Arabia is not represented in World Showcase. The countries represented are Canada, France, United Kingdom, Morocco, Norway, Germany, Mexico, Japan, China and USA. They are actually staffed by people from those countries.
Do they serve spruce pop for Canada? Mmmmm, tree flavoured goodness!
Speaking of Jack Skellington, why does is it seem that at least one person in every Intro to Arts class makes a project having to do with Jack Skellington? Like At least, one project every semester! That movie is almost ten years old, choose some new creepy thing to base your art off of!
Because that movie was released in their youth. They have strong emotions tied to it simply due to the age they saw it at.
Ah, nostalgia. The thing we nineties kids value more than anything for some reason, I understand.

But still, so many damn Jack Skellingtons every semester I see floating around the art sections its ridiculous! For Satan's sake, THERE ARE OTHER NOSTALGIC SUBJECTS!
My credit card was stolen. It was used at a gas station over 1000 miles away. The interesting part is that the credit card company said that the physical card was swiped, while I'm still quite confident that I have the card now. I'm almost just impressed.
My credit card was stolen. It was used at a gas station over 1000 miles away. The interesting part is that the credit card company said that the physical card was swiped, while I'm still quite confident that I have the card now. I'm almost just impressed.
Sounds like your card got skimmed. That happened to my debit card last year and the new card they made was used around San Jose, CA, to buy a bunch of crap at several Walmarts. Our bank called me and asked if I had been in CA that morning - it was only 6am here. I hope your credit card company works with you to recover your funds.
Chances are good that you used it at some public ATM or gas pump that a shitbag had put a skimmer on. They get your card data, then load it onto a blank card (usually a re-skinned hotel key, or similar). Like Wasabi said, get yourself a police report, then work with your bank to try and recover the funds.
It's not that hard to place a skimmer around many kinds of swiping stations... usually the kind that you insert your card, then withdraw it. The signs are usually some sort of bulkier-than-usual plastic furniture around the swipe.
Well that makes me nervous as I've only used that card at official University-owned stores.
When I was going to Sheridan and living in Oakville, I had my card number stolen about once a year. I think 5 times in the 6 years I lived there. EVERY time, was from an ATM or pinpad on the college campus. These are prime targets for these scammers for some reason.
I guess since college students are less likely to check. If it wasn't on my dad's account I probably wouldn't have noticed. I'll have to keep a closer eye on my account.

Luckilly the card has been cancelled and money returned.

Edit: Glad I did. Apparently my apartment place took an extra month's worth of rent from my account.
Well that makes me nervous as I've only used that card at official University-owned stores.
It's not that hard to place a skimmer around many kinds of swiping stations... usually the kind that you insert your card, then withdraw it. The signs are usually some sort of bulkier-than-usual plastic furniture around the swipe.
The only places I could figure mine might have been skimmed were an ATM or a gas station that are both on US Navy property.
I am feelin' pretty groovy right now. Had a 1/2 pot of Espresso, drinking a Bit right now, and I'm eatin' two tasty apples. BRING IT ON HOMEWORK!
I am home alone. I just showered. I have on clothes that were laundered yesterday. We have no pets, both of my children are potty trained, and the trash has been taken out recently, so there is nothing malodorous in the trashcan near me. Yet...something in my vicinity smells like poop. :eww:
If the smell stays there by tomorrow, than its just a smelly thing. If the smell disappears then may have a dead rat. When a rat dies their bodies stink up the joint for a while and then their scent dissipates. Be lucky if its just a smelly thing, one rat usually means more.

Also, don't use Ant-traps to take the others out if there are others. Ant-traps are like Speed to a rat.
Lucky you. Me, I don't know when the little buggers will crawl in. I mean hell, I never seen a rat outside of my house! And I've only had a few rats! Where are they coming from?
On Christmas morning, when we were still living in southern CA, we opened the blinds for the sliding glass door that led out to the patio and found a dead rat. We named him Stiffy the Christmas Rat.
This conversation made me look up the term rat-king, which is when a bunch of rat's tails get stuck together from blood and other stuff. I thought it was just a joke on 30 Rock its a real thing. Nature is weird.
I let my dog out around mid-nite Saturday Morning, five minutes later I let him in, and he had a "binky" in his mouth. He got out of the yard, across the street, found the pacifier, and made it back to my yard in just 5 minutes...
There are some truly idiotic people in this world. My wife loves Turkish coffee - has for years, owns several ibriks, absolutely loves the stuff (and I like it too), but hasn't been able to find a ready supply of grounds for several years. I was doing some research and found that you can either buy some really, really finely ground coffee in cans, or you can buy a coffee mill capable of grinding the coffee that finely. My mom was looking for a stocking stuffer for her, so I suggested she pick up some coffee grounds, and I'll pick up a coffee grinder for when those grounds run out. So I'm searching on Amazon for a nice burr grinder, and come across this product, which is labeled "Pepper Mill Imports (that's the name of the company) Traditional Coffee/Spice Mill (that's the name of the product), 11" (that's the size, duh). Almost every single review mentions that the grind on this pepper mill is too fine...


Staff member
I hear you, but the product description does mention peppercorns specifically. It also says "spice" in the name.
I hear you, but the product description does mention peppercorns specifically. It also says "spice" in the name.
This is true, but it is also specifically marketed as a coffee grinder - and even comes with a little collection cup at the bottom so you can grind enough coffee to make a decent amount - which apparently people are taking as a pepper reservoir for grinding large amounts of pepper for use in recipes or as a commercial application. Who uses a brass mill for a commercial application?