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Also yea, birth control and the morning after pill. And condoms. It's like society has invented things for us to have unprotected sex without worrying about pregnancy. Sinners, all of them!
Morning After pill?
I'm all in favour of it in case of a condom breaking or something like that, but casual use to stay unpregnant? That's not only horribly unhealthy, but also morally quite questionable. Not to mention, stupid.
Well, yes, if Iaculus had said that instead of Shego, it'd be creepy.
Why? And do you have any answer that isn't "I am a sexist"?[/QUOTE]

Well, for one thing, I'm sexist. :-P

As a more serious reply, the point is that Icarus (before some people really start thinking poor Iacky did it :-P) said he /had had/ sex with a y/o. Shego is making over the top jokes. Nothing wrong with making jokes, even if some think they're inappropriate. I joke around all the time too, with all kinds of women on these boards. I don't, actually, intend to do anything with either CajunGal or Vytamindi, though, and I assume they know it.
The difference between "creepy" and "funny" is how serious you are about it, and how serious people take you.
Also, as pointed out, of course, 16 !=14.


It's Shegokigo. Also yea, privacy settings all up in here. Should probably taken extraordinary precautions on the Internet wot wot.
also, if shego were a dude this thread would be going in a completely different direction.
Oh? What direction would that be?

And no, I still think Shego is creepy as fuck.
Sweetest thing you've said to me yet Charlie.

Well, yes, if Iaculus had said that instead of Shego, it'd be creepy.
Except she's 16 and not 14. As was stated previously.

It's more creepy posting her picture here without her knowing, I thought. And Shego seems pretty insistent that she's not joking on here.
Hey, she's posted pictures of herself here on the boards before, that's nothing new. Also, consent is consent is it not? Of course I'd need Dave's permission or something, not sure about the laws in his State. *goes to do some research*


Staff member
You know, I actually hoped she'd be back to these forums someday.

I'm not sure if that's gonna happen now that it's proclaimed she's 16 and people are talking about contraceptives and lesbian sex.


Actually, I'm going to edit this post before Dave strikes me from this board.
You know, I actually hoped she'd be back to these forums someday.

I'm not sure if that's gonna happen now that it's proclaimed she's 16 and people are talking about contraceptives and lesbian sex.
Oh? She was actually pretty open minded about alot of topics when she was around.
Yes, she's posteds pictures before. Heck, *Dave's* posted pictures of her before.
And she was quite nice, a shame she doesn't come over here anymore. Dave, ask why, won't you? She's a semi-lurker who drifted away, she's your target audience ;-)
To be honest, I actually thought she was already 18 or so. My mistake.


Staff member

Guys, this doesn't bother me at all.

If it did I wouldn't have posted it. Besides, my wife and daughter started Facebooking their pictures all over the place against my warnings. Until she started doing crap like that I never said her name was Sammi. So any pictures/names/whatever are easily found and in the public domain.

I'm getting a kick out of these replies and I know full well no one is serious.

Guys, this doesn't bother me at all.

If it did I wouldn't have posted it. Besides, my wife and daughter started Facebooking their pictures all over the place against my warnings. Until she started doing crap like that I never said her name was Sammi. So any pictures/names/whatever are easily found and in the public domain.

I'm getting a kick out of these replies and I know full well no one is serious.
I'm getting a kick out of these replies and I know full well no one is serious.
I am. Completely serious. Utterly, absolutely, unabashedly serious.

The fact that I haven't said anything is irrelevant. I am serious.

However, I will say this, with all the aforementioned seriousity (you heard me):

Happy birthday, Sammi. :horn:


Staff member
Yeah, happy birthday, Sammi. Enjoy it while it lasts :p

Goddammit, Dave, be a responsible parent and get her online to answer all these well-wishes. And ask Shego inside before she catches the death of cold.
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