[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
The trick to getting someone's email without a keylogger is encourage IT to put in strenuous password restrictions.

- Must contain upper and lowercase letters.
- Must contain at least one number
- Must contain at least one punctuation symbol
- Must be 9 characters long or longer.
- Must change every 3 months
- Cannot be the same as a previously used password
- Cannot contain english words

Everyone writes their password down and puts it somewhere near their computer.


Staff member
Welp. My Valentine's Day gift went over like a lead balloon. I anticipated an entirely different response than the one I got. My wife has been complaining about needing a break and some alone time, so I set up a stay-cation for her alone in a really nice hotel. But instead of liking it, she just got angry at me.
Welp. My Valentine's Day gift went over like a lead balloon. I anticipated an entirely different response than the one I got. My wife has been complaining about needing a break and some alone time, so I set up a stay-cation for her alone in a really nice hotel. But instead of liking it, she just got angry at me.
Um, that would have been the reaction I would have expected....


Staff member
Care to explain that? She said she wanted some vacation/alone time, and I got her some. Why exactly should I expect that she would be angry at getting exactly what she asked for?


Staff member
Um, that would have been the reaction I would have expected....
And my wife would think it was cool. Fade obviously thought he was doing something sweet and thoughtful - and I think he was.

I'm interested in why she was upset. Did she think you should spend the time together? Did she think you spent too much?


Staff member
And my wife would think it was cool. Fade obviously thought he was doing something sweet and thoughtful - and I think he was.

I'm interested in why she was upset. Did she think you should spend the time together? Did she think you spent too much?
Too much money, I guess. She said she already had plans (I set it up for this Saturday). I know her comings and goings pretty well, but she's acting like this saturday is extra super busy.
And my wife would think it was cool. Fade obviously thought he was doing something sweet and thoughtful - and I think he was.
I'm sure, I'm just saying I would have expected the same reaction from my wife in a -Don't you want to spend Valentine's Day with me?- kind of way.


Staff member
It's not for Valentine's Day. It's for a day on the weekend. I'm not going to send her off alone on Valentine's Day itself.
I think it's nice but I would make it one of those things that you don't surprise her with just because there always could be things going on.


Staff member
Solution: Use the hotel room yourself. It's already paid for and it would be a lot of peace and quiet for you.


Staff member
I wish I could cancel it. I did it through Hotwire, though. I'm regretting not paying that $5 cancellation protection fee. Protection as in mafia. I'm going to call and plead for sympathy later. I doubt it'll work, but whatever. That's 200 bucks I'll never see again.
Well, that's why I tend to use groupon or such for things like that. You can get someone a nice relaxing massage / weekend getaway / whatever but they still have some freedom as to where or when, usually.

Anyway, I thought it's a nice present, too, though I can see how it could be misinterpreted and if you gave me a "day off" but forced me to take it THAT day and no other, I probably wouldn't appreciate it as much as I should, either.
If my husband presented me with something like that I would have been asking if a massage was included with the room and if I had to wait for Saturday. Sorry it didn't work out the way you had hoped, fade .
"This job is for internal hiring only. You must be employed by the school district to apply."

I fucking hate internal hiring. If I worked for the district I wouldn't need the Goddamn job, you twats.
Thank the union! All jobs must be post internally before allowing outside hires.

Go ahead and figure out who your boss would be anyway, and apply anyway. Make sure to give your future boss a copy of your resume and application. Sell yourself, and he'll make sure no internal applicants get the job if he likes you well enough.
Luckily, my mom's been in the district for a long time, and I've subbed before. I should be getting back into the sub system in the next week or so, I think. What sucks about it upon re-reading is not only is it internal only, but you have to already be a custodian. Which means right now it's just for the guys who want to work at a different school.
Couldn't you apply for the job that person leaves open when they transfer?
Depends on if it's open and promotional or just in-house only. If anyone even takes the transfer. What sucks is there's like 5 openings, too, all super close to home and it's night custodian, which means no kids around either. I subbed for the job once and it's super relaxing, oddly enough. Just working alone for 6 or so hours, cleaning rooms and listening to my own music.
I hate it when my boss comes to my desk when I'm not there and goes through my stuff. Like, could you just ask me, please?
You just need to express yourself in a manner that terrifies them. Example from my work

"HCGLNS what would you do if I took a tool from from your toolbox without asking?\
"I would throw you a party for finishing your bucket list."
Depends on if it's open and promotional or just in-house only. If anyone even takes the transfer. What sucks is there's like 5 openings, too, all super close to home and it's night custodian, which means no kids around either. I subbed for the job once and it's super relaxing, oddly enough. Just working alone for 6 or so hours, cleaning rooms and listening to my own music.
Oh, yeah, I'm doing something similar while I go to school. Floor cleaning at a factory. I tend to listen to podcasts though so my brain can be occupied on something.


Staff member
Well, to close out this saga, the day came, I took her duties, she got early check-in and went off happy. She enjoyed it and came back refreshed. Last night we talked about it, and she said she wasn't really angry, so much as she just felt overwhelmed and obligated all of a sudden because she had these things to do on Saturday, and now she felt like she had to do the staycation, too. She says she didn't even consider that I would do the things on her list. So it ended well, except for me being down in the dumps on V-Day itself.


Staff member
Well, to close out this saga, the day came, I took her duties, she got early check-in and went off happy. She enjoyed it and came back refreshed. Last night we talked about it, and she said she wasn't really angry, so much as she just felt overwhelmed and obligated all of a sudden because she had these things to do on Saturday, and now she felt like she had to do the staycation, too. She says she didn't even consider that I would do the things on her list. So it ended well, except for me being down in the dumps on V-Day itself.
Good to hear! My wife said about the situation, "Are you kidding? Is she insane?"

My rant for the day. We have a comedy show at a place called Glory Days on Thursday night. This will be the third one in a row that will be either sparsely attended or cancelled due to weather. They are calling for 12 inches of snow Wednesday into Thursday.

But I still have a solo comedy gig Friday night. Dave DeLong rides again!
GNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I want my wife so bad and I don't know when to have that conversation or what that conversation looks like.

"Hey baby, I want to move back in."

Or is it just my loins talking or my heart or my brain or what?!
My mom goes in for knee replacement surgery tomorrow. My sister is due in, but due to a wreck on the interstate, she delayed leaving her apartment by a few hours. My mom is having stomach issues and isn't feeling all that great.

And the forecast for tomorrow morning is snow and/or freezing rain. Sigh.


Staff member
GNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I want my wife so bad and I don't know when to have that conversation or what that conversation looks like.

"Hey baby, I want to move back in."

Or is it just my loins talking or my heart or my brain or what?!
Holy shit. I've totally missed all of this. Fuck, man. You want to talk sometime or just get together and blow shit up give me a call. I'm in the phone book. Call any time.
Holy shit. I've totally missed all of this. Fuck, man. You want to talk sometime or just get together and blow shit up give me a call. I'm in the phone book. Call any time.
Thanks Dave. It's not been a fun experience and I've been writing a lot trying to get my mind around what's going on. We've gone out on a couple friendly dates and she's admitted that she loves me and wants things to work out but I don't know what to do. I know what I want but I also am hesitating because I don't want to fuck up like last time. And so I'm overanalyzing EVERYTHING and it's making me feel worse, not better. I've started blogging everything I'm thinking and a couple people here have been fantastic in terms of an ear to blather into.