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Guys, this doesn't bother me at all.

If it did I wouldn't have posted it. Besides, my wife and daughter started Facebooking their pictures all over the place against my warnings. Until she started doing crap like that I never said her name was Sammi. So any pictures/names/whatever are easily found and in the public domain.

I'm getting a kick out of these replies and I know full well no one is serious.
Heh, you know you're old when "age of consent" is too young for you. :D
Ah an age of consent discussion, complete with creepy stalker posts and vampire references.

It has all the makings of a great Twilight thread.
A very merry unbirthday to your daughter Dave!

Ah, 1993, the birth of the European Union, the hantavirus and the Amiga CD32!
Ah an age of consent discussion, complete with creepy stalker posts and vampire references.

It has all the makings of a great Twilight thread.
Dem's fightin' words, you eejit.

*locks and loads his assault rifle*[/QUOTE]

My my, so quick to violence.

All I'm saying is, we dose this thread in sparkles, and we got ourselves a whole new demographic.
I was going to make a joke but then someone posted a Maury video and I was filled with loathing for that man, and then Shego posted a still from Let the Right One In, and I was reminded of how awesome that movie was, and the radical shift in emotions was weird and now I'm just confused.

So confused.


HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA I love how this thread turned into how Dave should protect his daughter's virginity, when as one parent to another, I damn well know that his biggest worry is going to be this:

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA I love how this thread turned into how Dave should protect his daughter's virginity, when as one parent to another, I damn well know that his biggest worry is going to be this:

Seriously!!!!! This is why I didn't drive in high school... everyone here is a crazy driver!


Solution to all 3;

She's old enough to work now, at least in my state the legal working age is 16 or older, so make her get a job to cover her share of the insurance/gas etc.

Since she's old enough to consent to sex, simply require to meet all boys she dates. When they show up at your door the pick her up tell them "It's nice to meet you, my daughter will be down in a moment. Just FYI if you touch her in any way I have a shovel, rope, trashbags and a gun in the trunk of my car, think about that. Oh and have her home by 10pm, you kids have fun".

Don't let her have a license right away, use it as a reward for good behavior, good grades, not ending up in the backseat of some boys car, etc.

Problems solved ;)
I gotta point out your awkwardness/ nativity here as well. While I'd like to meet my daughter's boyfriends etc... Honestly, no joking here, I'll be more worried about his driving than trying to score because I'll trust my daughter to know better. I'd rather threaten him about being a safe driver over trying to cop a feel, to be honest.

As for the license as a reward thing. Do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass it is to haul teenage girls around everywhere they want to go? Kids getting their drivers licenses are a double edged sword for parents, but in the end, you need it more than they do! I think it's kinda weird that you would deny someone their drivers license on such a simplistic premises as good grades and not having sex. Get good grades or you won't get your license! Don't fuck that boy and daddy will buy you a Coach purse. Yeah, that's going to fucking teach a wonderful lesson on responsibility and adulthood. As long as you submit to bribery you'll get what you want.

Let's clear the air here. No father want his daughter to be the village bicycle, but I'd rather my daughter be easy than be dead. Short version: Sex is not what you have to worry about when your kid is 16. I remember when I was 16 and got my license. I hope to God my daughter doesn't date a guy who drove 100 mph in a Z28 like I did.
Solution to all 3;

She's old enough to work now, at least in my state the legal working age is 16 or older, so make her get a job to cover her share of the insurance/gas etc.

Since she's old enough to consent to sex, simply require to meet all boys she dates. When they show up at your door the pick her up tell them "It's nice to meet you, my daughter will be down in a moment. Just FYI if you touch her in any way I have a shovel, rope, trashbags and a gun in the trunk of my car, think about that. Oh and have her home by 10pm, you kids have fun".

Don't let her have a license right away, use it as a reward for good behavior, good grades, not ending up in the backseat of some boys car, etc.

Problems solved ;)
I gotta point out your awkwardness/ nativity here as well. While I'd like to meet my daughter's boyfriends etc... Honestly, no joking here, I'll be more worried about his driving than trying to score because I'll trust my daughter to know better. I'd rather threaten him about being a safe driver over trying to cop a feel, to be honest.

As for the license as a reward thing. Do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass it is to haul teenage girls around everywhere they want to go? Kids getting their drivers licenses are a double edged sword for parents, but in the end, you need it more than they do! I think it's kinda weird that you would deny someone their drivers license on such a simplistic premises as good grades and not having sex. Get good grades or you won't get your license! Don't fuck that boy and daddy will buy you a Coach purse. Yeah, that's going to fucking teach a wonderful lesson on responsibility and adulthood. As long as you submit to bribery you'll get what you want.[/QUOTE]

Just about to ask why Mav was giving parenting advise.

I myself try to keep my mouth shut when it comes to that kind of advise. Mostly because I don't feel a childless college student has a good idea about what parenting is like.
Solution to all 3;

She's old enough to work now, at least in my state the legal working age is 16 or older, so make her get a job to cover her share of the insurance/gas etc.

Since she's old enough to consent to sex, simply require to meet all boys she dates. When they show up at your door the pick her up tell them "It's nice to meet you, my daughter will be down in a moment. Just FYI if you touch her in any way I have a shovel, rope, trashbags and a gun in the trunk of my car, think about that. Oh and have her home by 10pm, you kids have fun".

Don't let her have a license right away, use it as a reward for good behavior, good grades, not ending up in the backseat of some boys car, etc.

Problems solved ;)
I gotta point out your awkwardness/ nativity [/QUOTE]

NOW the thread got weird.
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