[PC Game] Bioshock Infinite (beware of spoilers)

I'm calling it right now. This will be pretty unanimously game of the year.
If those who make those decisions remember it by then. Not that anything this grand or anticipated is coming down the pipe, but it feels like the Oscars--end of the year stuff gets the big titles.

Played a few hours tonight. I like ... so many things. You can pace out the opening if you want or just go rushing to where things get started. The skyhook is fantastic and works great. It's weird; I get a big Dishonored feel from the soldiers and how a few other things work. I have to wonder if one side or the other peeked at the other during one game's development or if it's just a coincidence brought on by mutual steampunk.

Either way, loving it. Can't wait to keep going tomorrow.

Oh wait, I have to stay late some days this week. :(
Meanwhile i've just downloaded a copy of the original Bioshock which Frank generously gifted. With my available time i should finish... Sometime next year.
Had to update my bios to install the video card drivers, and now the game crashes occasionally. Turning the video settings down has decreased the crash frequency, but obviously I have a bit more work to do to make it play smoothly. Probably should updat all my motherboard drivers....

Still, what I've played through so far is a lot of fun!
Welcome to PC gaming! You have been gone awhile.[DOUBLEPOST=1364354534][/DOUBLEPOST]Why the disagree, Gilgamesh? If you're a PC gamer, you keep everything up to date as often as possible because of this.

C'mon, who doesn't do a full driver overhaul in preparation for a big game?
Nope, just my graphics driver. I think I do a motherboard driver update maybe once a system lifetime. I also haven't experienced a game crash in years because of a driver, so it's maybe -Welcome to PC Gaming- 4-5 years ago?
Now, about the ending:

I'm confused. So he is comstock and comstock is he. Or...Comstock is Booker post-baptism who travels back to purchase his own daughter from himself. Booker, the non-comstock version feels so guilty he invents memories and makes himself believe he's been hired for a job to retrieve Elizabeth--who is Anna-his own daughter.

So putting all the pieces together, the versions of Elizabeth from different realities deduce the only way to stop it is to drown Booker and cut the thread. Yet the post-credit scene shows Booker possibly still..around? I think? How can that be?

Also, Comstock supposedly builds the tower to protect Elizabeth from his former self, but I don't quite understand the whole Ultra-nationalist cult-ish side to it.

Also, it seems Booker is fucked either way. Either he doesn't forgive himself and doesn't get baptized--thus having his whole life pulled out from under him, or he does forgive himself, gets baptized and turns into Comstock.

Also, reading the news before after how a staff member nearly quit because of something at the end in regards to the religious portrayal of Comstock has me now quite curious as to what it was (they changed it). Although, based on what I've seen, I could take a few guesses.
I'm...finished now.
I'm waiting for more people to finish this. I'm not going to comment about the ending except to say I'm wondering if we're going to see a lot of people talking about it on the major news sites in the next few days, especially considering some recent comments by Ken Levine.

Though I do wonder what we're getting for DLC... is it going to be small campaigns like the Knife of Dunwall in Dishonored or just challenge maps and shit?
The guy with seven kids got to play more than me today.
I'd put in some extra playtime for you tonight but I've got stuff going on until late, so I probably can't.

My mouse is holding me back so I'm looking at


Which is apparently the same as


But nearly half the cost and has a logo on it.

Turns out there's quite a following for this old circa 2000 Microsoft Intellimouse, even among gamers. But the 400dpi tracking resolution coupled with my new fast video card means the movement on the screen occurs in discrete noticeable steps, rather than smoothly, and the only usable mouse sensitivity setting is at the very bottom.

I'm using a mouse that is older than all of my children. I think I'm going to secretly switch it out with @Shegokigo's and see if she notices the difference.

I don't know that I'm going to spend much more time resolving my computer issues, though. Setting it lower than ultra gives me a lot of playtime (30-60 minutes) between crashes, and while that might be annoying to some I'd rather spend time playing the game and deal with the occasional restart rather than spend 5 or more hours tracking down the problem. The fact that changing the video setting alone changes the frequency of the crashes strongly points towards a video card/motherboard/driver issue. The game is still running and present in memory, but it drops me to the desktop with no window's interface so no way to get back to it, as though someone dropped a graphics handle.

Overall the game is easier than I expected. I'm only playing medium, but dying is simply no big deal when it happens, and there is more than enough health, salt, and ammo spread around to keep me going. I think I've died 3 times so far, outside of the deaths that are part of the game.

Since I'm not going to be able to play it all in one long jag, though, I'm going to have to resist the temptation to stick my nose into spoilers. That's going to be annoyingly difficult.
My mouse is holding me back so I'm looking at


Which is apparently the same as


But nearly half the cost and has a logo on it.
I feel similarly about my mouse, which while not horrible, really isn't a gaming mouse and doesn't perform as I would like.

Gilgamesh, thanks for pointing that one out, I was looking for a good one under (or at) 50 bucks.
So, this isn't really a spoiler, since it's all from what I dreamed about last night but it contains a bunch of speculation from the game.

I dreamed last night that Rapture is actually a repurposed Columbia that sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Usually when dreaming about stuff like this I wake up and realize how illogical it is....but this time, man, it kind of makes sense. Especially with all of the weird shit going on in Columbia. Now I'm gonna play a shit load more of this game so I can get through it, hopefully today.
$80 for a mouse? Holy cow, Frank!!
I suppose if you game for more than a few hours a week and if the mouse lasts for more than two years then you're only paying a dime or so per hour to use the mouse, and if it enhances your games sufficiently it's not a big cost.

For casual gamers, though, yeah, that seems excessive.
I want this game soooo bad, but I'm playing SC2 and Luigi's Mansion right now, plus going out of town next week so I can wait (my husband thinks this is a lie).
I think I need to play through the game again to wrap my head around the ending.
I think the ending makes perfect sense but then again that's how I felt about Alan Wake's ending and few understood that ether. If anything my questions are about how that ending was even possible in the first place.
Why the very, very end makes sense sure, but a lot of what surrounds it is pretty unclear. I missed a couple of audio logs so maybe that would help.

The twins are as much main characters in the story as Booker or Elizabeth.
Why the very, very end makes sense sure, but a lot of what surrounds it is pretty unclear. I missed a couple of audio logs so maybe that would help.

The twins are as much main characters in the story as Booker or Elizabeth.
Yes, that's what I mean. We'd better get some story DLC to explain what the fuck was going on with them.

I'd also like to mention that my favorite part of this game is, hands down, the music.

Especially all the 80's-90's remixes that hint at what's going on. I've heard...

- God Only Knows (Beach Boys)
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Madonna)
- Shiny Happy People (REM)
- Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears)
- Tainted Love (Soft Cell or Gloria Jones)

I'm amazed at how many people didn't pay attention to all these subtle clues!
So from what I see... he game takes about 12 hours to complete? Meh.

GOTY edition.
I'm probably going to wait for a Steam sale or something so I can get it on PC, but this is mostly because my PC can't run it right now and not because of the quality of the game. I firmly believe it's worth full price as it is.
My beliefs for full price games fall to providing me a sandbox experience with a possibility of hundreds of hours of gameplay (ex: skyrim, mount and blade, fallout). A single-player game, no matter how awesome it is with 15 hours of gameplay would be an awesome GOTY pickup however, 60$ for it? No thanks.
I like to support games that deserve it. Normally I agree. I want more stuff as good as this.

I'll pay for this because Irrational is worth it. There's so much love and effort that went into the game.
For a high experience, highly polished, incredibly story driven shooter, 12 hours is a very respectable time. I'm not going to fault the game for not being an rpg or sandbox with a bazillion hours of gameplay, because that's just not what genre it is.

I definitely feel it was worth $60... even though I didn't pay for it.