Wiki needs work! Please join and help out!

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I remember Fazz going through some REALLY bad bouts of depression around the time he quit the forums.


it seems very out of character for him.

But, aside for my unending hatred for ZenMonkey, I'd trust her take on it more than his, just because he seemed a bit touchy waay back in the day.
It really is all there in his enormous post (not the "IT'S HER OR ME GOODBYE" one). There were no direct messages or anything secret, so you don't have to take my word for it except that he sent a lot of messages in a short amount of time to a tired and eventually confused person.

I do think, and here there's no record so I might have it wrong, that he also PMed me along with that huge post, and I think I probably PMed him back saying "Don't message me anymore." I might not have been that polite as I wasn't particularly pleased to wake up and find all this crap, and I was a bit unnerved by what seemed like his obsessing over it, especially publicly like that.


He was an awesome artist. mayhap someday everyone can just let burning bridges slide like water off their backs when they cross them. Or something. I don't care.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression I was stewing over it. Just trying to be perfectly clear about what happened in case it goes in the wiki. Seriously.

Not to say I don't think he went batshit, but I hadn't even thought about it since then until this thread came up.

I still have contact with him and only want to say that he is/was as confused about the whole situation is you are.
That's a tad disingenuous (from him, not you) given the crap he wrote about me, but whatever makes him happy.


Damn Andi, you do look like the medic.

Whoever fleshed out Straub´s page, great job..... BTW, can anyone make a pvp IRC channel page? I was going to do it, but then I cant even remember the name of it.
Hehe, I myself was amazed at the similarity. I didn't come to think of it until Denbrought pointed it out. Because I don't play TF2. :)

About this whole Wiki-thing... I actually becoming to like it. Now, I just have to get my teeth in this wiki-formating language, because creating an article with just plain text and the occasional picture is a little bit boring.

There wouldn't be, by any chance, any templates to use for the halwiki-articles to faciliate my learning and also formating?


Staff member
Hehe, I myself was amazed at the similarity. I didn't come to think of it until Denbrought pointed it out. Because I don't play TF2. :)

About this whole Wiki-thing... I actually becoming to like it. Now, I just have to get my teeth in this wiki-formating language, because creating an article with just plain text and the occasional picture is a little bit boring.

There wouldn't be, by any chance, any templates to use for the halwiki-articles to faciliate my learning and also formating?
Check under the "how to edit pages" option on the menu, and then click on "documentation pages." It gives a pretty good index of the stuff you can do in the wiki. My understanding is we CAN use templates like wikipedia does, but we have to make them ourselves. Or at least copy the template code into a template page to be used.
Hehe, I myself was amazed at the similarity. I didn't come to think of it until Denbrought pointed it out. Because I don't play TF2. :)

About this whole Wiki-thing... I actually becoming to like it. Now, I just have to get my teeth in this wiki-formating language, because creating an article with just plain text and the occasional picture is a little bit boring.

There wouldn't be, by any chance, any templates to use for the halwiki-articles to faciliate my learning and also formating?
Check under the "how to edit pages" option on the menu, and then click on "documentation pages." It gives a pretty good index of the stuff you can do in the wiki. My understanding is we CAN use templates like wikipedia does, but we have to make them ourselves. Or at least copy the template code into a template page to be used.[/QUOTE]

I'll sink my teeth in the documentation prolly this weekend.

But don't expect much from me, it takes time for me to learn.


Added pages for, Hello Kitty, LeetNoob, Tiq, Occasional Poster and a few others. I wasnt around the Messiah´s best days, so if anyone can remember anything to add to his wiki...

Added the ZOD IRC channel ban in Zod´s wiki, is that still in the IRC channel until today?
Added pages for, Hello Kitty, LeetNoob, Tiq, Occasional Poster and a few others. I wasnt around the Messiah´s best days, so if anyone can remember anything to add to his wiki...

Added the ZOD IRC channel ban in Zod´s wiki, is that still in the IRC channel until today?
Last time I tried the zod thing it was gone. Doesn't mean an in-channel mod won't manually kick you just for the fun of it, but it's no longer automatic.

I had a lot of fun when it was active trying to find ways around it.



Added pages for, Hello Kitty, LeetNoob, Tiq, Occasional Poster and a few others. I wasnt around the Messiah´s best days, so if anyone can remember anything to add to his wiki...

Added the ZOD IRC channel ban in Zod´s wiki, is that still in the IRC channel until today?
Last time I tried the zod thing it was gone. Doesn't mean an in-channel mod won't manually kick you just for the fun of it, but it's no longer automatic.

I had a lot of fun when it was active trying to find ways around it.

-Adam[/QUOTE]Yeah... I remember Amorous having to add countless combinations to the kick list, ala Z-O-D, Z.O.D., Z0D, et al...


i am reading all those locked threads, and wondering what the image was that le quack posted that scared Chazwozel away was and thinking omfg i love these threads and
If you weren't a big moron and wouldn't have me foed, you'd know.

I vomited in my mouth a little seeing this again.


The ComputerGate situation was kind of ironic, seeing some of the financial claims he´d give in our frequent flame wars.

Now he´s gone the way of Dragoonkain, Janissary, Invader, Major Khaos, et al.... pity, I miss his outbursts whenever someone would post a pic of Bob Dylan mumbling, and he was a valuable user.
i am reading all those locked threads, and wondering what the image was that le quack posted that scared Chazwozel away was and thinking omfg i love these threads and
If you weren't a big moron and wouldn't have me foed, you'd know.

I vomited in my mouth a little seeing this again.[/QUOTE]Thanks.

Im gonna have nightmares
I love how the wiki is slowly but constantly evolving. It's both a good read and good for a laugh.

I guess, most of the user-pages are selfdescription of our users? those fleshed out are mostly hilarious to read.

Hope our Wiki will keep growing and growing. It's a little bit like a meta-forum, dont'cha think?


It's fun, and apart from a few smartasses who like to edit in derogatory remarks it's being maintained quite well. I've been wanting to look at ways to copy in straight HTML into wikidot to completely rip off Wikipedia but I haven't had the time yet to do so. Heh.

It can also be useful:

<@noaxark|w> moss, [URL=\"\"][/URL]
<@noaxark|w> is that THE tom brazelton?
<@AmorousEyes> yes
<@noaxark|w> what did he do?
<@AmorousEyes> huh?
<@AmorousEyes> do a guest comic
<@noaxark|w> no i mena
<@AmorousEyes> [URL=\"\"][/URL] <- his webcomic
<@noaxark|w> but what's he got to do with dying celebs?
<@AmorousEyes> [URL=\"\"][/URL]
<@moss> well hot damn. the wiki IS useful!
<@moss> another one to archive binge!
That whole Fazz/forum drama time period reminded me of The Sheriff. Someone needs to elaborate, I kinda ducked out during that time so I'm not sure what all went down.
Is... is the entry for myself appropiate? I tried to parody something, but I guess it could be considered offensive or overdone if read in a wrong way...

(Man, I hate ruining my own joke, but I prefer this to have a bunch of irate messages from people!)

EDIT: YEah, I know The text isn't spellchecked... YET. I intended to do so this afternoon but some work got in the way!
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