[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Good to hear! My wife said about the situation, "Are you kidding? Is she insane?"

My rant for the day. We have a comedy show at a place called Glory Days on Thursday night. This will be the third one in a row that will be either sparsely attended or cancelled due to weather. They are calling for 12 inches of snow Wednesday into Thursday.

But I still have a solo comedy gig Friday night. Dave DeLong rides again!
I think you should go by David DeLong. It just flows better. /backseatstandup


Staff member
I think you should go by David DeLong. It just flows better. /backseatstandup
I do. It's my comedy stage name.

edit: I noticed you put "David" as opposed to "Dave". I missed that. When it's your real name they are pretty much interchangeable. I think "Dave DeLong" flows better than "David DeLong". More syllables = less easier flow.[DOUBLEPOST=1361278980][/DOUBLEPOST]My rant. This morning I awoke to Sammi saying, "Hey, dad! My glasses fell off my table and..." Broke. 2 parts. Unfixable. Okay. Guess I know what my afternoon is like now. Hop in the car to come to work. Heater isn't blowing heat. Gonna be one of those days.

I get to work. There's a report I've been trying to get trained on for about a month. Finally got an answer from the guy who has to train me. Yup. He wants to meet this afternoon...

Just gonna be one of those days.
I do. It's my comedy stage name.

edit: I noticed you put "David" as opposed to "Dave". I missed that. When it's your real name they are pretty much interchangeable. I think "Dave DeLong" flows better than "David DeLong". More syllables = less easier flow.
I think it's the triple D that makes it more appealing, at least to me.
Just had to tell my boss that I think I may be in over my head on some reports he wanted me to work on and that I've fallen a little behind on my normal work as well. It shouldn't be a problem, and he definitely already knew that I was struggling with my deadlines (I just handed him a monthly report for January today, for cryin' out loud), but I hate, absolutely hate, feeling like I'm not carrying my own weight.
I went to the DMV to get my new car inspected...they tell me it doesn't need to be inspected until 2014. Hour in a line...for something I didn't need to do apparently.


Staff member
I went to the DMB to get my new car inspected...they tell me it doesn't need to be inspected until 2014. Hour in a line...for something I didn't need to do apparently.
Better than having to drop $560 at the eye place today just out of the blue.
True, true, I just confused about the whole thing. My parents told me to get my vehicle inspected only to learn that my car needs no inspection!
I don't know about NJ, but WA only requires inspection of vehicles every other year, depending on what year the vehicle was made, so for instance, my 2007 Ford Fusion required inspection in 2012, and won't require another one until 2014; while my wife's 2008 Ford Fusion required inspection in 2011 and will require inspection again this year. It's possible, if NJ has a similar system, that your car would have required inspection in 2012 if you'd owned it then, but not this year.


Staff member
On the bright side, my wife and I were finally awarded our part in a $410 million lawsuit against Bank of America.

That check for $13.40 is gonna come in handy. Wonder how much the lawyers made....?
On the bright side, my wife and I were finally awarded our part in a $410 million lawsuit against Bank of America.

That check for $13.40 is gonna come in handy. Wonder how much the lawyers made....?
Heyyyyy, $13.40 ain't bad for a major class action suit like that. It sure beats the amounts I've gotten out of any class actions I was involved in. Why, that's $13.37 more than I've received in my last two awards combined!

Stupid legal fees.


Staff member
This is as much an informational post as a rant. My desk moved a couple weeks ago. I sit with my back to a bunch of people, one of which is my boss. Which explains why I've been in and out a lot. I thought I'd wait an see how things went before I said anything, but I really have to watch what I do now. I think I'm going to miss my office because of this and because I can't just fart whenever I want now.


Staff member
This is as much an informational post as a rant. My desk moved a couple weeks ago. I sit with my back to a bunch of people, one of which is my boss. Which explains why I've been in and out a lot. I thought I'd wait an see how things went before I said anything, but I really have to watch what I do now. I think I'm going to miss my office because of this and because I can't just fart whenever I want now.
They moved your desk?

Set the building on fire.
Better than having to drop $560 at the eye place today just out of the blue.
Got my wheels trued on Thu, $315
Got my tires replaced on Sat, $230
Went in Tue morning to find out why my car still pulls. Frame is bent, sway bar broken. Shouldn't be more than $1900 to fix.


Got my wheels trued on Thu, $315
Got my tires replaced on Sat, $230
Went in Tue morning to find out why my car still pulls. Frame is bent, sway bar broken. Shouldn't be more than $1900 to fix.


My Catalyst converters are shot, they're going to be about $400 each to replace with labor/parts. I have 4 converters. Also, my tire sensors have just stopped working all together, haven't gotten a price quote yet. My wife's car, a 2002 Corolla hasn't had a full overhaul since it was purchased. Say goodbye to our income tax return. I feel your pain.


Staff member
Got my wheels trued on Thu, $315
Got my tires replaced on Sat, $230
Went in Tue morning to find out why my car still pulls. Frame is bent, sway bar broken. Shouldn't be more than $1900 to fix.


In my mind this all happened when you pushed the nitrous button under your seat to get away from Roscoe P. Coltrane.

My Catalyst converters are shot, they're going to be about $400 each to replace with labor/parts. I have 4 converters. Also, my tire sensors have just stopped working all together, haven't gotten a price quote yet. My wife's car, a 2002 Corolla hasn't had a full overhaul since it was purchased. Say goodbye to our income tax return. I feel your pain.
My '03 Corrolla is about to hit 176K miles, and the most money I've put into it is getting the brakes replaced, which was about $700. Toyotas are practically invincible.
My '03 Corrolla is about to hit 176K miles, and the most money I've put into it is getting the brakes replaced, which was about $700. Toyotas are practically invincible.
Caveat, Toyotas made before 2005 are practically invincible. Toyota corp has admitted that their quality started to slip in 2005, when they started caring more about profit than they were about quality control. I miss my nigh-invincible Toyotas, my '84 Corrolla lived until '99, and had 201k miles on it before it died. I still occasionally think that I would have been better off if I'd bought a new-ish engine to replace the one that died and kept driving that car than I was replacing it with my used '89 Chevy S10 and my used '00 Ford Focus. That thing was awesome in the snow too.
My '03 Corrolla is about to hit 176K miles, and the most money I've put into it is getting the brakes replaced, which was about $700. Toyotas are practically invincible.
I knew the previous owner had had an "incident," I just didn't know how deep it went until then.

I retired my '95 Contour with about 225k miles on it, even after running it off the road a couple times, and only because the brake lines were starting to rust through. Most reliable vehicle I've ever owned. Cars are like computers for me. I run 'em until they don't run no more.



Staff member
Started shedding hair again. Nothing much, but enough to make it bloody annoying. Had to shave my beard because of it, otherwise I'd be waking up with bristles in my mouth every morning for a week.

It will grow back in a few weeks, but I still feel naked without my beard...
My Catalyst converters are shot, they're going to be about $400 each to replace with labor/parts. I have 4 converters. Also, my tire sensors have just stopped working all together, haven't gotten a price quote yet. My wife's car, a 2002 Corolla hasn't had a full overhaul since it was purchased. Say goodbye to our income tax return. I feel your pain.

The hell is a Catalyst converter?

Catalytic converter? 4 of them? That's weird. What kind of car is it?
It's really rare for a car to have more than one, generally that'll happen in areas with more stringent rules on emissions but only on a newer model of car (or maybe if you have multiple exhausts?).
I wish you all lived closer. I'd help you fix your cars for a bottle of rum and some good stories while I work.

(caveat, I can only fix older vehicles... new ones have too many god damn sensors and stupid computer shit for me to handle nowadays).
I wish you all lived closer. I'd help you fix your cars for a bottle of rum and some good stories while I work.

(caveat, I can only fix older vehicles... new ones have too many god damn sensors and stupid computer shit for me to handle nowadays).
That was the other thing I loved about my '84 Corrolla. The only repair that we took it to a shop for was to have the brake pads replaced, and I get the feeling that was more because my dad didn't want to hassle with it himself. Change the oil? Did it ourselves. Needs a new fuel filter? Did it ourselves. Needs a new fuel pump? Ditto. Scattered pieces of 5th gear all over the inside of the transmission? Got a friend to help us swap it out for the transmission from an '85 Nova that we picked up at a junk yard for $250. Burnt out the clutch? Guess who knows (or did at one time) how to replace the clutch on an '84 Corrolla? My current car, on the other hand? I've replaced a couple of lights. And the S-belt. Anything else and it goes to the dealership for repairs.
It's really rare for a car to have more than one, generally that'll happen in areas with more stringent rules on emissions but only on a newer model of car (or maybe if you have multiple exhausts?).
I guess it makes sense if you have two, 2 way cats on each side of a duel exhaust?