Perhaps you can at least report it to xenforo and/or the mod's author.Probably won't do anything about this. We have two basic choices. First, we can put up with it. Second would be to remove the double post mod.
I really like the double post mod.
Nevermind this part, the caps lock was on... Darksiders uses it for wrath powers and my wireless keyboard doesn't have any light for caps or anything else...And now it says my pass is wrong...
Server Error
simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: parser error : Document is empty
simplexml_load_file() in Steam/Helper/Steam.php at line 24
Steam_Helper_Steam::getUserInfo() in Steam/ControllerPublic/Account.php at line 52
Steam_ControllerPublic_Account->actionSteam() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/davidn/public_html/xenforo/index.php at line 13
Try to start typing the name of the file you want when you get to the folder it's in. It should eventually let you select the file on the list, even though you can't see it in the folder. I've been having the same problem with pics for the last few months.I can't upload anything but txt files.
Please note that this not only takes away the cool little progress bars, but also means you can't upload more than 1 file at a time.