So, I'm just a little past the first Dungeon of A Link Between Worlds and started getting to the point where things are starting to open up.
Holy shit do I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything will feel similar because, basically this IS Link to the Past. The overworld map is exactly the same, it takes place in the same world, one of the first things you do is visit Sharashalalalalalbadabadabing-bang. But here's the twist. After the first dungeon, you get ALL of the equipment from Link to the Past. Hookshot, Ice and Fire rods, Boomerang, Bombs, EVERYTHING. Also, your equipment doesn't have ammo. No more buying arrows and bombs, they all use the same pool of regenerating mana. I like this approach rather than having to fart around for the same stuff over and over again and it also means you're not going to instantly know what item to use on the boss because it's the one you got in that dungeon. There is a catch, though. You're renting the items, so if you die, they get "repossessed" and you have to pay for them again. I don't see this as being an issue because I had 1k rupees (and there is no limit on your wallet) when it came time to rent stuff and I spent maybe half of my rupees on every item. I have a feeling this game is going to get expansive once the Dark World comes into play.
So, the new mechanic where you become a drawing on the wall is just great. It adds a whole new dimension to puzzle solving (pun somewhat intended). Also, the 3D is used super well in this game, but I can see people playing it just fine on the 2DS.
I'm going to really enjoy this.