Am I the only one that doesn't really, like, look at people's hands? I swear I don't notice any rings of any type unless they're like.. right in front of me.
I don't look at the hands first, much like Rendar I've got other priorities. I do, however, check for a ring before hitting on anyone.

Not that it's done me any good.
When people censor one or two letters of a swear, like f*ck or sh*t or something, do they think they're not swearing, or that people won't know what word it is? Just don't type out the word at all if you're that adverse to it.

"Boy howdy, it's a good thing I put shit with and exclamation instead of an i, someone might have thought I said dirty worOH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE"
I could be a habit learned from earlier posting on other sites. The "censoring" software way back would be fooled by just replacing a letter with an ampersand. I know a couple of guys that cuss like they have to use up all the cuss words or they'll spoil, yet when it comes to typing, they'll use the ampersand substitute.


Staff member
It's no different than people who say "darn," or "fudge," or any other euphemism.


I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there, Bobs. Maybe those words started life as euphemisms for curse words, but I don't think your average speaker intends them that way. They intend them as a softer expletive. On the other hand, I think that users of f*ck intend the same force as the uncensored word, but they are trying to avoid offense.
That doesn't explain all the time before she got married. I figure Kags is so shy she just sends off a wall of "don't pay attention to me" and most of the time she's oblivious to any guy who tries to get through that wall as well.
This one is quite probable. I tell myself that Iwant attention, but deep down, I know I don't. And people may be able to sense that.

And for the record, scaring people off is my superpower. On multiple occasions people leave wherever I appear. It's happened at the grocery store, book stores, friends' parties, restaurants. Anytime I enter an isle or sit somewhere, people will leave that area in 5 minutes or less. It's happened often enough that I've a) noticed it and b) noticed it so much that I've timed it.

Haha, thanks LordRendar, but yeah, I dunno, I'm just not what most people are looking for I guess. :)

(I did have my hands in my hoodie pocket so there was no ring to see when the guy came up to me. I'm just glad he asked and was super nice about it. It's one of the first times a huge guy approached me that Iwasn't nervous or anything.)
I have never ever been approached by a lady stranger but I think I give off an aura in public anonymous situations that demands that people approach with caution if at all.

When I walk home at night, people cross the street to avoid passing me.
Ravenpoe once said that I was to sweet to creep at, I wonder if that's possibly true in life. Like if people look at me and go 'No, just no..look at her, she's like a lost little girl. No.'


Staff member
When I was younger I don't think I would have recognized flirting if it came up and sat in my lap. I'm better about it now, but I still don't think I'd catch subtle interest.
Now I'm kind of insecure to the point that I assume that people would never flirt with me, and when they do so blatantly, I think that I'm either being humoured or fucked around with.

It's a hard habit to break, and it can often seem like I'm fishing for compliments. :p
I don't know what's wrong with me today, but I seriously can't shut up. I just keep spewing out words to everyone, gah! Halp...

Side note, I have days where I love poptarts and days where I don't. Today is a day that I don't and I'm bummed since it's what I grapped as I rushed to leave for work. Phooey.[DOUBLEPOST=1357749977][/DOUBLEPOST]It's days like this I worry I'm going to bug the crap out of everyone around me. I apologize in advance.
I don't know what's wrong with me today, but I seriously can't shut up. I just keep spewing out words to everyone, gah! Halp...

Side note, I have days where I love poptarts and days where I don't. Today is a day that I don't and I'm bummed since it's what I grapped as I rushed to leave for work. Phooey.[DOUBLEPOST=1357749977][/DOUBLEPOST]It's days like this I worry I'm going to bug the crap out of everyone around me. I apologize in advance.
You are the strangest, most fascinating weirdo I have ever not met.
You are the strangest, most fascinating weirdo I have ever not met.
I'm super proud of this. :D Also, I like that our avatars kind of match, we're both wearing shades!

I am so jealous of your avatars.
My avatars or Adam's?

Plus he's an ET (electronics tech for you non-Navy people). I don't think he needs a shocking conclusion to his career. :D
Hey! I got Nate a ceramic ring so that he could still wear it while dealing with electronic-y things. Yeah for electric husbands!
Re: Getting Hit On

Did I tell you guys about French Guy yet?

French guy simultaneously creeped me out and made my fucking life.
Re: Getting Hit On

Did I tell you guys about French Guy yet?

French guy simultaneously creeped me out and made my fucking life.
You have to tell us about a French guy hitting on people and creeping you out? It's not as if we have one of those floating around here or anything ;)