The I Don't Care if You Just Had Sex Thread

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Staff member
No jokes in the sex apathy thread, Fade! Only sobriety and crankiness about other people's fluid exchanges!


Staff member
Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?
Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong?


Staff member
Don't even. Some women can't have one. I am the queen as well as the penis whisperer.
My first girlfriend, when not being completely crazy, was very trigger-happy with her orgasms when she was aroused.

I once gave her double-digit numbers of orgasms in rapid successions... by softly blowing at the small of her elbow.

True story.

She literally begged me to stop.
My first girlfriend, when not being completely crazy, was very trigger-happy with her orgasms when she was aroused.

I once gave her double-digit numbers of orgasms in rapid successions... by softly blowing at the small of her elbow.

True story.

She literally begged me to stop.

I'll be literally begging you to- Okay, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.
Yeah that's pretty low, sorry for you
Ha! It's all about quality rather than quantity IMO. But I guess that also boils down to personal preference. I'd rather have one mind-blowingly intense one that leaves me feeling like a cat sitting in a sunny spot instead of a whole bunch that leave me tired.
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