot in a dungeon yet.
It looks like it'll be a lot of fun multi-player. I won't be after it right away, but I'll probably pick it up later.

People are going bananas over A Link Between Worlds.
I am loving it, been playing it all day. my thoughts so far below in random fashion
I am working on my third dark world dungeon. The weapon rental was phenomenal, this is the first time there is no set path to the game, just go do stuff and find your way through the world. The searching for the interdimensional shell fish to upgrade your bought weapons is amazing. I have only upgraded the bombs and bow and arrow but the upgrades are hellacious, not to mention finding the master ores to upgrade your sword.I only have the first one but it makes taking on the enemies in the dark world much easier. I cant wait to find the better armor and shields. I also fought a dark link from one of you, it was awesome destroying him with my leet skills.
So, I'm just a little past the first Dungeon of A Link Between Worlds and started getting to the point where things are starting to open up.

Holy shit do I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything will feel similar because, basically this IS Link to the Past. The overworld map is exactly the same, it takes place in the same world, one of the first things you do is visit Sharashalalalalalbadabadabing-bang. But here's the twist. After the first dungeon, you get ALL of the equipment from Link to the Past. Hookshot, Ice and Fire rods, Boomerang, Bombs, EVERYTHING. Also, your equipment doesn't have ammo. No more buying arrows and bombs, they all use the same pool of regenerating mana. I like this approach rather than having to fart around for the same stuff over and over again and it also means you're not going to instantly know what item to use on the boss because it's the one you got in that dungeon. There is a catch, though. You're renting the items, so if you die, they get "repossessed" and you have to pay for them again. I don't see this as being an issue because I had 1k rupees (and there is no limit on your wallet) when it came time to rent stuff and I spent maybe half of my rupees on every item. I have a feeling this game is going to get expansive once the Dark World comes into play.

So, the new mechanic where you become a drawing on the wall is just great. It adds a whole new dimension to puzzle solving (pun somewhat intended). Also, the 3D is used super well in this game, but I can see people playing it just fine on the 2DS.

I'm going to really enjoy this.
it doesnt...I just finished my third dark world dungeon. The mini-games to earn heart pieces are killing me though. rupee dash and octo derby are really hard!
so I have the game about 90% finished with only one marked temple left. Some of the dungeons do actually have little surprises for you. I will give one
You want to get to the item in the swamp dungeon asap, I didn't until 3rd to last and I paid for it in spades.
I can't believe I finished all the crazy mini games. Octo Derby is the bane of my existence in this game. Also the rewards for collecting those little shellfish are completely worth it for what it is worth. I found all of them and the stuff you get is really nice.

I dont know how much is considered spoilers so I will spoiler the rest.

The 50 floor battle tower in dark world is going to suck and I am wondering if thats where the hylian shield is found. There is also the problem of how to get the last two super items. I have found all the collectibles and "Super Equipment" except the super lantern and super net.

I feel kind of bad blowing through the game but I have been having a blast and it was 40 bucks well spent. I can't believe I am going to have a 100% run the first time through.
I don't know how people blow through Zelda games. I usually have them for at least a couple months before I finish them at all, let alone side quest completion.

I can't even remember how long it took me to get 100% in Majora's Mask. There was too much to do.
So I finished this game this morning before running into work. It felt a lot like Skyward Sword with being a nobody who becomes the lands greatest hero. Not sure if I am going to try hero mode right way, the extra challange might be more than I want to take on for the same game through.
So I finished this game this morning before running into work. It felt a lot like Skyward Sword with being a nobody who becomes the lands greatest hero. Not sure if I am going to try hero mode right way, the extra challange might be more than I want to take on for the same game through.
I know I shouldn't... but I think I'm going to get this game.
Downloading is easy right? Right now my SD card doesn't have more than a few VC games on it. It's the one that came with the system.
I know I shouldn't... but I think I'm going to get this game.
Downloading is easy right? Right now my SD card doesn't have more than a few VC games on it. It's the one that came with the system.
You should be fine. It will take up most of your SD card, though. I had to uninstall Paper Mario Sticker Star to install this.