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Bioshock Infinite (beware of spoilers)




The original dedicated post for the game has been time locked, so seeing as it comes out in just 14 hours, I thought I'd get things started back up.

Early reviews make it sound like the second coming. I'll reserve judgement for my actual playthrough.

I kind of like Adam Sessler's take on stuff, but he could very possibly be a paid shill, so we'll see.




Here's some interesting info you might like:




Adam Sessler in that video literally compares it to great literature. I'm getting pretty stoked to play it. Homework may get pushed back a day this week.




My younger (and generally more awesome) brother worked on bioshock inifinite for the last 3 years, and showed up in the new york times as part of an article on Bioshock:

Picture (he's on the left... no, no, past Yoda)


The article isn't so much about the game as it is about talking about the costs, production, and secrecy surrounding the game.




So what you're saying is, I should have taken off work tomorrow for this. Curse my lack of foresight.




And now I'm wishing AMD and Steam had their act together. The earliest I might get my bioshock key from the AMD video card offer is the 26th. Oh well, at this point I might as well block off Friday and Saturday for playing it. Now I just have to decide if I'm going to let any of my kids watch me play it. They'll want to, but of course it's rated M for a reason, and the IGN gameplay video spends a lot of time showing off the many capabilities of the grappling hook... tool... thing...



But my video card is in Ohio now, so I should get it by tomorrow night.




I might pick this up Monday. Probably not, though. I liked Bioshock, but I just don't buy $60 games that much any more. Hard to justify the expense.




I was able to justify it through the steam pre-order bonus that gave Xcom, seeing as it's been on my wishlist for a while now. I look at it as 2 30 dollar games :p




I was able to justify it through the steam pre-order bonus that gave Xcom, seeing as it's been on my wishlist for a while now. I look at it as 2 30 dollar games :p
Never saw that. Crap.




You can still pre-order today.




No I can't. ;)

This would be one of those "can't justify the expense of buying a game".





Pre-loading it now. 14.5 GB




Seeing as there is a Bioshock Season Pass, I'll probably be waiting for the GOTY edition, as by that time I'll be ready to play it.




Yeah, as much fun as it is to play it on the first day, and be a part of the experience a lot of people will go through simultaneously, the game isn't going to magically get worse over time, and it'll still be just as much fun when it goes on sale for $20 or less around black Friday this fall.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I have to say that the only temptation is that I knew the twist in Bioshock for a good two years before I played Bioshock. I'll have to be a bit more adamant about avoiding spoilers on this one.




I certainly don't begrudge people waiting for the price to drop.




I have to say that the only temptation is that I knew the twist in Bioshock for a good two years before I played Bioshock. I'll have to be a bit more adamant about avoiding spoilers on this one.
I remember being so surprised and elated by the ending of portal that I bought and played portal 2 the day it came out because I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation to look for spoilers. For the most part, though, if you don't go actively looking for spoilers for the first few months after release, you're ok. People seem pretty respectful of the experience.




Holy shit, I just got gifted bioshock infinite! I won't say by who, but they rock!

So much for job hunting time.




Holy shit, I just got gifted bioshock infinite! I won't say by who, but they rock!

So much for job hunting time.




Just watched the review. Wow. Well. Maybe I can justify it to myself. The wife, probably not. But me...yeah.




I wonder if I still get xcom with it being a gift.




I wonder if I still get xcom with it being a gift.
Nope. It's equivalent to redeeming a code on steam.




Nope. It's equivalent to redeeming a code on steam.
I redeemed the gift, and suddenly xcom is in my game list, so I'm guessing yes! (And Bioshock is too, which I already own but didn't have on steam)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Pre-ordered, picking it up tomorrow, AND I have off from work tomorrow...

...but since my wife has been looking forward to it as much as I have, I can't play it until she gets home so she doesn't miss anything.




I'm going to go out to the foreign supermarket this evening, buy the fattiest snacks I can find, and play the crap out of this until dawn.




Pre-ordered, picking it up tomorrow, AND I have off from work tomorrow...

...but since my wife has been looking forward to it as much as I have, I can't play it until she gets home so she doesn't miss anything.
You can always masturbate all day.




[DOUBLEPOST=1364265634][/DOUBLEPOST]Man, the launch trailer makes me want to live in a poisonous hell hole like Australia so I could be playing this now.

[DOUBLEPOST=1364265950][/DOUBLEPOST]Man, another thing I can thank Bioshock Infinite for is now I'm buying Nico Vega music. They're fantastic.




AMD actually delivered the code earlier than they promised, so it's preloading right now! Woo!

Still have to wait for the card, though. I'm guessing my GeForce 6200 is just going to laugh at me if I try it...




AMD actually delivered the code earlier than they promised, so it's preloading right now! Woo!

Still have to wait for the card, though. I'm guessing my GeForce 6200 is just going to laugh at me if I try it...
I'm still curious as to what drew your interest to this game, since you said you're not interested in most games. It sounded like you were being coerced into playing it.




[DOUBLEPOST=1364265634][/DOUBLEPOST]Man, the launch trailer makes me want to live in a poisonous hell hole like Australia so I could be playing this now.

[DOUBLEPOST=1364265950][/DOUBLEPOST]Man, another thing I can thank Bioshock Infinite for is now I'm buying Nico Vega music. They're fantastic.
You have a better game waiting for you called System Shock.




I'm still curious as to what drew your interest to this game, since you said you're not interested in most games. It sounded like you were being coerced into playing it.
I'm interested, I just don't usually have the time.

But the reason I'm making the time is because my brother worked on the game, and recently lost his best friend, one of the few people who truly appreciated his work. I can't replace him, but I can play it and enjoy it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You can always masturbate all day.
You know that video games are more satisfying.

My wife said "No, you can play it, I don't want to hold you back." Yeah, I'm not falling for that trap, love.




I redeemed the gift, and suddenly xcom is in my game list, so I'm guessing yes! (And Bioshock is too, which I already own but didn't have on steam)
Wow, you seriously lucked out. Usually that's not the case, in my experience.





First review from a source I fully trust. It's official, I can't wait till ten minutes from now.




I'm interested, I just don't usually have the time.

But the reason I'm making the time is because my brother worked on the game, and recently lost his best friend, one of the few people who truly appreciated his work. I can't replace him, but I can play it and enjoy it.
Aww... why can't I hug and brofist you at the same time?




Just started playing the game. My laptop can handle Very high graphics, apparently. I have a feeling this is going to melt my face off.








Switching between the DX11 and non-DX11 effects is night and day. Holy crap.

I feel for you on this one console peasants.




Switching between the DX11 and non-DX11 effects is night and day. Holy crap.

I feel for you on this one console peasants.
I assume you're talking about dynamic shadows and ambient occlusion.




So, initial impressions. This game's intro is just as jaw-droppingly rad as Bioshock's was.[DOUBLEPOST=1364275811][/DOUBLEPOST]
I assume you're talking about dynamic shadows and ambient occlusion.
And yes, also the post-processing as well. I wish the V-sync wasn't set to 30 fps though. It's either 30 fps or way over 100 with crazy screen tearing. I guess I could set that stuff in my video card's options.




Holy fuck, the combat is grisly.

I am in, hook, line and sinker.




Holy fuck, the combat is grisly.

I am in, hook, line and sinker.
Me too. Oh damn.

I seem to run it fine @ very high settings, though it every so often slows down for a few seconds and what seems seemly random times, then the FPS goes back up.




It runs screamingly well overall. This game is fantastically optimized. Any graphical "shortcomings" are easily eclipsed by the sheer magnitude of it's amazing art direction too.




Oh god... what time is it? What time did I have to be at work? Maybe I'll call in sick, I mean what are they going to do, fire me?

This game is GOOD. And holy shit is it beautiful. My PC is starting to age a little, but this game runs on max smooth as butter, they've done a fantastic job at optimization.

I have a spinny claw hook that sets people on fire while grinding their faces off!




I need to stop reading this thread. It's making me want to buy and play this game. And that'd be bad because:
1. My computer sucks and will probably burst into flame if I try to run it
2. I have neither the money nor time




I get between 30-50 FPS on the preset "Very High" setting. Sometimes it tanks down to about 18, but only for a few seconds, and then it'll go back up.




"Casually opens Nvidia control panel"

"Looks at SLI configuration"

*SLI disabled*


*SLI disabled*


*Enable SLI*

*restart computer*

*Open Bioshock*

*Set graphics to Ultra*




I need to stop reading this thread. It's making me want to buy and play this game. And that'd be bad because:
2. I have neither the money nor time
This. Sigh. :(




My rig is handling ultra graphics without an issue so far. I love that the combat feels like Bioshock, but is actually an improvement on bioshock.

Also, Murder of Crows plus upgrade to it that causes people killed by crows to spawn crow traps, plus sniper rifle equals pwnage.




The game key came in last night, though it didn't count for preorder bonus (didn't expect it to) and my system is loaded up. Just waiting for the graphics card tonight. Thinking about skipping work tomorrow...




You know that video games are more satisfying.

My wife said "No, you can play it, I don't want to hold you back." Yeah, I'm not falling for that trap, love.




"Casually opens Nvidia control panel"

"Looks at SLI configuration"

*SLI disabled*


*SLI disabled*


*Enable SLI*

*restart computer*

*Open Bioshock*

*Set graphics to Ultra*

Truth man. After Crysis 3 made my computer it's bitch something fierce (while not looking all that good, seriously, it's got good graphics, but it's optimized for shit) I was worried. This game runs at like 12 trillion fps and is jaw dropping.




Ugh, I normally do a normal and hard mode run for games I like and decided this time "why not start on hard mode?". Now I know why, replaying the same section several times distracts from the experience and just focuses on beating the gameplay challenge. Got a couple of hours in before work, loved what I've seen, but haven't even gotten to Elizabeth yet. Tonight I'll tweak my controls a bit and give my current spot another shot or two, then just revert to medium difficulty if need be, come back to hard later.




I need to stop reading this thread. It's making me want to buy and play this game. And that'd be bad because:
1. My computer sucks and will probably burst into flame if I try to run it
2. I have neither the money nor time
I know those feels bro.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Just picked up my pre-order. So hard right now...

...to resist playing.

I also got the Season Pass and I'm hoping I won't regret it considering how crappy and tacked-on the DLC was for the original Bioshock.




Alright uhm...I'm...I'm gonna take a break. Think i got pretty far. Kinda..tired now. I've already been playing it for about 8 hours so...zzzzz




Just picked up my pre-order. So hard right now...

...to resist playing.

I also got the Season Pass and I'm hoping I won't regret it considering how crappy and tacked-on the DLC was for the original Bioshock.
Goes to show, I don't even remember the original Bioshock having DLC.

Minerva's Den for Bioshock 2 was better than Bioshock 2.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Goes to show, I don't even remember the original Bioshock having DLC.

Minerva's Den for Bioshock 2 was better than Bioshock 2.
I don't think it got much attention. I didn't even know about it until I was on the PSN store and saw there were challenge maps.

Needless to say I didn't buy them. I think the only game I'd really want challenge maps for is Dishonored.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

If anyone can stop playing long enough to answer this without spoilers, I'd appreciate it:

Is the opening game a "watch, don't play" cutscene or is it hands-on like the original Bioshock? If the latter, is it a lot of running and gunning, or just moving for a little while?

Trying to gauge whether I start this while eating dinner.




If anyone can stop playing long enough to answer this without spoilers, I'd appreciate it:

Is the opening game a "watch, don't play" cutscene or is it hands-on like the original Bioshock? If the latter, is it a lot of running and gunning, or just moving for a little while?
Hands on, just moving around for a little while, a little moreso than the original Bioshock.




If anyone can stop playing long enough to answer this without spoilers, I'd appreciate it:

Is the opening game a "watch, don't play" cutscene or is it hands-on like the original Bioshock? If the latter, is it a lot of running and gunning, or just moving for a little while?

Trying to gauge whether I start this while eating dinner.
The opening is hands on, with a lot of exploring and introducing you to the world. The run and gunning doesn't happen until a bit after.

You'll enjoy exploring Columbia, it's an amazing place.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Thanks, guys.




After BioShock 2, I was sure this game was going to suck. I'd been avoiding it. Then I read this thread...

Damn you, Halforums. *pulls out Visa card*




I'm calling it right now. This will be pretty unanimously game of the year.




Fair warning to someone thinking about getting this game. Did you like Bioshock? No? Don't touch this game with a ten foot pole. Everyone else, touch this game with a ten foot pole.[DOUBLEPOST=1364346742][/DOUBLEPOST]How many psuedo-modern songs have you guys come across done in the turn of the century style. So fucking weird and really adds to how off this world feels. Hearing Tainted Love in old timey style is something else. Every time I come across one I have to listen to the whole thing.




Fair warning to someone thinking about getting this game. Did you like Bioshock? No? Don't touch this game with a ten foot pole. Everyone else, touch this game with a ten foot pole.[DOUBLEPOST=1364346742][/DOUBLEPOST]How many psuedo-modern songs have you guys come across done in the turn of the century style. So fucking weird and really adds to how off this world feels. Hearing Tainted Love in old timey style is something else. Every time I come across one I have to listen to the whole thing.
"I've never heard that song before"

"I don't think anyone has".




Yeah, that was actually a modern song. I'm talking about the modern songs done in the style of the time.




There was that barbershop quartet in the beginning, during the parade, singing God Only Knows by the Beach Boys.

Also, I didn't like Bioshock, and I love this game.




That's weird, cause this game is Bioshocky as all hell.




Had to update my bios to install the video card drivers, and now the game crashes occasionally. Turning the video settings down has decreased the crash frequency, but obviously I have a bit more work to do to make it play smoothly. Probably should updat all my motherboard drivers....

Still, what I've played through so far is a lot of fun!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm calling it right now. This will be pretty unanimously game of the year.
If those who make those decisions remember it by then. Not that anything this grand or anticipated is coming down the pipe, but it feels like the Oscars--end of the year stuff gets the big titles.

Played a few hours tonight. I like ... so many things. You can pace out the opening if you want or just go rushing to where things get started. The skyhook is fantastic and works great. It's weird; I get a big Dishonored feel from the soldiers and how a few other things work. I have to wonder if one side or the other peeked at the other during one game's development or if it's just a coincidence brought on by mutual steampunk.

Either way, loving it. Can't wait to keep going tomorrow.

Oh wait, I have to stay late some days this week. :(




Oh wait, I have to stay late some days this week. :(
I'm crying for you. Really. I mean that in all sincerity.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm crying for you. Really. I mean that in all sincerity.
Me too. Fortunately, we have zero plans this weekend.




Meanwhile i've just downloaded a copy of the original Bioshock which Frank generously gifted. With my available time i should finish... Sometime next year.




Had to update my bios to install the video card drivers, and now the game crashes occasionally. Turning the video settings down has decreased the crash frequency, but obviously I have a bit more work to do to make it play smoothly. Probably should updat all my motherboard drivers....

Still, what I've played through so far is a lot of fun!
Welcome to PC gaming! You have been gone awhile.[DOUBLEPOST=1364354534][/DOUBLEPOST]Why the disagree, Gilgamesh? If you're a PC gamer, you keep everything up to date as often as possible because of this.

C'mon, who doesn't do a full driver overhaul in preparation for a big game?




Nope, just my graphics driver. I think I do a motherboard driver update maybe once a system lifetime. I also haven't experienced a game crash in years because of a driver, so it's maybe -Welcome to PC Gaming- 4-5 years ago?




Got to Elizabeth. Everything everyone has said so far is true.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Got to Elizabeth. Everything everyone has said so far is true.
The guy with seven kids got to play more than me today.




I'm...finished now.



I think I should lie down.




Now, about the ending:

I'm confused. So he is comstock and comstock is he. Or...Comstock is Booker post-baptism who travels back to purchase his own daughter from himself. Booker, the non-comstock version feels so guilty he invents memories and makes himself believe he's been hired for a job to retrieve Elizabeth--who is Anna-his own daughter.

So putting all the pieces together, the versions of Elizabeth from different realities deduce the only way to stop it is to drown Booker and cut the thread. Yet the post-credit scene shows Booker possibly still..around? I think? How can that be?

Also, Comstock supposedly builds the tower to protect Elizabeth from his former self, but I don't quite understand the whole Ultra-nationalist cult-ish side to it.

Also, it seems Booker is fucked either way. Either he doesn't forgive himself and doesn't get baptized--thus having his whole life pulled out from under him, or he does forgive himself, gets baptized and turns into Comstock.

Also, reading the news before after how a staff member nearly quit because of something at the end in regards to the religious portrayal of Comstock has me now quite curious as to what it was (they changed it). Although, based on what I've seen, I could take a few guesses.




I'm...finished now.
I'm waiting for more people to finish this. I'm not going to comment about the ending except to say I'm wondering if we're going to see a lot of people talking about it on the major news sites in the next few days, especially considering some recent comments by Ken Levine.

Though I do wonder what we're getting for DLC... is it going to be small campaigns like the Knife of Dunwall in Dishonored or just challenge maps and shit?




The guy with seven kids got to play more than me today.
I'd put in some extra playtime for you tonight but I've got stuff going on until late, so I probably can't.

My mouse is holding me back so I'm looking at


Which is apparently the same as


But nearly half the cost and has a logo on it.

Turns out there's quite a following for this old circa 2000 Microsoft Intellimouse, even among gamers. But the 400dpi tracking resolution coupled with my new fast video card means the movement on the screen occurs in discrete noticeable steps, rather than smoothly, and the only usable mouse sensitivity setting is at the very bottom.

I'm using a mouse that is older than all of my children. I think I'm going to secretly switch it out with @Shegokigo's and see if she notices the difference.

I don't know that I'm going to spend much more time resolving my computer issues, though. Setting it lower than ultra gives me a lot of playtime (30-60 minutes) between crashes, and while that might be annoying to some I'd rather spend time playing the game and deal with the occasional restart rather than spend 5 or more hours tracking down the problem. The fact that changing the video setting alone changes the frequency of the crashes strongly points towards a video card/motherboard/driver issue. The game is still running and present in memory, but it drops me to the desktop with no window's interface so no way to get back to it, as though someone dropped a graphics handle.

Overall the game is easier than I expected. I'm only playing medium, but dying is simply no big deal when it happens, and there is more than enough health, salt, and ammo spread around to keep me going. I think I've died 3 times so far, outside of the deaths that are part of the game.

Since I'm not going to be able to play it all in one long jag, though, I'm going to have to resist the temptation to stick my nose into spoilers. That's going to be annoyingly difficult.




I can't recommend this mouse enough.

Amazon product

It adjusts in every way to cradle your hand in smagical ways. It's expensive though.




This right here is the king of mice.

It's predessor the G5 was my previous mousy god. This one? An improvement over perfection.




My mouse is holding me back so I'm looking at


Which is apparently the same as


But nearly half the cost and has a logo on it.
I feel similarly about my mouse, which while not horrible, really isn't a gaming mouse and doesn't perform as I would like.

Gilgamesh, thanks for pointing that one out, I was looking for a good one under (or at) 50 bucks.




So, this isn't really a spoiler, since it's all from what I dreamed about last night but it contains a bunch of speculation from the game.

I dreamed last night that Rapture is actually a repurposed Columbia that sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Usually when dreaming about stuff like this I wake up and realize how illogical it is....but this time, man, it kind of makes sense. Especially with all of the weird shit going on in Columbia. Now I'm gonna play a shit load more of this game so I can get through it, hopefully today.




Gilgamesh, thanks for pointing that one out, I was looking for a good one under (or at) 50 bucks.
It's the customizable weights, 3 programmable multi-speed quick options and the programmable buttons on the thumb area that really put it over the top.




This right here is the king of mice.

It's predessor the G5 was my previous mousy god. This one? An improvement over perfection.
Aw, guess I should have asked here before ordering. Well the g9x will still accomplish my goal, and for $10 cheaper, so no biggie.




$80 for a mouse? Holy cow, Frank!!




I can't recommend this mouse enough.

Amazon product

It adjusts in every way to cradle your hand in smagical ways. It's expensive though.
Except for left handed gamers.




Except for left handed gamers.
That's true, Rat don't give a fuck about lefties.[DOUBLEPOST=1364397320][/DOUBLEPOST]
$80 for a mouse? Holy cow, Frank!!
You think the 7 is expensive. Check out their crazy WoW mouse that has an actual app for macroing specific spells to buttons on it.

Amazon product

The features list on this thing are downright silly.




$80 for a mouse? Holy cow, Frank!!
I suppose if you game for more than a few hours a week and if the mouse lasts for more than two years then you're only paying a dime or so per hour to use the mouse, and if it enhances your games sufficiently it's not a big cost.

For casual gamers, though, yeah, that seems excessive.




I want this game soooo bad, but I'm playing SC2 and Luigi's Mansion right now, plus going out of town next week so I can wait (my husband thinks this is a lie).




Just finished it.





The guy with seven kids got to play more than me today.
If it makes you feel better I have 4 kids and think that I might be able to play an hour and a half of Black Ops 2 before I head to bed tonight.




I think I need to play through the game again to wrap my head around the ending.




I think I need to play through the game again to wrap my head around the ending.
I think the ending makes perfect sense but then again that's how I felt about Alan Wake's ending and few understood that ether. If anything my questions are about how that ending was even possible in the first place.




Why the very, very end makes sense sure, but a lot of what surrounds it is pretty unclear. I missed a couple of audio logs so maybe that would help.

The twins are as much main characters in the story as Booker or Elizabeth.




Why the very, very end makes sense sure, but a lot of what surrounds it is pretty unclear. I missed a couple of audio logs so maybe that would help.

The twins are as much main characters in the story as Booker or Elizabeth.
Yes, that's what I mean. We'd better get some story DLC to explain what the fuck was going on with them.

I'd also like to mention that my favorite part of this game is, hands down, the music.

Especially all the 80's-90's remixes that hint at what's going on. I've heard...

- God Only Knows (Beach Boys)
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Madonna)
- Shiny Happy People (REM)
- Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears)
- Tainted Love (Soft Cell or Gloria Jones)

I'm amazed at how many people didn't pay attention to all these subtle clues!




Heads up to people, stick around after the credits.




So from what I see... he game takes about 12 hours to complete? Meh.

GOTY edition.




So from what I see... he game takes about 12 hours to complete? Meh.

GOTY edition.
I'm probably going to wait for a Steam sale or something so I can get it on PC, but this is mostly because my PC can't run it right now and not because of the quality of the game. I firmly believe it's worth full price as it is.




My beliefs for full price games fall to providing me a sandbox experience with a possibility of hundreds of hours of gameplay (ex: skyrim, mount and blade, fallout). A single-player game, no matter how awesome it is with 15 hours of gameplay would be an awesome GOTY pickup however, 60$ for it? No thanks.




I like to support games that deserve it. Normally I agree. I want more stuff as good as this.

I'll pay for this because Irrational is worth it. There's so much love and effort that went into the game.




For a high experience, highly polished, incredibly story driven shooter, 12 hours is a very respectable time. I'm not going to fault the game for not being an rpg or sandbox with a bazillion hours of gameplay, because that's just not what genre it is.

I definitely feel it was worth $60... even though I didn't pay for it.




Yes, that's what I mean. We'd better get some story DLC to explain what the fuck was going on with them.

I'd also like to mention that my favorite part of this game is, hands down, the music.

Especially all the 80's-90's remixes that hint at what's going on. I've heard...

- God Only Knows (Beach Boys)
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Madonna)
- Shiny Happy People (REM)
- Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears)
- Tainted Love (Soft Cell or Gloria Jones)

I'm amazed at how many people didn't pay attention to all these subtle clues!
I finished the game tonight. It was just plain fantastic.

Now that I have, I can start clicking on these spoiler tags.

Girls just wanna have fun was Cyndi Lauper, not Madonna.
The twins aren't actually twins. The Lutece man is a male counterpart from an alternate universe that the main world's Lutece brought over with her machine. Presumably her first test case. Most of this is covered in audio logs, so if you skipped them, you wouldn't have gotten that.
The Rapture scene was just plain awesome. I also like how the "constants" match up with the original Bioshock. Man, girl, protector. DeWitt, Elizabeth, Songbird. Jack, Little sisters, Big Daddies.
I do have to say that when they introduced the concepts of alternate realities, I was fairly certain that DeWitt would end up being an alternate version of Comstock.




How bout some legit criticisms?
Elizabeth basically being an ammo/health dispenser whenever you needed it was a little easy moding it. My fault for playing on normal I guess, didn't die once. Elizabeth and the Return to Sender vigor meant you were effectively immortal.
Finkton seemed to really drag on for me. I started just rushing through it (I think this is where I missed stuff) and the resolution between Fink and the Vox seemed pointless, especially after what followed.

These didn't detract too much from the game overall. It's fucking mind-blowingly good.




How bout some legit criticisms?
Elizabeth basically being an ammo/health dispenser whenever you needed it was a little easy moding it. My fault for playing on normal I guess, didn't die once. Elizabeth and the Return to Sender vigor meant you were effectively immortal.
Finkton seemed to really drag on for me. I started just rushing through it (I think this is where I missed stuff) and the resolution between Fink and the Vox seemed pointless, especially after what followed.

These didn't detract too much from the game overall. It's fucking mind-blowingly good.
I played through on hard, and boy was that needed. There were parts, like that final airship battle (which I had to do multiple times) that I might have been tempted to lower the difficulty level if she wasn't throwing me ammo.




Oh, another thing

Who was near heartbroken in the section in Comstock house where you're climbing it hearing Elizabeth's constant defiance in the face of torture and the stories of how you didn't come and were never going to come to help her? I thought I was going to have to fight Elizabeth or something at the end and was pre-bummed out about the entire thing.




Must... not... read... spoilers.

I'm only to
The Vox Rebellion and the death of Fink




I got a new keyboard (logitech G105) and mouse (Logitech G9x) and the difference is amazing! Keep in mind I've been playing on a 13 year old mouse - 100 or so reports a second, and only 200dpi, and I noticed I had to press harder on the keyboard than I wanted (it's a cheap 10 year old keyboard I've used so much that the lettering is rubbing off the keys). The key would go down all the way, but unless I pressed it a bit more it wouldn't always send the key.

So now I can aim significantly more easily than before, and the movement is smooth as glass.

Not only that, but last night I noticed I had been playing without a crash for several hours on medium, so I turned the graphics up to ultra and played another few hours without a crash and the graphics are noticeably better compared to medium. I think my framerate has suffered, but it's easily at or above 50fps the majority of the time, and when I've noticed the framerate it's not stuttering, so it's well above 20 even when it slows down, which is fine for my playstyle. It's at 1920x1200.

Also, playing in a dark room with the backlit keyboard makes the game much more immersive, and the dark parts aren't so dark as to be annoying.

Anyway, if you look at my steam profile it says 35 hours, but I've been leaving the game on overnight to ward off the demons of computer instability, so I haven't actually played for that long.

I'm amazed at how far graphics technology has progressed. Using the sniper scope to zoom in on faces already close to you to check out the skin shows some really excellent progress in duplicating skin tone and how light reflects and refracts off it. Neat, neat stuff.[DOUBLEPOST=1364576652][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, for those that haven't yet connected to me via steam, I don't do much (actually I think my kids use my steam accounts more than I do) but here you go:





I'm amazed at how far graphics technology has progressed. Using the sniper scope to zoom in on faces already close to you to check out the skin shows some really excellent progress in duplicating skin tone and how light reflects and refracts off it. Neat, neat stuff.
In Borderlands 2 when you carry around a sniper rifle, you can see the terrain reflected in the scope even if you aren't aiming through it. It blew my mind.




Stienman's posts are like watching your child discover gaming. I'm so proud.




Finished it. Wow.

Now I can go around and read spoiler reviews and such.

Also I'm going to be interested in playing it again. I believe I got nearly all the voice recordings, but I'm sure I still missed a lot because I don't recall hearing many of the songs mentioned in the credits.




Finished it. Wow.

Now I can go around and read spoiler reviews and such.

Also I'm going to be interested in playing it again. I believe I got nearly all the voice recordings, but I'm sure I still missed a lot because I don't recall hearing many of the songs mentioned in the credits.
A lot of the songs can be easy to miss because they're redone in an old time style, and if you're not listening carefully, just sound like background period music.




I'll definitely be playing through it again to look back at the story knowing what's really going on.




For the songs...

There are 6 I know of, one of which has a cover AND is in the game proper. Without spoiling WHERE they are, I will give you some hints. 2 are on phonographs, 2 are in the background in certain areas, and 2 are actually performed by characters in the game.

If you want to be spoiled, you can just go here and watch them instead.




Oh god.

Just finished it.





For the songs...

There are 6 I know of, one of which has a cover AND is in the game proper. Without spoiling WHERE they are, I will give you some hints. 2 are on phonographs, 2 are in the background in certain areas, and 2 are actually performed by characters in the game.

If you want to be spoiled, you can just go here and watch them instead.
I didn't notice at all until I found the recording in the abandoned house where the songwriter mentions the wonderful music that is coming through the rift and how they are all becoming big hits. That's when I noticed that the song on the phonograph was Everybody Wants to Rule the World.

I wasn't familiar with the Beach Boys song and that's played right at the beginning.

Speaking of music, did anyone else play the guitar in Finkerton?

Probably the most moving scene in the entire game, and it's completely off to the side where you didn't even have to go for the main mission. It's stuff like that that really shows that the makers of the game are concerned with creating a fully realized world. This was an entirely scripted scene that could be skipped if you didn't explore.

I also want to know if decisions change anything. For example, the interacial couple that you can chose to hit with the baseball or not shows up later in the game and thanks you if you chose not to throw it.

Also, does the choice of which design to chose for Elizabeth's necklace mean anything?




I also want to know if decisions change anything. For example, the interacial couple that you can chose to hit with the baseball or not shows up later in the game and thanks you if you chose not to throw it.

The developers have said they didn't want the choices to drastically change the game. Most of the choices just lead to light differences in dialogue or later scenes, like no matter if you get stabbed in the hand or pull a gun on the ticket clerk, Elizabeth will always run and be pissed at you. When you meet up with her again, however, the dialogue changes to either Booker saying that "Drawing first is better then not being able to draw at all" or if you get stabbed in the hand Booker says "I won't let anyone get the drop on me like that again" with the added bonus of Elizabeth bandaging your hand.

Another example is that if you "spare" Slate, once you get to Finkton you run into him again during the prison search, but he has been lobotomized and just sits in a chair silently.

No idea if the necklace changes anything other then cosmetics throughout the rest of the game, since you can see her wearing it all the time.





The ones that I can remember are...

The Interracial couple: Saving them gets you a clothes drop. Random, like all of them.

Brooch: It changes Elizabeth's model, but I think that is it.

Slate: If you don't shoot slate, he shows up later in the prison in Finkton. He's been interrogated by Finkton's guys and won't respond to you because he's basically shattered at this point. Turns out killing him may have saved him some misery.

Shooting First at the Ticket stand: Shooting first makes the fight easier and keeps you from hurting your hand, I think. Neither has much effect in the scheme of things.

After that you have the dimension hops and your decisions don't matter anymore because of the jumping shit.





The ones that I can remember are...

The Interracial couple: Saving them gets you a clothes drop. Random, like all of them.

Brooch: It changes Elizabeth's model, but I think that is it.

Slate: If you don't shoot slate, he shows up later in the prison in Finkton. He's been interrogated by Finkton's guys and won't respond to you because he's basically shattered at this point. Turns out killing him may have saved him some misery.

Shooting First at the Ticket stand: Shooting first makes the fight easier and keeps you from hurting your hand, I think. Neither has much effect in the scheme of things.

After that you have the dimension hops and your decisions don't matter anymore because of the jumping shit.
I wasn't meaning big huge changes, but changes at all. Sounds like it's about what I thought. Which is fine, because the narrative is so tight that there's no way they could/should have made any major changes to it. It sounds like you kind of hated the ending.




I am playing it on hard this first time, after that I wont be bothering again with anything but easy so I can enjoy the story.




I am playing it on hard this first time, after that I wont be bothering again with anything but easy so I can enjoy the story.
Hard is fine right up until near the end, where the difficulty curve goes out the window because of a single enemy type (that you thankfully only need to fight a few times). Your going to be very frustrated later.




I just finished it...







Hard is fine right up until near the end, where the difficulty curve goes out the window because of a single enemy type (that you thankfully only need to fight a few times). Your going to be very frustrated later.
I assume you're talking about the ghost Lady Comstock. I HAAAAAAATED her. The only times I died outside of not being able to identify where I was being attacked from were the fights with her and the airship final fight due to the generator being destroyed.




I assume you're talking about the ghost Lady Comstock. I HAAAAAAATED her. The only times I died outside of not being able to identify where I was being attacked from were the fights with her and the airship final fight due to the generator being destroyed.

That stupid generator. I thought at first I should perch on top with a sniper rifle, but when the mecha-Lincons starting coming out, I said screw all this crap, picked up a rocket launcher, blasted away, picked up the Gatling gun, and started throwing fire everywhere. The whole battle was a blur




That stupid generator. I thought at first I should perch on top with a sniper rifle, but when the mecha-Lincons starting coming out, I said screw all this crap, picked up a rocket launcher, blasted away, picked up the Gatling gun, and started throwing fire everywhere. The whole battle was a blur

I didn't have much problem with the mecha-patriots, the best thing I did in that game was upgrade the electric power to jump to other targets. I was able to disable the entire crew and pick off the mecha-patriots. Using lightning was also the only way I was able to be able to circle around back to shoot them in the gear for extra damage. Zap- few shotgun blasts to the back and they went right down.

Oh, just in case anyone else was as dumb as I was until the very end. If you use your posession power on the vending machines, they spit out money. Didn't know that till towards the very end. I would have been able to do my upgrades WAY earlier had I known that.




I didn't have much problem with the mecha-patriots, the best thing I did in that game was upgrade the electric power to jump to other targets. I was able to disable the entire crew and pick off the mecha-patriots. Using lightning was also the only way I was able to be able to circle around back to shoot them in the gear for extra damage. Zap- few shotgun blasts to the back and they went right down.

Oh, just in case anyone else was as dumb as I was until the very end. If you use your posession power on the vending machines, they spit out money. Didn't know that till towards the very end. I would have been able to do my upgrades WAY earlier had I known that.




It's only really worth doing after you get possession for less. You don't get a whole lot of money doing it early.




Yeah, you need Possession for less unless you know where to find a bunch of salts. It's nice but not great.




It really helped me out towards the end. But I literally went through a good 90% of the game using only the machine gun and sniper rifle. But that's pretty much how I play most shooters. Machine gun for close quarters, Sniper for hot death from above.




It really helped me out towards the end. But I literally went through a good 90% of the game using only the machine gun and sniper rifle. But that's pretty much how I play most shooters. Machine gun for close quarters, Sniper for hot death from above.
I used the sniper rifle and the hand cannon mostly




I had a pretty good combo of the Shotgun/Carbine. Shotgun was what I used most of the time, frantically looting everything in sight during combat to make sure I kept my ammo up any way possible. The Carbine was more for sniping now and then, or when the shotgun ran out of ammo.

For Vigors, I used them pretty much as I got them, but once I got Charge I pretty much gave up on all the others. Charge was so amazing. I fully upgraded it right after getting it, which not only gave some nice area damage, but made me invulnerable for a short time. During a fight I would just start out by obliterating the heavy hitters with a charge and a few shotgun blasts to the head, and then skyhook off the faces of everyone else. That horror sound that plays when you execute someone is now ingrained into my head, as is all of Elizabeth's gasps of disgust she blurts out when I hook a guy through the chest and launch his bloody corpse into the nearby bakery.

For gear, to better work with charge, I used Burning Halo (melee attacks light enemies on fire), Pyromaniac (AoE burn most of the time when someone melee strikes me), Brittle-Skinned (melee causes vulnerability) and finally Fit as a Fiddle (so that those times I did die, I would be up to full strength instantly)

When fighting turrets or larger enemies like Patriots, I used Return to Sender, because seriously nothing beats just absorbing all of a Patriots bullets and then sending a huge ball of death screaming back at him.

What was everyone elses favorite vigor?




In the beginning, I used Murder of Crows with the upgrade where if someone died while being attacked by crows, it created a new crow trap. It was awesome for any area where you were funnelling people through because they'd pop the trap, then I'd snipe them, which would lay another trap, and so on, and so on.

Late game, I switched to Shock Jokey with the chain lightning and stun duration upgrade. Like I said earlier, it made the patriots easy to kill by shocking then getting up behind them with the heater or shotgon and shooting out the gears, all the while anything around them is being stunned by the chain.




I fully upgraded the fireball so it would explode with even more mini-explosions and combined with the tempest hat and sniper/hand cannon that take out an enemy in a single shot (most of the time), I could chain explosions across an entire room. It was even more effective if I set a trap first.

The crows kicked ass too. Some of the later powers came too late for me to really want to upgrade them because I was too focused on fully upgrading one or two powers + my weapons. Money was spare WHEN I DIDN'T KNOW I COULD GET FREE MONEY FROM THE VENDORS.




Only way I found out was watching a quick look. Ryan Davis turned to Jeff Gerstman and said, hey, you can possess the vendors and get money, and I was like "WHAAAAAAAT??????" (I was already 2/3rds of the way through.




Man, that was the first thing I did when I got possession in the beginning of the game was test it on a vending machine.

You only get 5-15 eagles though so, considering how expensive possession is through most of the game, not all that worth it.




It would have helped me a lot, I always found myself about 50 eagles short whenever I'd happen upon an upgrade station. Salts aren't that hard to come by, so this would have been extremely helpful.




So, I'm speculating here,

Comstock's wife, I'm gonna assume is also Anna's mother in the Booker realities given how much she resembles Anna/Elizabeth. Her constant is a real kick in the mouth of shitty fate. Die in childbirth, or be murdered for not being able to keep her mouth shut about Comstock's sterility and his lies about the baby.




Comstock's wife, I'm gonna assume is also Anna's mother in the Booker realities given how much she resembles Anna/Elizabeth. Her constant is a real kick in the mouth of shitty fate. Die in childbirth, or be murdered for not being able to keep her mouth shut about Comstock's sterility and his lies about the baby.

Not like it matters all that much now, unless we take the scene after the credits as an indication that Booker and Anna/Elizabeth still exist in one final complete reality. Considering Booker is drowned at the baptism, that means he will never go on to meet the woman that would become Anna's mother.

Also, did anyone tear up at the scene where you relive the memory of trying to get back Anna from Comstock? As a new father of an almost 6 month old boy, the idea of giving away my child and watching them disappear from my life was a bit hard to handle.




Not like it matters all that much now, unless we take the scene after the credits as an indication that Booker and Anna/Elizabeth still exist in one final complete reality. Considering Booker is drowned at the baptism, that means he will never go on to meet the woman that would become Anna's mother.

Also, did anyone tear up at the scene where you relive the memory of trying to get back Anna from Comstock? As a new father of an almost 6 month old boy, the idea of giving away my child and watching them disappear from my life was a bit hard to handle.
I had to choke back a few tears as well.

I need to play it a few more times, or at least review the ending because your supposition is desirable, but given the overall timeline I'm not sure it's possible.

as an unreliable narrator known to generate new memories to assuage his guilt, I wouldn't be surprised if this was little more than a dream. However, it seems to be one of those scenes dropped in there that allows the audience to choose their ending depending on their beliefs, or desires.

On the other hand, he is dead, and his daughters disappeared after his "death". So perhaps this is yet another possible reality - the one where he didn't give away his daughter, nor try to save her from himself. Yet he now "remembers" everything.

So it almost seems like one could believe the idea that if you eliminate all the bad possible universes, the only one that's left is the best one, despite having no mother.

Still seems like it violates the usual causality paradox that happens when people time travel.

Still puzzling it out, but as I think about it I think the answers were in the game, I just wasn't paying attention because I wasn't expecting such an involved story.

Lots more playing to do.

Or I could wait, I suspect someone will eventually create a timeline with loops to show how things occurred.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

It takes all of the willpower to not click all these spoiler buttons. I don't even know why I keep coming into this thread.




/insert hyperbole and a half image "CLICK ALL THE THINGS!"[DOUBLEPOST=1364663717][/DOUBLEPOST]In support of your decision, I can state with certainty that I'm glad it wasn't spoiled for me. It definitely worth playing through with a clean slate.




So, basically, this is Donnie Darko: The Game

And should we technically call this a remake instead of a sequel?




Shit is infinite man.




Some other tidbit I've been thinking about.

It's really Elizabeth who's making the big sacrifice. She didn't tell Booker that he and Comstock are the same person in order to not give him the chance to try and stop her. Without Comstock, she doesn't exist either, only Anna.




Considering what she's endured, that's likely a blessing, not a sacrifice.




Some other tidbit I've been thinking about.

It's really Elizabeth who's making the big sacrifice. She didn't tell Booker that he and Comstock are the same person in order to not give him the chance to try and stop her. Without Comstock, she doesn't exist either, only Anna.
Better that than being the destroyer of worlds, I'd think.




Some other tidbit I've been thinking about.

It's really Elizabeth who's making the big sacrifice. She didn't tell Booker that he and Comstock are the same person in order to not give him the chance to try and stop her. Without Comstock, she doesn't exist either, only Anna.

Anna was born after the baptism, which took place right after the battle of Wounded Knee. That's why all of the other world Elizabeth's all blink out of existence, and of course the camera pans away before we can see if our world Elizabeth does the same




I don't know if she would. The story isn't just about time travel, but also about parallel worlds. That opens up pretty much the possibility for anything.




I don't know if she would. The story isn't just about time travel, but also about parallel worlds. That opens up pretty much the possibility for anything.
It's all wibbly wobbley, timey whimey.

So, what gave Elizabeth, and the Letuces, their powers? Letuce theorizes in one of the recordings that it's because a peice of Elizabeth was left behind in her world, and the universe doesn't like mixing its peas up with its potatoes (or something like that). So it was her being a paradox that gave her the potential to breach worlds.

The Letuces have obviously mastered the whole infinite worlds thing, due I think to them being together. They're the same person from different possibilities in the same world, creating a paradox that allowed them to shrug off being dead.




Let's just come out and say it: The Letuces are fucking Time Lords. All that's missing is the TARDIS.




It's all wibbly wobbley, timey whimey.

So, what gave Elizabeth, and the Letuces, their powers? Letuce theorizes in one of the recordings that it's because a peice of Elizabeth was left behind in her world, and the universe doesn't like mixing its peas up with its potatoes (or something like that). So it was her being a paradox that gave her the potential to breach worlds.

The Letuces have obviously mastered the whole infinite worlds thing, due I think to them being together. They're the same person from different possibilities in the same world, creating a paradox that allowed them to shrug off being dead.
OH, that would explain the significance of the pinky being chopped off. There's a piece of her in all these alternate realities. Because she exists in all these realities simultaneously, that would probably be why she can create the tears. Because she instantaneously exists in all realities at once.




OH, that would explain the significance of the pinky being chopped off. There's a piece of her in all these alternate realities. Because she exists in all these realities simultaneously, that would probably be why she can create the tears. Because she instantaneously exists in all realities at once.




There also seem to be certain constants. There's always a fucked up city (Columbia, Rapture). There's always a split hero (Andrew/Jack and Booker/Comstock), a protected girl (Elizabeth/The Little Sisters) and a protector (Big Daddies/Songbird).

People seem to have constants, too. Letuce is always a brilliant physicist. Elizabeth's mother always dies for Elizabeth, either during childbirth or killed by Comstock to keep Elizabeth's secret. Booker's constant appears to be mass murder, and his path diverges at the baptism. One of two men will come out, either he becomes Comstock and leads to the death of thousands and the eventual destruction of new york, or he remains Booker, and becomes responsible for the Vox Populi and their slaughter.




Let's just come out and say it: The Letuces are fucking Time Lords. All that's missing is the TARDIS.
They do, it's just stationary instead of flying.

Now that I'm thinking about this, it's making much more sense. The Letuces have the rift generator to travel through the alternate realities, and given that one of them is an alternate counterpart, they have extensive knowledge of multiple universes because when the realities are brought together, that's what causes the "realignment" that happens with the nosebleeds, giving the person all memories of their counterparts at once.

This shit be deep, yo.




They do, it's just stationary instead of flying.

Now that I'm thinking about this, it's making much more sense. The Letuces have the rift generator to travel through the alternate realities, and given that one of them is an alternate counterpart, they have extensive knowledge of multiple universes because when the realities are brought together, that's what causes the "realignment" that happens with the nosebleeds, giving the person all memories of their counterparts at once.

This shit be deep, yo.
After they are executed by Comstock, though, they no longer need the rift generator. They somehow are able to perceive the reality in which they didn't die, and understand that quantumly (is that a word?) they are alive and dead at the same time. That's when they seem to gain the ability to shift through realities at will, even creating one early in the game in which a flipped coin comes up heads 100 times in a row.




Another little clever thing that this whole concept does, it inadvertantly suddenly makes Bioshock 2 more plausible. I kow that wasn't their intent, but if they look back, they can just say, yeah, Bioshock 2 took place in an alternate version of rapture where Andrew Ryan had this competing crazy bitch.
It also makes all 3 endings of Bioshock 1 true.
After they are executed by Comstock, though, they no longer need the rift generator. They somehow are able to perceive the reality in which they didn't die, and understand that quantumly (is that a word?) they are alive and dead at the same time. That's when they seem to gain the ability to shift through realities at will, even creating one early in the game in which a flipped coin comes up heads 100 times in a row.
That happens with anyone who dies in one reality and has been exposed to a rift. That's why in areas when Elizabeth opens a tear, all the men you killed are standing around all fucked up. Their minds are trying to process being dead and alive at the same time. It's also what drives Lady Comstock insane and how she becomes the banshee thing.




Another little clever thing that this whole concept does, it inadvertantly suddenly makes Bioshock 2 more plausible. I kow that wasn't their intent, but if they look back, they can just say, yeah, Bioshock 2 took place in an alternate version of rapture where Andrew Ryan had this competing crazy bitch.
It also makes all 3 endings of Bioshock 1 true.
It also implies that Booker and Ryan are the same variations of the same person. Elizabeth has you activate the bathysphere in Rapture, that's because only Ryan was able to operate them, and why Jack, who is (BIOSHOCK 1 SPOILER::::) Ryan's clone, is able to.

Jack could also have very well been an alternate reality version of Ryan as well, instead of a clone, since apparently all of the lighthouses are gateways.




One constant in this world has been broken.

Ken Levine managed to not muck up the end portion of a game. Love his games, but the end sequences are always his weak point. Bravo sir.




What are you talking about, the end of Bioshock 1 was amazing.




Just finished the game, I got a copy of the game from a friend who finish the game and brought it to me last night. Played a bit last night amd finished it right now. I'd say it's a solid 12-13 hours of gaming. I'll judge the game as it's namesake deserves it to be judged... as a non-sequel Bioshock game.

All in all it's a solid game, however, as people will surely disagree from what I will write below I found Bioshock 1 and 2 much better than Bioshock Infinite as an overall experience.

1 being the best story and 2 with better game mechanics of all 3 games. I'd rank them 1>3>2.

Let me explain why before you bust a nut.

Storyline wise, it is solid even though I'm generally not into the whole religious stick. That's just my opinion. I don't mind subtle references to it but it all in all was too much for my tastes. The ending came as a disappointing surprise and I was disappointed they went with the whole Rebirth/Christiany thing. This even though I feel that the storyline really came together at the end and as an expecting father I was revolted that my character sold his daughter to cover his debts and the part where the finger comes out... damn... that was tough.

At some point when we ended up in the first level of rapture I was ECSTATIC and immediately wanted to play that game again. I had to take 2 seconds and think about the situation and I thought she was one of the little sisters... sadly this was not the case. Or is it? DUM DUM DUUUUUUUUM

IMHO, Comstock was a terrible villain.

Now before you go crazy, compare Comstock to Andrew Ryan.

Andrew Ryan had believable motivations and character. Comstock was what?.... slogans?

The game is beautiful and you can tell a ridiculous amount of effort went into the game to make it gorgeous. Sadly, the game felt too linear. Previously in other Bioware games, you'd have a stage to visit with lots of nooks and crannies... I felt the direction of the paths very linear. The Bioshock series were never about the sandbox and were very linear in some ways but the stages in Infinity was POINT A to POINT B (with sometimes a POINT C). Lastly, the lack of respawns and AI issues made things very predictable. See rifts up ahead? Expect a fight. Oh and sneaking sometimes works.

Core mechanics the game lost some points for me, I felt the enemy AI was very weak, even on hard and I never died even once. Most "vigor" powers, that were never explained how they worked, felt generally underwhelming and I played most of the game with the possession ability with the occasional use of "return to sender" for the patriots. I played with the hand gun mostly (with a ridiculous 24 bullets) and the carbine when I was low with ammo. Overall, the abilities were lacking compared to their counterparts in previous games.

Furthermore, I see they haven't fixed the those AMMO CRATES AND MED KITS EVERYWHERE. Unless I was in a big fight, I was always full.


I also didn't enjoy backtracking to find lockpicks to open shit and the fact I couldn't change clothes whenever I wanted.

I really liked Elizabeth even though I abused the shit out of her when I found out she gave free coin, health, ammo and salts. The voice actress was exceptional and I found it really cool how she moved around, helping out with scavenging and leaning on things. And those big blue grey eyes. So cute. Before I met her, I ate bananas from garbage bins after I met her I was perfect no nonsense gentleman. I really enjoyed this character and how she was done, you can tell a lot of effort was put in. To the point that you can see her perfect dress slowly but surely get dirty and ripped as you moved along. Facial reactions and how she was NEVER in the way but always close.

Anyways, I'd write more but I'm tired. Later.




What are you talking about, the end of Bioshock 1 was amazing.
The last boss was so out of place and goofy compared to the rest of the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1364703920][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just finished the game, I got a copy of the game from a friend who finish the game and brought it to me last night. Played a bit last night amd finished it right now. I'd say it's a solid 12-13 hours of gaming. I'll judge the game as it's namesake deserves it to be judged... as a non-sequel Bioshock game.

All in all it's a solid game, however, as people will surely disagree from what I will write below I found Bioshock 1 and 2 much better than Bioshock Infinite as an overall experience.

1 being the best story and 2 with better game mechanics of all 3 games. I'd rank them 1>3>2.

Let me explain why before you bust a nut.

Storyline wise, it is solid even though I'm generally not into the whole religious stick. That's just my opinion. I don't mind subtle references to it but it all in all was too much for my tastes. The ending came as a disappointing surprise and I was disappointed they went with the whole Rebirth/Christiany thing. This even though I feel that the storyline really came together at the end and as an expecting father I was revolted that my character sold his daughter to cover his debts and the part where the finger comes out... damn... that was tough.

At some point when we ended up in the first level of rapture I was ECSTATIC and immediately wanted to play that game again. I had to take 2 seconds and think about the situation and I thought she was one of the little sisters... sadly this was not the case. Or is it? DUM DUM DUUUUUUUUM

IMHO, Comstock was a terrible villain.

Now before you go crazy, compare Comstock to Andrew Ryan.

Andrew Ryan had believable motivations and character. Comstock was what?.... slogans?

The game is beautiful and you can tell a ridiculous amount of effort went into the game to make it gorgeous. Sadly, the game felt too linear. Previously in other Bioware games, you'd have a stage to visit with lots of nooks and crannies... I felt the direction of the paths very linear. The Bioshock series were never about the sandbox and were very linear in some ways but the stages in Infinity was POINT A to POINT B (with sometimes a POINT C). Lastly, the lack of respawns and AI issues made things very predictable. See rifts up ahead? Expect a fight. Oh and sneaking sometimes works.

Core mechanics the game lost some points for me, I felt the enemy AI was very weak, even on hard and I never died even once. Most "vigor" powers, that were never explained how they worked, felt generally underwhelming and I played most of the game with the possession ability with the occasional use of "return to sender" for the patriots. I played with the hand gun mostly (with a ridiculous 24 bullets) and the carbine when I was low with ammo. Overall, the abilities were lacking compared to their counterparts in previous games.

Furthermore, I see they haven't fixed the those AMMO CRATES AND MED KITS EVERYWHERE. Unless I was in a big fight, I was always full.


I also didn't enjoy backtracking to find lockpicks to open shit and the fact I couldn't change clothes whenever I wanted.

I really liked Elizabeth even though I abused the shit out of her when I found out she gave free coin, health, ammo and salts. The voice actress was exceptional and I found it really cool how she moved around, helping out with scavenging and leaning on things. And those big blue grey eyes. So cute. Before I met her, I ate bananas from garbage bins after I met her I was perfect no nonsense gentleman. I really enjoyed this character and how she was done, you can tell a lot of effort was put in. To the point that you can see her perfect dress slowly but surely get dirty and ripped as you moved along. Facial reactions and how she was NEVER in the way but always close.

Anyways, I'd write more but I'm tired. Later.
You could change clothes whenever and wherever you wanted to. Press O.[DOUBLEPOST=1364704313][/DOUBLEPOST]And a lot of the stuff you're complaining about, ammo, food, medkits, etc being everywhere is almost exactly the same as BS1 and 2. You were never hurting for ammo or health in either of them.

I could not disagree more about the abilities. They managed to make them all useful and fun to use. As for explaining how they work:

Audio logs show that Fink is watching other universes. He likely copied vigors from Rapture, Songbird too.




You could change clothes whenever and wherever you wanted to. Press O.
Yeah, you just need to make sure you actually take them with you, even if you don't equip them.

On Vigors...
Like Frank said, they explain how they figured them out, but not explicitly how they work. It's probably just a copy of plasmids (there is mention of drinking them in Bioshock 1 and most come in bottles, not syringes, in Bioshock) but that's not the point. Vigors are supposed to evoke the kinds of "miracle elixirs" that snake oil salesmen sold during the period before the FDA came around. They don't tell you what is inside because having it be a mystery fits the time period.

Besides, most of those were filled with some really frightening stuff, most of which was very toxic. Considering Plasmids were made from little girls, there is an excellent chance that Vigors are made of something infinitely worse.




One thing about Elizabeth that hit me about how neat of a companion she was. She sometimes walks ahead of you, this sometimes triggered the video game instinct in me to follow her (in 99.9% of games, if the NPC follows you, you're in the lead, if they're ahead, you're supposed to follow them) and in a second or two, I'd remember that her AI is reacting to where I'm going and I'm not following her at all.

On NeoGAF, Shawn Elliott explained that the enemies not using a lot of cover was a design choice. If they were cover huggers the game became too much of a stop and pop shooter and that wasn't what they wanted.




So, after finding a few more voxophone recordings, I understand why the Letuces are timelords.

Comstock wanted them killed, and gave the task of their death to Jeremiah Fink, because his technical know-how could make it look like an accident. He sabotaged their rift generator, killing them in an explosion. But the explosion didn't kill them, it instead caused them to exist across all of time and space.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Just finished an hour ago. Fantastic game. I feel Bioshock's story was stronger than Infinite's, but it had less going on and could be more focused. Infinite is a very busy narrative.

Ending was amazing. It's interesting how so many little details were tied into what we didn't know, such as Slate thinking Comstock had stolen DeWitt's past, confirmed by seeing DeWitt, unaware that Comstock is also DeWitt. Or that Comstock really was the False Shepherd, being the alternate "false" father figure compared to Comstock.

It's very easy to fuck up a story like this, involving parallel universes and time travel. See: Chrono Cross. They kept this straightforward, explained it well, and centered the problem on the characters. It was a good story and told masterfully.

I really don't understand how there's going to be DLC for this and I feel a little dumb for buying the season pass. The narrative was so tight, much more of a gauntlet than the original, I'm not sure how anything else could be inserted. And if it tacks things onto the end, that would just be bullshit. I have a feeling I wasted $20. But we'll see. On non-story stuff:

LOVED the Vigors. Favorites were Possession, which made skyline fights easier to manage, and Undertow. Undertow was really all purpose. Suck 'em close and blast them with the Heater. Or if fighting on airships, suck them from their airships and then shoot them over the rails. My wife couldn't stop giggling as enemies went tumbling into the clouds. Before that is available, Bucking Bronco was pretty useful. Pop them in the air, machine gun, lots of fun.

There were certain set piece battles that were exquisite. Usually there was a skyline nearby, enemies appearing on multiple platforms, and plenty of stuff to bring into the fight. I'd loop around on rails, possess turrets, etc. Really fun and involving fights that left you feeling shaken at the end, in a good way.

I typically play the first Bioshock once a year; I don't think I can wait that long for this one's second playthrough.




They could easily do sidestory DLC.

With the alternate reality concept, they could even have alternate takes, like a return to rapture level or something. You don't necessarily have to be playing Dewitt in the DLC. Anyone can wield a gun and vigors.




this is not the first time Dewitt tried to save his girl. It's just the first time he succeeded. The other times there were other elabeths, other comstocks, and other finks.

It's not bioshock finite.




This might just be me, but I want a Letuce DLC.

One where you play them going through the events of the game to help DeWitt. Rather then using weapons and Vigors, you utilize time powers to navigate the levels, sort of like a puzzler. To make it not as long as the whole first game, it can jump through time to only events that involve the Letuce "twins". I love listening to their insane banter.




Only now that I understand, their banter is not insane.

"He DOESN'T row."





Ah, this article cleared up a few things for me. WARNING, MASSIVE SPOILERS:


In short, at the point of baptism comstock and Dewitt veer off in opposite directions. Comstock ends up creating Columbia, but due to experimentation becomes sterile and he must have an heir, so he gets the letuce pair to bring him Dewitt's daughter, which would be related by blood and thus a proper heir despite his apparent sterility.

It would have worked, too, if Anna, the baby, hadn't stuck out her finger and left part of herself in both universes. Due to this, she was able to traverse time and space.

These are the two pieces of information I didn't understand, and why I was having difficulty figuring out what set the whole sequence in motion. Even if other universes where perhaps Dewitt didn't give the baby willingly, comstock still would have taken the baby by force. You just happen to be one of the Dewitt universes that willingly gave up your baby, at least at first.

I'm still having difficulty grasping how Elizabeth can go back with you and destroy the you that became comstock.

But assuming that it can be done, and that she's the only one that can do it, due to the way she gained her powers, I'll grant that if comstock never existed, if all those universes are destroyed through the destruction of the Dewitt-->Comstock event, then the only thing left is a multitude of universes where comstock never tried to take her, thus you'd be left with your baby.

As far as the timing of it all, it seems to me that you gave up your baby through a tear generated by the letuce pair, then she grew up and they were killed, they would have good reason to go back to very shortly after you gave her up to get you, then bring you forward to a time where Elizabeth and you could work together to kill comstock. But due to the way the human mind copes with universe inconsistencies, you probably forgot you had a daughter and transferred the payment of the debt to having to bring a girl back.

Thus you were brought to the Columbia universe very shortly after losing your daughter, and then came back to about that same time when she's still a baby, and comstock being gone, you still have her. The letuces, after their death for plotting to bring you back, did bring you back, but because of their death as a pair in the tear machine they exist everywhen, so, like Elizabeth, they can drag people around in time, but unlike Elizabeth they can't physically interact with those people, which appears to explain why Elizabeth can not only go to different times, such as your baptism, but can also interact with people in those times, which allows her to kill the you that becomes comstock. It appears that the rowboat, lighthouse, rocket, and temple are all made up in your mind to cope with having travelled to another universe.

Although, really, you never left, because comstock no longer existed in any universe.

You could just as easily say you fell asleep one night worried about your problems, had a fantastic dream that seemed so real you were worried about your daughter, and found she was still there. Was it a dream? You never met, nor knew the letuce pair. They never got together because comstock never built Columbia and funded their research. The Elizabeth you knew from the Columbia universe(s) never exists. Your Anna will grow up to be a completely different person.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I have a feeling the only reason I wasn't confused was because

I spent too much time as a teenager unraveling the mess that is Chrono Cross. This was not a mess in the slightest, so the decoding of parallel universes and such went lightning fast in comparison to that Squaresoft swamp of plot holes.

Plus I had a wife to hash theories with back and forth as we went through 2-3 hour sessions over the course of the week.

That reminds me, I must go through these kinds of games a lot slower than other people. Everyone's like 10 hour game, 12 hour game. I think my total playtime over the week was around 20 hours.




I have a feeling the only reason I wasn't confused was because

I spent too much time as a teenager unraveling the mess that is Chrono Cross. This was not a mess in the slightest, so the decoding of parallel universes and such went lightning fast in comparison to that Squaresoft swamp of plot holes.

Plus I had a wife to hash theories with back and forth as we went through 2-3 hour sessions over the course of the week.

That reminds me, I must go through these kinds of games a lot slower than other people. Everyone's like 10 hour game, 12 hour game. I think my total playtime over the week was around 20 hours.
20 hours? Dayum. I feel like I searched everywhere, stood around listening to every voxophone, and overall took my time, and I finished it at the 13 hour mark.




Only now that I understand, their banter is not insane.

"He DOESN'T row."

I started to play through again and noticed this right away. I was like, OOOOOHHHH!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

20 hours? Dayum. I feel like I searched everywhere, stood around listening to every voxophone, and overall took my time, and I finished it at the 13 hour mark.
Whoops, I added an extra day between Tuesday and Wednesday. More like 18 hours. But still. I'm not surprised the people who did marathon sessions within the first day or so missed voxophones. There are a LOT of side paths. I'd hit the mission direction arrow not to find the right way, but to avoid it. And I still missed stuff--didn't find any of the Vox cyphers, or a couple places where I had a key, but nothing to put it in. Well, that's what a second playthrough is for.




Whoops, I added an extra day between Tuesday and Wednesday. More like 18 hours. But still. I'm not surprised the people who did marathon sessions within the first day or so missed voxophones. There are a LOT of side paths. I'd hit the mission direction arrow not to find the right way, but to avoid it. And I still missed stuff--didn't find any of the Vox cyphers, or a couple places where I had a key, but nothing to put it in. Well, that's what a second playthrough is for.
I did the same thing with the mission arrows. I still have one safe in the beginning that I wasn't able to get back and open because I didn't have enough lockpicks. They usually only have money in them, though.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I did the same thing with the mission arrows. I still have one safe in the beginning that I wasn't able to get back and open because I didn't have enough lockpicks. They usually only have money in them, though.
I think we missed the same.

I saw Jay's complaints about the ease. I didn't even realize there's a thing called 1999 mode, which is apparently Bioshock Infinite played as if it's System Shock 2, with a steep difficulty curve, specializations, and permanence in how you play. Sounds a little rough for me, but anyone wanting a more hardcore experience should look into how to unlock that difficulty selection.

From an article on it:

To the more hardcore among us, Levine thinks the new mode will be a welcome return, demanding and challenging. "This mode is not going to feel like BioShock", he warned. There will be rage quits. Controllers will be thrown, even among the hardcore.




It unlocks after you complete the game the first time.




It unlocks after you complete the game the first time.
You can also unlock it right from the start using the konami code.




It's not that hard and the game is too linear to enjoy a 2nd play through. Just my opinion.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You can also unlock it right from the start using the konami code.
Okay, what. Really? Geez...




Jay laughs at your pathetic game.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Read another mind-bend on the ending's implications for the game:

One comment I saw somewhere remarks on the nature of this having all happened before and failed, many times, hence the Heads tally on Richard Lutece near the beginning. But something added onto that is that every time we get a game over--that was one of those failures. In the next try, we make different choices and maybe fail again, maybe not (considering the ease of the game, probably not). That's pretty crazy integration of game mechanics into a complex plot. Not as fluid as what goes on in the big reveal to the first game and our roles as game players, but still crazy.




I think I might actually get this for my Birthday. Either that or Tomb Raider. Good times either way.





Bam! And there it is.




Read another mind-bend on the ending's implications for the game:
One comment I saw somewhere remarks on the nature of this having all happened before and failed, many times, hence the Heads tally on Richard Lutece near the beginning. But something added onto that is that every time we get a game over--that was one of those failures. In the next try, we make different choices and maybe fail again, maybe not (considering the ease of the game, probably not). That's pretty crazy integration of game mechanics into a complex plot. Not as fluid as what goes on in the big reveal to the first game and our roles as game players, but still crazy.
If they actually assume infinite universes, you've failed infinite times. Of course, there's also an infinite amount of every character and every combination there-of.




Spoiler tags Bubble181.




I haven't even played! How can I possibly spoil anything!? :p I don't really see anything spoilery in the non-spoiled text of my message; everything there is true for any universe with
"infinite" realities. And that surely isn't a spoiler given the title of the game is "infinite"?

That said, spoilered.




I haven't even played! How can I possibly spoil anything!? :p I don't really see anything spoilery in the non-spoiled text of my message; everything there is true for any universe with
"infinite" realities. And that surely isn't a spoiler given the title of the game is "infinite"?

That said, spoilered.
Infinite realities isn't something the game touches on until halfway through. It is, indeed, a spoiler.




I haven't even played! How can I possibly spoil anything!? :p
By reading the other spoilers and responding to them, I suspect.




By reading the other spoilers and responding to them, I suspect.

Yes, I know. Obviously. I was being facetious. Still, when I heard the title "Bioshock: Infinite" this aspect of the story was exactly what I thought it would be. Not the story per se, not whatever special little twists and turns there are and whatever, but I heard that title, and I knew that that would, in some way, be part of the narrative. Saying "the title has some bearing upon the actual content" should not be something people consider a spoiler. Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince can be spoiled by saying Batman kills Gandalf on page 663, I can hardy spoil it by announcing Harry Potter's in the book and there's someone, probably a Prince or someone named Prince, who's a halfblood and who plays an important role. Have we really evolved so far towards the point that subtitles have no connection whatsoever with the actual content that explaining the title is a spoiler?

I do, of course, admit that there are gradations. Say, the third book of Eragon is called "Brisingr", which is the Old Tongue word for Fire. Assuming fire and magic are somehow present in the book is not a spoiler. Saying what Brisingr is the name of
It's his new sword
is a spoiler. I didn't make a fuss nor am I now, I'm all in favour of spoilering what I said and I should haev done so in the first place. Still, I do maintain that I didn't say anything that couldn't be thought by anyone who hasn't read a single spoiler.




I played the game on hard from the start and I'm glad I did. The game is not particularly challenging, although there is one boss that you fight repeatedly that is particularly hard. One beef I had with the game was that the possession vigor was too powerful later on when you get it upgraded. Same goes for the carbine, I pretty much constantly used that gun after I got it. The one thing that was just insanely hard were the Handymen, until I realized I could just chain stun them with Ravens.

All in all though it was an incredible game. I generally never play a game for the story, this one was worth it.




So, to sum up Bubble's feelings, he admits that he's wrong, while Arty the same time arguing that he's not wrong, while at the same time arguing that he's not arguing.




Little piece of love to the game's best character(s)




Just wanted to say really quick that there was one thing I liked in Bioshock Infinite way more then the first game.

The city actually starts out feeling like a city. You kind of see how the people live around the place, so it makes it more powerful when everything goes to shit later on. Bioshock was a great game, but when I started playing it, and I saw the shadow of that guy trying to escape, I always assumed I was going to see way more people that were not hideous splicers attempting to live normal lives, with houses and shops. In the end though, you almost never did. All the "regular" people only talked over intercom or walkie-talkie for half the game, and the few times you did see regular people they pretty much get murdered five seconds later.




So, I played through the OG Bioshock.

Rapture is more fun to explore than Columbia. The combat and vigors are way more fun in Infinite. The first half of Bioshock is better than the first half of Infinite, while the latter half of Infinite is waaaaaaay better than the latter half of Bioshock. Infinite is missing a Sandor Cohen and Fort Frolic (the absolute highlight of Bioshock other than the tweest). There's some real dopey shit at the end of Bioshock. You become a Big Daddy, but they don't even bother to change your hands after you put on the suit. You're looking out a Big Daddy helmet but your hands are still tattoo hand and knit sweater. At least until you go up the elevator for one of most out of place boss battles outside of Deus Ex, at which point, apparently you aren't a Big Daddy anymore or something?




Dude, Frank, that was actually something I didn't know about the second half of Bioshock yet. It's pretty much what Spoiler Tags were invented for :p




If you're in here, reading and or discussing Bioshock Infinite, it's kind of implied you know something about it's 6 year old predecessor. That post even begins with me talking about playing the original game. I feel no sympathy for you.




I gotta agree with Frank. The currently rule for Spoilers is...

Spoilers. A \"spoiler\" is a statement or piece of information that gives away information about the story of a book or film. An Ambush Spoiler is a spoiler in a thread which does not use our spoiler tag in a thread that has not been marked as having spoilers. There is a certain statute of limitations on what can and cannot be spoilered. Things which are common knowledge (IE: Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, Hamlet dies at the end of the play, etc.) can safely be left unspoilered. Basically if it's over a year old it should be safe.
This is a thread about the third game in a series, with the first title being released over 6 years ago. More over, it's about a game that was a smash hit, selling millions of copies, and it's reasonable to assume most of the people who frequent this thread would know about the contents of that game. It's a bit unfair to complain about such minor spoilers.

Though really, I think Dave needs to update the Spoilers thing for the rules. The Walking Dead thread rose the question about adaptions and we've basically decided that you shouldn't talk about stuff from the original source unless it's something that already happened in the show (without clearly labeling it) and we're still getting complaints about spoilers. It needs to be clearer what we are and aren't allowed to do because I'm kinda getting tired of fighting about it. It keeps popping up.




I think the statute of limitations has run out on the original Bioshock games. I'd say a year is a reasonable timeframe.




*shrug* I got called out for speculating about a game I haven't played yet; but someone spoiling an entirely different game is not a problem? That makes sense. I have every intention of playing through the 3 Bioshocks at some point in time, and honestly I don't really mind spoilers that much (otherwise I wouldn't be reading them).

However, to me it seems illogical. In a thread called "Bioshock: Infinite" I expect spoilers about Bioshock: Infinite, hopefully behind spoiler tags. I don't expect spoilers for Age of Empires 3 or the first Bioshock.

Also, we've been over this discussion many a time and the general consensus was that a year is not enough, because it's nearly impossible to stay up to date with all current games, movies, comics, book and series.
Also, also, the last book of A Song of Ice and Fire has been out for over a year now, andi t's "related media" just as much as Bioshock 1 is related to Bioshock 3, so can I go into the "Game of Thrones" thread and openly, without spoilertags, write about how

I'm not kidding, in there are actual serious spoilers for the tv show
Errr, I dunno. Jamie loses his hand, Jeffrey chokes to death, Stannis saves the Wall, Ygritte dies, and on and on and on
? No, that would be seriously spoilerific.

Anyway, I'll just accept that I'm all alone in thinking it makes more sense to spoiler-tag things NOT related to the topic at hand than those that do.




The problem is that the show and the books are two different mediums while the Bioshock games are directly related. Like the Walking Dead. Right now the stories have diverged a LOT so putting stuff about the book into the show thread probably needs a spoiler and visa-versa.




Speaking of spoilers




Good of Jeff Gerstmann to know he's going to be on camera and do his best impression of a disheveled hobo


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

So, I played through the OG Bioshock.

Rapture is more fun to explore than Columbia. The combat and vigors are way more fun in Infinite. The first half of Bioshock is better than the first half of Infinite, while the latter half of Infinite is waaaaaaay better than the latter half of Bioshock. Infinite is missing a Sandor Cohen and Fort Frolic (the absolute highlight of Bioshock other than the tweest). There's some real dopey shit at the end of Bioshock. You become a Big Daddy, but they don't even bother to change your hands after you put on the suit. You're looking out a Big Daddy helmet but your hands are still tattoo hand and knit sweater. At least until you go up the elevator for one of most out of place boss battles outside of Deus Ex, at which point, apparently you aren't a Big Daddy anymore or something?
I think Fink was supposed to be Infinite's Sander Cohen. He wasn't, but I think that was the parallel in place.

Bioshock's atmosphere and writing are astonishing, while I'd say combat is a lot better in Infinite. The first game is superior in my mind, but only by a little bit. First one certainly had the superior antagonist
And even the game itself suffers once it switches antagonists
but Infinite has much more interesting protagonists. Regardless of what goes on in the game, Jack is pretty much a blank slate, with only one line of dialogue to set up how you perceive him aside from the Little Sister choices you make through the game.




Good of Jeff Gerstmann to know he's going to be on camera and do his best impression of a disheveled hobo
Sessler's WTF beard isn't the most polished looking either :p




Yeah, that thing's been a mystery since he started sporting it before X-Play ended.




I think the genie's almost out of the bottle. I put a spoiler warning on the thread. Note: that's not permission to stop using the spoiler tag. People talking around spoilers, though, may be inadvertently spoiling stuff for those who want to go in completely blank slate.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I think the genie's almost out of the bottle. I put a spoiler warning on the thread. Note: that's not permission to stop using the spoiler tag. People talking around spoilers, though, may be inadvertently spoiling stuff for those who want to go in completely blank slate.
That's why I stopped reading the thread the moment people even said they were finished with the game until I'd finished it too. They didn't have to say anything about its contents, but their reactions could give something away, even if it's just feelings about it. "I won't spoil anything, but ..." inevitably always spoils something, even if it isn't the plot.

I think that due to the level of discussion going on, this ending won't be as well-kept a secret as the story of the original Bioshock. One thing I do love ...
The game's ending gives you pretty much all the info you need. There's not much of anything ambiguous about it. Replaying the game then isn't about understanding the ending--it's seeing how the ending makes so much other stuff you witnessed earlier make a lot more sense.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight




Just finished it a bit ago. Wow.

My personal setup was Undertow/Shock Jockey and Carbine/Volley Gun. Sometimes I'd swap the Volley Gun for a Shotgun or RPG, but that Carbine was in my hands from the moment I found it till the end of the game. Fully upgraded it's a fantastic gun. Undertow was nice for snagging those guys that'd stay on barges/ledges, especially when I bumped it to multi-grab. SJ is just overpowered as hell.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I had a really hard time using the Volley Gun. I just couldn't get those angles. Fortunately this wasn't a cover-based shooter where I would need it to get enemies from behind things, but still.

I LOVE Undertow multi-grab. Grab, pow, grab, pow. So awesome.




I found all of the vigors came in handy (the undertow one was smagical during the airship ride up to Comstock's Zep). I might've thrown 2-3 dozen people to their deaths.[DOUBLEPOST=1365210810][/DOUBLEPOST]So, I've been playing through Bioshock 2. I remember the combat being better than in Bioshock, but it isn't. It's all an illusion. The weapons look cooler, but it's otherwise almost identical. It's irritating how you're supposed to be a Big Daddy, but the enemies all take more bullets to take down than you do. It's a gameplay concession, sure, but it hurts it. When a Spider Splicer can drop your health from full to nothing in a drop kick and a swipe of their sickle hands while you empty a minigun's clip into them before they die, something's off. Also, they made the camera a pain in the ass to use.

The level design is league's behind Bioshock's too. It's all boxy areas.

Now the story is where it's definitely at it's worst. The fact that Rapture is still standing and liveable 10 years after everything went down is hard to swallow, that there was another power getting under Ryan's skin (that somehow was never mentioned once in the entirety of the first game) is just as bad. I'm not at all impressed so far. Minerva's Den (something I never got to actually playthrough) will hopefully be a saving grace.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I will never play Bioshock 2. There's no reason to tread all over what made the first one so great. First game stuff ...

I love how in the original, Rapture provides its own downfall. Combining the slug to Adam resource that was only available in that location, Fontaine's ambition that would've been capped had it happened on the surface, and Ryan's ideals that allowed it all to happen, it seems Rapture's destruction was inevitable.

I say seems because really Ryan sacrificed his ideals by taking over Fontaine Futuristics, and then again when he allowed Suchong to create the pheromone that allowed him to hold biological influence over Rapture's citizens who used Adam and plasmids--which by then was almost everyone.

Andrew Ryan is a truly fascinating character. I'm glad they didn't try to make Comstock more so. It would've been a failed effort. Better to focus on the protagonists this time around so as not to draw attention to the inequality.




Bioshock 2 lets you use your plasmids without dropping your gun. That already makes the gameplay tons better than Bioshock 1.




The level design counteracts that big time and the protecting the Little Sisters segments gets tiresome real quick.




Couldn't agree more with this review.




Holy shit, he hated fighting Handymen? They were the best part. Especially when there were skylines around.

If you nitpick at the level he is in that video, there's never been a good game.




Lol, I was reading through Metacritic when I ran across this little gem of a negative review.

Some random idiot said:
Oh so this is a (10/10) perfect game? Rivaled only by the immortal game of Chess? No other game ever made can hold a candle to this modified version of Unreal Tournament 3? This is a game that uses another game's graphics engine on license. It is literally a modified version of another game. This is comical, really. Please, continue. I love reading all these /facepalm reviews from people.
I love the fact that he doesn't even realize that 90% of the games out run on the unreal engine.[DOUBLEPOST=1365219946][/DOUBLEPOST]Man, these are just too funny.

Mar 29, 2013
Absolutely horrendous game, full of racist over tones. The first scene where there was a white man with a black woman was absolutely repulsive, had to close and uninstall the game afterwards, it was too much to handle, especially with the white man saying it was him that deserved to be punished. Extremely disgusted. Game looks pretty but it was too bright for my screen, and sound was too loud. Good idea for a city in a sky but poor execution. Very unfortunate if you ask me, considering I bought this game for my brother, but now I don't think I'll want him to play it after screening it.




Lol, I was reading through Metacritic when I ran across this little gem of a negative review.

I love the fact that he doesn't even realize that 90% of the games out run on the unreal engine.[DOUBLEPOST=1365219946][/DOUBLEPOST]Man, these are just too funny.

That first reviewer has absolutely no idea what a game engine is or how it works.




So, just started Minerva's Den. It begins with Carl Lumbly (Martian Manhunter from most of the DCAU stuff) talking to you. That's fucking awesome.




Minerva's Den was as great as advertised. It's really much better than the vanilla Bioshock 2.




I never made it past the first 20 minutes of Bioshock 2.




Minerva's Den is pretty massive for DLC. It's basically two full on areas (Bioshock had 7 or 8 if I recall correctly) and has tons to do. The story is quite nice too. It's really what Bioshock 2 should have been, an unobtrusive side story that fits in with the world perfectly.




So I was up until 7 this morning finishing this. I just couldn't put it down! It was engaging and addictive.

A spoiler-covered question, though.

If Booker is also Comstock, then...why was "Comstuck" demanding he give over Anna? How is that even possible? And why? He's being forced by...himself...to give over his daughter? And for that matter, how or why did he suddenly go from tough P.I. to racist ruler of a floating city? I get that it happened after the baptism, but I don't understand how he got there.

I guess all this might be answered with a repeated playthrough, but maybe someone can shed some light?




So I was up until 7 this morning finishing this. I just couldn't put it down! It was engaging and addictive.

A spoiler-covered question, though.

If Booker is also Comstock, then...why was "Comstuck" demanding he give over Anna? How is that even possible? And why? He's being forced by...himself...to give over his daughter? And for that matter, how or why did he suddenly go from tough P.I. to racist ruler of a floating city? I get that it happened after the baptism, but I don't understand how he got there.

I guess all this might be answered with a repeated playthrough, but maybe someone can shed some light?
That's pretty much the same question I said. Unless the answer is "He's religious, so he's evil now", they didn't really connect the dots how the baptism changed Comstock so radically, and I felt it was a weakness in the story.




Comstock is an alternate reality version of Booker who never had a child because his messing around with the rift technology rendered him sterile. Because he couldn't produce an heir, he had Lutece arrange to get a child that would be his from an alternate version of himself.

As to how Booker became Comstock, it was because things had diverged in his reality. Basically, the Booker who decided not to go through with the baptism had to actually deal with the horrible things that he had done. The Comstock version of Booker basically took the easy way out and rather than actually dealing with his guilt, he internalized it and it ate him up inside, creating Comstock.

The thing you have to keep in mind is that you're not dealing with time so much as alternate realities.




It's not so much that he's religious, but rather that he was able to forgive himself for every terrible thing he had ever done... and free of his inhibiting guilt, he was able to push himself forward with all his successes. He was able to leverage his success at Wounded Knee to a political career, eventually heading up Columbia as it's founder. Once he was able to make his own city, populated by people he could hand pick, it was simply natural to become a dictator. But his exposure to the rifts created by the device made by Lutece made him infertile, so he asked her (them?) to find him a daughter... one that was HIS daughter, but from another timeline. His own prejudice and pride wouldn't let him accept anyone but his own blood.

Compare this to Booker, who refused baptism and couldn't forgive the things he did. This prevented him from exploiting his military record for political reasons, so he became an investigator. He eventually found happiness with a wife... who died in childbirth. Anna, his child, was all he had left but he was destroyed by his wife's death and started racking up gambling debts. This lead the Lutece's to him, as he would be a DeWitt that would be willing to give up his daughter to get rid of his debts. He gave up his daughter (who he couldn't support anyway) to the Luteces.

What -I- want to know is why the Luteces came back for him. Was it because the rifts were getting out of control and they wanted to fix the timeline? What's the deal?




It's not so much that he's religious, but rather that he was able to forgive himself for every terrible thing he had ever done... and free of his inhibiting guilt, he was able to push himself forward with all his successes. He was able to leverage his success at Wounded Knee to a political career, eventually heading up Columbia as it's founder. Once he was able to make his own city, populated by people he could hand pick, it was simply natural to become a dictator. But his exposure to the rifts created by the device made by Lutece made him infertile, so he asked her (them?) to find him a daughter... one that was HIS daughter, but from another timeline. His own prejudice and pride wouldn't let him accept anyone but his own blood.

Compare this to Booker, who refused baptism and couldn't forgive the things he did. This prevented him from exploiting his military record for political reasons, so he became an investigator. He eventually found happiness with a wife... who died in childbirth. Anna, his child, was all he had left but he was destroyed by his wife's death and started racking up gambling debts. This lead the Lutece's to him, as he would be a DeWitt that would be willing to give up his daughter to get rid of his debts. He gave up his daughter (who he couldn't support anyway) to the Luteces.

What -I- want to know is why the Luteces came back for him. Was it because the rifts were getting out of control and they wanted to fix the timeline? What's the deal?
Male Lutece regretted what they had done, female Lutece did not. He was going to ditch her if they didn't do something about it and she didn't want to lose him.




Male Lutece regretted what they had done, female Lutece did not. He was going to ditch her if they didn't do something about it and she didn't want to lose him.
They also stole Anna long before they ever became Timelords. But yes, it was Robert that felt guilty of it, he was the more practical and cautious side of the coin. You can even hear it in the opening rowboat discussion about how much Rosalind disagrees with his "little thought experiment."




I'm just going to put a link here.....





Ok, so Winter Shield breaks the game completely. It would make 1999 mode a cakewalk if you get it early enough.




Remember though, it wasn't the gambling debt he was truly after erasing, it was his assumed debt of sins from his time at Wounded Knee as the "White Indian" and as part of the Pinkertons. Lutece even says something along the lines of "Comstock wipes your sin clean, the debt is paid" or somesuch.
Ok, so Winter Shield breaks the game completely. It would make 1999 mode a cakewalk if you get it early enough.
I found an armor that had a 50/50 chance of igniting anyone who hit me for like 400 fire damage. It was stupid OP for those melee mobs that I'd miss when dealing with snipers/rocketeers/volley gunners. On top of that, I had a hat that would sometimes instantly reload a clip instead of manually with an animation, which almost felt like cheating.




Oh I'm playing this. I'm playing it indeed.
I haven't gotten far mind you. I've just gotten to Monument Island.

When it comes to the Vigors are you limited to only having two at a time?




Oh I'm playing this. I'm playing it indeed.
I haven't gotten far mind you. I've just gotten to Monument Island.

When it comes to the Vigors are you limited to only having two at a time?
To hotswap, yes, but you can change them out at any time.




To hotswap, yes, but you can change them out at any time.
Assuming you pay for or find one you want to swap to lying around?




Once you get a vigor power, you have it for the rest of the game. Most of them are given to you at story points, others just show up or can be bought, but you can always swap them whenever you want.




Once you get a vigor power, you have it for the rest of the game. Most of them are given to you at story points, others just show up or can be bought, but you can always swap them whenever you want.
Huh. I thought that might be the case, so I went into my vitals section and played around with it. I could not for the life of me switch it out. Figured I tried every button too. Eventually I just assumed I must have lost my fire trap vigor when I picked up Murder of Crows.




Assuming you pay for or find one you want to swap to lying around?
Your not going to have any problem finding vigors. Most of them are acquired in the story and the ones that aren't are EVERYWHERE. Money is really only used for weapon/vigor upgrades and supplies.




Huh. I thought that might be the case, so I went into my vitals section and played around with it. I could not for the life of me switch it out. Figured I tried every button too. Eventually I just assumed I must have lost my fire trap vigor when I picked up Murder of Crows.
Press and hold the hotswap button and it should open up the vigor choice wheel. I don't know what control scheme your using, so I don't know specifically what that button is for you. Go into the control menu and if you're playing on PS3, Xbox, or PC with Xbox controller, you will be able to look at the controller layout, if you are on PC with mouse/keyboard, go into the keybind section.




Thankya, I'll give it a shot.




If you're playing on PC, the number buttons will also switch between each vigor you have. The number corresponds to the number in the vigor wheel. 1 will always select possession, and so on.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

On PS3, hold L2 and it'll bring up the vigors switching menu. If you're on 360, it's probably on the same side of the controller.




Also, you can switch gear at any time. I played through 3/4ths of the game without knowing this, because the game never tells you. I had to open my key bindings and notice there was a gear button.




I've just rescued Elizabeth. There's so much scripted material that's out of my hands that I feel a little cheated during some of these epic sequences. You just kinda sit back and watch the cut-scene unfold. It's a very small gripe though. I can tell there will be plenty for me to do.

I rather wish I didn't already know the ending, but my curiosity got the better of me. But I'll be going through the game with advanced knowledge that will make the various clues scattered about the game seem much more clear.




Yeah, I'm glad that I got it and played through it before spoilers started appearing. It's definitely an experience worth having, regardless, though.




Nothing is as satisfying as a death blow with your melee weapon. It's kinda like "Yeah. You BETTER shoot me long distance. Cause when I get over there you're going to wish I just shot you in the head."




Nothing is as satisfying as a death blow with your melee weapon. It's kinda like "Yeah. You BETTER shoot me long distance. Cause when I get over there you're going to wish I just shot you in the head."
Elizabeth's cries of terror always made me feel bad. I'd dash over to a guy (I found gear early that made you lunge when meleeing) and drive my saw into his forehead, creating a fountain of blood, and Elizabeth would scream out "oh god!"

Why is Belle looking at me like I'm a monster?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Elizabeth's cries of terror always made me feel bad. I'd dash over to a guy (I found gear early that made you lunge when meleeing) and drive my saw into his forehead, creating a fountain of blood, and Elizabeth would scream out "oh god!"

Why is Belle looking at me like I'm a monster?
I was not prepared for the gore that thing unleashes. The first Bioshock was subtle about its use of blood and body parts. Nope, not Infinite! Just shove that pinwheel into some part of a guy's face, neck, or chest and start laughing. It took the first five or six kills for my wife to get comfortable watching it. Then I got one of the upgrades that causes enemies' heads to explode through melee attacks, which are actually less gory. I took that off pretty damn quick :D.




I was not prepared for the gore that thing unleashes. The first Bioshock was subtle about its use of blood and body parts. Nope, not Infinite! Just shove that pinwheel into some part of a guy's face, neck, or chest and start laughing. It took the first five or six kills for my wife to get comfortable watching it. Then I got one of the upgrades that causes enemies' heads to explode through melee attacks, which are actually less gory. I took that off pretty damn quick :D.
You can tell they knew what they were doing considering those executes have their own "horror riff". They knew they were a bit over the top.




Ok, played through it. It was better than I had thought it would be. Some minor annoyances/issues, but a pretty good game. I do have to say, however, I went through pretty much the whole game just using the carbine and machine gun, and just used devil's touch alone until I got shock jockey and then pretty much only used that for the rest of the game. And reading up on things after the fact, I apparently missed out on a whole HUGE load of side stuff that I didn't stumble on. I think I only found one codebook, I never found the guitar part, and I also didn't get the final epilogue because I skipped the credits.




There's a pretty neat video during the credits of Booker and Elizabeth's voice actors playing the guitar part with Ken Levine giving them directions too.




There's a pretty neat video during the credits of Booker and Elizabeth's voice actors playing the guitar part with Ken Levine giving them directions too.
I really enjoyed that video. And how Levine had to keep asking them to stop being so good. In the end, what they came up with really was resonating, and the 'unpracticed' sound (that they oddily had to practice a lot for) really drove it home.




I played through it, I know I missed a couple of things (only got 2 code books), but maybe it's just because I read a lot of mind-fuckery books, but I wasn't all that surprised by the ending. And I find myself wishing the game was longer. :(


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Spoony's review is annoying me and I'm not even a half-hour in. Probably going to stop watching.

I don't care if people have a different opinion than me, but it annoys me when they sit and make a video and get their facts wrong. When discussing public transport implications of the skyrail: "I didn't see any gondolas." ...Spoony, you spend a good chunk of the game shooting guys off of gondolas. Booker and Elizabeth refer to them specifically as gondolas more than once.

And I won't even get started on how much he gets wrong about the original Bioshock, but I can at least forgive that since he probably hasn't played that one since it was released.




Spoony's review is annoying me and I'm not even a half-hour in. Probably going to stop watching.

I don't care if people have a different opinion than me, but it annoys me when they sit and make a video and get their facts wrong. When discussing public transport implications of the skyrail: "I didn't see any gondolas." ...Spoony, you spend a good chunk of the game shooting guys off of gondolas. Booker and Elizabeth refer to them specifically as gondolas more than once.

And I won't even get started on how much he gets wrong about the original Bioshock, but I can at least forgive that since he probably hasn't played that one since it was released.
But Spoony is greater than God isn't he? He has every right to change facts to his will, because his opinion is LAW.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

But Spoony is greater than God isn't he? He has every right to change facts to his will, because his opinion is LAW.
He's actually not coming across that way (for a change). I think the anti-depressants he's taking nowadays have been doing a lot of good for his mood.




Well, most of the gondolas I saw weren't attached to the rails, they were free-floating. However, there were plenty of cargo boxes on the rails that had to be moved.




I'm not sure the rails are the main source of transportation for Columbia. I haven't been too far into the game, but so far I've really only seen it used for cargo boxes. There are a few "Gondola's" in the game. Since I use the gondolas when available, I assume those are not the typical rails that my chainsaw-whats-it attaches too. Booker DeWitt is a fucking man's man. Leave it to a guy to find a weird chainsaw-holy-shit-traption and think to himself "I'll use this to slide recklessly down a system of roller coaster-esque rails with no way of stopping except jumping off and landing on someone's face!".




Well, most of the gondolas I saw weren't attached to the rails, they were free-floating. However, there were plenty of cargo boxes on the rails that had to be moved.
Most, but you ride gondolas on the rails a half dozen times throughout the game.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I finished the review. Spoony does have a good point about some of the ending's implications.

That now Anna is stuck with a drunk father in gambling debts who would still sell his daughter given the chance; we've just taken away the chance.

I disagree with most of his criticisms, but in that he makes a good observation.




Booker DeWitt is a fucking man's man. Leave it to a guy to find a weird chainsaw-holy-shit-traption and think to himself "I'll use this to slide recklessly down a system of roller coaster-esque rails with no way of stopping except jumping off and landing on someone's face!".
It was actually explained early on in the game. Both in dialogue and through one of those old-timey video players. Pretty sure it talks about it before you even get the first combat scene.

The Sky-Lines were utilized for transporting items and goods, but because of gear getting stuck on the rails now and then, Fink created the Sky-Hook to allow his workers to reach the obstruction and clear it. Later on the police realized they could utilize the same item to reach locations of unrest quickly, and thus they formed the Sky Patrol. This is why the police officer during that stage event had one on him for Booker to claim, and why the Police, and later Vox Populi, also use the Sky-Lines on occasion using Sky-Hooks.




Well, most of the gondolas I saw weren't attached to the rails, they were free-floating. However, there were plenty of cargo boxes on the rails that had to be moved.
One of the missions of the game is literally repowering a gondola so you can get to the next area.




One of the missions of the game is literally repowering a gondola so you can get to the next area.
I always thought those gondolas were on cables, not steel bars. I don't recall having to clear skylines of cargo to use a gondola.

As far as I can tell, the gondola system is different than the skyline system.




One of the missions of the game is literally repowering a gondola so you can get to the next area.
That's true, but if memory serves it wasn't on one of the tracks you could use the skyhook on, was it?




The gondolas worked on rails, but it never said they were Sky-Line rails, otherwise all those parts where you have to wait for the gondola to appear before you could move forward would be rather eyebrow raising since both you and Elizabeth had Sky-Hooks.




I'm chugging along.
I am currently looking for Fink in order to get the guns I need to get back the airship I "commandeered".
My preferred weapons of choice so far are the Carbine for most troops and the RPG for the bigger enemies. At first I was a little annoyed that I couldn't hold on to more weapons, but I soon realized just how fun it can be to be at a slight disadvantage when I get cornered. As an example; recently I found myself inside a one exit warehouse when a fight broke out. Enemies started pouring in from the front door while I took them out at the bottleneck with my carbine. Suddenly I ran out of bullets. As I dashed forward to loot bodies, a robotic patriot and a floating machine gun were waiting around the corner and started to unload on me. Unable to get to the bodies I whipped out my RPG and hid behind a desk. As the patriot came in I blasted away, barely coming out with sliver of health. From the wreckage I yanked out a crankgun, dashed around the corner and unloaded on the floating machine gun and remaining troops. It was a narrow escape. I loved it.

I'm also a great fan of the "rip" mechanic that allows Elizabeth to bring into existence objects and items that can aid me. It's a clever method of giving a player the chance to cater the game to his playstyle. Personally I can never turn down extra firepower from robo-patriots.

The voice work is fantastic in this game. And the writing is pretty clever too. It upsets me when I miss out on a bit of dialogue because I hit multiple voice trigger locations in a row.

I'm looking forward to more time to play.




Spoony's review is annoying me and I'm not even a half-hour in. Probably going to stop watching.
I don't care if people have a different opinion than me, but it annoys me when they sit and make a video and get their facts wrong. When discussing public transport implications of the skyrail: "I didn't see any gondolas." ...Spoony, you spend a good chunk of the game shooting guys off of gondolas. Booker and Elizabeth refer to them specifically as gondolas more than once.

And I won't even get started on how much he gets wrong about the original Bioshock, but I can at least forgive that since he probably hasn't played that one since it was released.
So I'm listening to this thing. And besides the nitpicks about the plot it seems his major complaint about the gameplay is that the video game plays too much like a video game. One example he uses is the food aspect, where Booker gorges himself on trash cake to fill up his life. That seems pretty on par with most games. There's always plenty of weird mechanics that wouldn't make much sense in a real life situation. But that's why it's not real life. It's a video game. If it was way too realistic, most games about a man taking down an entire army of opposition will never be winnable. So what if Mario increases in size when he gets a mushroom? It's just part of the game.
Yeah. Bioshock isn't exactly Mario, but having a weird game mechanic that doesn't make sense is still better than "You have been shot once. You do not have a good surgeon and several months of recovery available to repair yourself. You are dead.".


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

So I'm listening to this thing. And besides the nitpicks about the plot it seems his major complaint about the gameplay is that the video game plays too much like a video game. One example he uses is the food aspect, where Booker gorges himself on trash cake to fill up his life. That seems pretty on par with most games. There's always plenty of weird mechanics that wouldn't make much sense in a real life situation. But that's why it's not real life. It's a video game. If it was way too realistic, most games about a man taking down an entire army of opposition will never be winnable. So what if Mario increases in size when he gets a mushroom? It's just part of the game.
Yeah. Bioshock isn't exactly Mario, but having a weird game mechanic that doesn't make sense is still better than "You have been shot once. You do not have a good surgeon and several months of recovery available to repair yourself. You are dead.".
Yeah, that stuff is silly. There are reasons to have guns in the vending machines story-wise for both Bioshock (free market) and Infinite (American gun obsession).

I will concede that it would have been cool that if you start shooting things up in a citizen zone, they all run to the vending machines and pull out weapons. Would've been an interesting consequence. That said, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of places in Infinite where you're just not allowed to use your gun.




Yeah, that stuff is silly. There are reasons to have guns in the vending machines story-wise for both Bioshock (free market) and Infinite (American gun obsession).

I will concede that it would have been cool that if you start shooting things up in a citizen zone, they all run to the vending machines and pull out weapons. Would've been an interesting consequence. That said, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of places in Infinite where you're just not allowed to use your gun.
I think that Spoony's interpretation of the ending could definitely be seen that way.
But I like to think that if they stop the Comstock realities from occurring that he will not end up selling Anna. Yeah maybe he will still be in debt, but I think it's probably supposed to be clear that selling Anna was a bigger mistake than just dealing with the consequences of whomever he owed.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I think that Spoony's interpretation of the ending could definitely be seen that way.
But I like to think that if they stop the Comstock realities from occurring that he will not end up selling Anna. Yeah maybe he will still be in debt, but I think it's probably supposed to be clear that selling Anna was a bigger mistake than just dealing with the consequences of whomever he owed.
I don't think he'll have the opportunity to sell her, or at least that's implied. However, he's still the same Booker who would have, given the chance. Maybe the time he has will let him get over it. That, or he'll get into gambling debts and this time the loan sharks will just kill him and who knows what will happen to Anna. I guess the way I'm seeing it is, there are still pretty bleak outcomes. That said, now that the constant of Comstock taking Anna has been eliminated, there are more possibilities for Booker and Anna, meaning that in some worlds, Booker might make different choices and things will turn out better.




theres a very strong implication that consciousnesses collapse in the game. When the baby is crying in his office after the credits, I'm pretty sure that the memory of everything you had to go through in order to win Elizabeth back has collapsed back into you.

So not only do you no longer have the opportunity to sell her, but you remember, perhaps as a dream, or nightmare, what could have been. I like to think that you change as a result of this "dream".


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Consciousness collapses when one person travels to another world. That couldn't happen with the Comstock timeline removed since he never would've commissioned the prophecy machine from Lutece.

That said, the way he says "Anna?" implies at least that he has a bad feeling or some effect from the other stuff has come onto him, so maybe there's a chance.




I'm considering starting over on a harder difficulty.




theres a very strong implication that consciousnesses collapse in the game. When the baby is crying in his office after the credits, I'm pretty sure that the memory of everything you had to go through in order to win Elizabeth back has collapsed back into you.

So not only do you no longer have the opportunity to sell her, but you remember, perhaps as a dream, or nightmare, what could have been. I like to think that you change as a result of this "dream".

When the Manipulated awaken from their Journey into the Tangent Universe, they are often haunted by the experience in their dreams.

Many of them will not remember.

Those who do remember the journey are often overcome
with profound remorse for the regretful actions buried
within their dreams, the only physical evidence buried within the artifact itself; all that remains from the lost world.
The Philosophy of Time Travel
Roberta Sparrow


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm considering starting over on a harder difficulty.
I'd recommend finishing it as-is and then playing it again on a harder difficulty (or 1999 mode) later. Starting over without finishing and added on a harder playthrough can made a game feel like it's taking forever.

You can't apply one fiction's rules to another :p. Otherwise the whole immortal thing by that one bad guy in Dragonball Z could be solved by cutting off the guy's head.




I thought it was pretty obvious the scene after the credits was supposed to represent that "Booker" remembered what happened. That, or it implied that he saw the whole thing as some dream. Why? Well...

For one, why have the scene at all if it holds no relevance to what happened? The developers are smarter then that.

Second, why would he walk into a room, that mind you, was only used to house Anne's crib, open is very slowly, and say "Anne, is that you?" Why the hell would he be asking that question? What did he expect to answer back? Aliens? His dead wife? The boogyman?

No, the question "Anne, is that you?" is because he came out remembering the events of the game, thus why we see it as the audience through his eyes. To him, he was suddenly back in his office hearing baby music, walked up to the door scared of her being gone because that is all that Booker remembers of her just before he came to know her as Elizabeth. It was a way for him to come to grips with "reseting". At least, that's how I saw it.




One thing that I didn't pick up on for a while was the fact that every time you die in the game until Elizabeth is around to revive you, it's not the same Booker that you're continuing with. When one Booker fails he Luteces grab another reality's Booker.




One thing that I didn't pick up on for a while was the fact that every time you die in the game until Elizabeth is around to revive you, it's not the same Booker that you're continuing with. When one Booker fails he Luteces grab another reality's Booker.
If you're in Booker's office with a Letuce retrieving you, you can also stand next to Anna's door and hear (very slowly and faintly) baby music




One thing that I didn't pick up on for a while was the fact that every time you die in the game until Elizabeth is around to revive you, it's not the same Booker that you're continuing with. When one Booker fails he Luteces grab another reality's Booker.
This was already kind of hinted also by the fact we later on enter one of those dimensions. One in which Booker "fails" somewhere around the Hall of Heroes, allowing the Vox Populi to use him as a sort of martyr figure. Every attempt with a new Booker creates yet another dimension. Once we get Elizabeth and she can rift jump, we remain the same Booker the rest of the game, thus why it changes to her reviving us.

Also for those confused by the fact Booker can exist after "drowning" at the Baptism, you just think no farther then to the nature of the coin flip. When you flip a coin you have two outcomes, heads or tails. You don't have heads, tails, sideways, backwards, etc... Just heads or tails. The universe works by giving two choices and two outcomes, which can then branch into another two unique choices and outcomes, spawning on forever to a massive tree of existence. The choice that created Comstock was Booker accepting the Baptism (heads) while the one that kept him Booker was him refusing it (tails).

When Elizabeth takes you back to the Baptism and "drowns" you, she is altering one of those choices. Instead of either fleeing the Baptism or taking part in it and surviving, the two choices are now fleeing the Baptism or taking part in it and drowning. She changes the nature of the "heads" flip. This means every version of Comstock that could have existed will be dead, but that every instance of Booker will "reset" and go on living because he never accepts the Baptism to go on and drown.




Finished it.

As someone mentioned earlier:
Due to having a 11 month old daughter that scene where Anna is taken really shook me up.

It was just a fantastic game. Really good.




Interesting thing I had pointed out to me by some folks online. Watch this video, and really pay attention to the background noise around 14 seconds in.

So, is the songbird's screech merely a sound effect they've used before, or were they really thinking ahead? I haven't played the original recently enough to know whether or not you hear it anywhere else in the game.




I think it's coincidence or something done after the fact. They couldn't have known they'd get a sequel for such an ambitious game.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I don't think they were thinking that far ahead, but it's possible they used the same sound on purpose.




Considering how weird Songbird is, they likely just decided to go through the "weird background noises" folder they had after making BioShock, heard that sound, and said "Okay yes, that is the noise it should be making" Although...

Songbird was said to be created when Fink reverse engineered the technology of the Big Daddy, after getting information on the process through a rift to Rapture. This is why it "imprints" on Elizabeth using the same process used to bond a Big Daddy to a Little Sister, and is extremely protective of her. However, we don't know WHO was used in this process, and it could be that Songbird himself was a Big Daddy stolen from Rapture and altered into the bird like creature on Columbia to carry out a new role. Maybe the original Big Daddy just made similar sounds.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm hoping we'll find out the internal source for Songbird in DLC.




I'm hoping we'll find out the internal source for Songbird in DLC.
That would be great.




Took on first Handy-man today. Thankful for the equipment drop.




So my wife had to go out for the entire day. I kinda should have been sleeping... but if you keep tabs on the minor rant thread you'll know why I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and play a few hours of Bioshock.
Holy... fucking... shit.
I mean I know the story already, but the game still isn't ceasing to surprise me. I love the fact that I'm actually jumping from reality to reality to fit my needs. First I need the gunsmith alive so I cross into a dimension where he is. Then even though he's alive he's a Comstock follower now and married to the head of security's sister (which is probably why he's still alive), but now his machines have been confiscated. Then when I get to the machines I obviously can't carry them so I jump into a dimension where they were never confiscated at all and HOLYSHIT! VOX ATTACK! Fitzroy is an absolute monster and I love it. You think she's being all noble, but she turns out to be as much a monster as Comstock is, killing innocent people left and right. And the fights are just insane. People zipping around. Blimps to blow up.
Gawd... I so miss the days where I could just sit down and play a game like this to death. I know I'm going to want to play this on a harder difficulty next time, but I have so many other games I need to play. And considering the limited time I have to play them it's hard to want to give up the opportunity.




Out of curiosity, Shawnacy, have you had the ending spoiled? I hope not because it really steamrolls you when it happens.




Out of curiosity, Shawnacy, have you had the ending spoiled? I hope not because it really steamrolls you when it happens.
He's said he read all the spoilers in this thread.




Ah, my bad. Thanks.




So I just read this article where devout Christians took offense to the mandatory baptizing scene in the beginning of the game and demanded a refund.





So I just read this article where devout Christians took offense to the mandatory baptizing scene in the beginning of the game and demanded a refund.


Well, this might be a shot in the dark here, but it would seem to be, that we, as North American culture, we're largely desensitized to violence, and to an extent, foul language as we're exposed to it on a regular basis (although, even this has limits with most people), whereas religious imagery is tied to more personal beliefs and can therefore invoke stronger reactions. I don't find it all that odd a reaction, when you look at it like that.




Well, this might be a shot in the dark here, but it would seem to be, that we, as North American culture, we're largely desensitized to violence, and to an extent, foul language as we're exposed to it on a regular basis (although, even this has limits with most people), whereas religious imagery is tied to more personal beliefs and can therefore invoke stronger reactions. I don't find it all that odd a reaction, when you look at it like that.
Makes sense. Still. In the end it's about the same thing, just different reactions.




I'll probably be getting this game Friday. I have not read any spoilers in this thread and know almost nothing about the game. Just the way I like it.




I'll probably be getting this game Friday. I have not read any spoilers in this thread and know almost nothing about the game. Just the way I like it.
The twist is Booker is actually a Ghost and has been the entire movie.
Or is he just stuck in a village that pretends it's the 1700s?

I really forget at this point.




Booker likes books.




The twist is Booker is actually a Ghost and has been the entire movie.
Or is he just stuck in a village that pretends it's the 1700s?

I really forget at this point.
NO its that he's a firebender invading the air temples and has to capture the avatar.
or he was brought there because he's unbreakable and all the bad stuff was done to prove it

wait I'm doing it wrong, those aren't really twists are they? :(




I think the reveal that the zombie brain of Hitler was behind the whole thing was a mind blowing twist.




I think the reveal that the zombie brain of Hitler was behind the whole thing was a mind blowing twist.
I saw that coming a mile away.

Now the fact Elizabeth was actually King Kong in a woman suit, that we had to fight off a floating Empire State Building? That took me by surprise.




I saw that coming a mile away.

Now the fact Elizabeth was actually King Kong in a woman suit, that we had to fight off a floating Empire State Building? That took me by surprise.
Did you catch the Red Baron Easter egg in that fight?




Did you catch the Red Baron Easter egg in that fight?
You mean the flying pizzas?




I know, I about crapped my pants when I saw Snoopy chasing him around on his doghouse! Awesomesauce!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You guys are using some fucked up mods.




I am so close to finishing this game. I'm currently on the third floor of Comstock's blimp. Life's kinda gotten in the way of any chance to play the last few days however. Tonight will be the night though. Well... crossing my fingers on that.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I am so close to finishing this game. I'm currently on the third floor of Comstock's blimp. Life's kinda gotten in the way of any chance to play the last few days however. Tonight will be the night though. Well... crossing my fingers on that.
Yeah, you're pretty much there, depending on how many times you have to do the final battle.




Mildly NSFW - multiple f-bombs.




Beat it. :)




Aaaaand? Your reaction?




Aaaaand? Your reaction?
I think it's a great game. Very memorable. Game of the year? Well... I'd like to see what the year has in store for us.
Pros: I think it's a very beautiful game with a fantastic story. I love the Luteces and any scene they appeared. The ending (despite already knowing, and I wish I had not peeked at the spoilers) was pretty impressive visually and written. Elizabeth was a wonderful and helpful companion, always around for ammo or health boosts. Plus I think one point she handed me just enough money to buy an item I was looking at but short on.
Game definitely has replay value.
Cons: No bosses. What constituted as boss fights were essentially just swarms of troops. I guess the "ghost" counts sort of. But even that was pretty generic. The biggest "upset" was the final battle which consisted of troops we've seen countless number of times throughout the game already.Proper boss fights would involve a completely new strategy for each one, and there was plenty of opportunity for some good fights. I was expecting something special when taking on Fink, but it failed to impress.. The inability to hold a several guns kinda made me more frustrated than it made the game exciting, I didn't feel the looting system was quick enough to require running around scrambling for bullets.




You want Boss fights... in a Bioshock game? Has there ever been a single GOOD ONE in this series?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You want Boss fights... in a Bioshock game? Has there ever been a single GOOD ONE in this series?
Big Daddies would count as bosses in my opinion. But then, so would Handymen in that regard. What I consider the boss fights of Bioshock Infinite were certain encounter areas that then through in a Handyman. I feel boss fights are more than just "big enemy you fight" so much as whether you've reached a point where your current skills are being tested.

I would also argue that Sander Cohen was a boss fight in the first Bioshock, albeit an optional one. He had more health than other splicers and the first time I fought him, we had a crazy chase and trap battle all over Fort Frolic. It was the only time a splicer fight had the same run and gun tactics as a Big Daddy battle (early game).




I guess I'd ask what the point of the "boss fight" is anyway? Is it merely a way to artificially ramp up and down the difficulty, and thus the adrenaline of the game so you don't suffer from fatigue staying at the same level of tenseness? Or is it a challenge that's meant to provide the player with a sense of success upon completion? Or something else?

I found only three points in BSI that were annoyingly challenging, the handyman (just the first one), the ghost, and saving the generator. And these stemmed from my poor use of vigors - I rarely used them throughout the game.

But I didn't feel a sense of accomplishment from any of them, they were just tedious and annoying. I assumed it was simply because I rarely play games like this, but perhaps it's not just me.

I still enjoyed the game - it was much easier than I expected it to be since I haven't played FPS games in so long, and the story and most of the gameplay was enjoyable. This didn't detract from it, it simply was what it was.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I loved the Handymen battles. It was the only enemy type that made me go "Oh fuck I gotta get out of here!"

Boss fights serve lots of functions. Adrenaline due to challenge, milestones/markers for progress, climax for an area of the game (not really relevant for a game like Bioshock Infinite though), test of the skills you've learned and used up to that point. I enjoy games that are challenging, so I look forward to good boss fights. Part of what makes me enjoy God of War II and III is the abundance of boss fights (compared to the other God of War games).

But like you said, you don't normally play games like this, so those aspects probably won't appeal and the addition of bosses will seem like pointless obstacles.




I'm going to give it another play through on 1999 mode. I'm sure I'll have to lower the difficulty eventually. I can handle tough challenges on a PC game, but an Xbox controller is not my favorite FPS tool.




You can't change difficulty on 1999 mode.




Hmm. Gonna have a tough time this time around.




Why is it called 1999 mode anyway?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Why is it called 1999 mode anyway?
Because its changes are inspired by System Shock 2 and it's intended for the people who played that game.




Not to mention ramping up the difficulty to compare with games that were out around 1999, which didn't have regenerating health, less save points, etc.




After i got my ass kicked i started over on medium so i could learn better combos with vigors.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Not to mention ramping up the difficulty to compare with games that were out around 1999, which didn't have regenerating health, less save points, etc.
Yeah, this, absolutely. I'm playing the Gamecube Resident Evil remake from just a couple years later. It isn't kicking my ass exactly, but each time I turn it on, it wracks my nerves because I'm just not used to playing a game with limited inventory, or a lack of checkpoints. That's become scarier than the monsters or atmosphere. Even the original Super Mario Bros. can have checkpoints on my 3DS, but Resident Evil's been messing me up because I've taken modern video game conveniences for granted.

I'm looking forward to playing Bioshock Infinite on 1999 mode; I just want to let some more time pass between playthroughs.




What are the recommended vigor/weapon combos?




First half of the game, I stuck with Sniper Rifle/Murder of Crows upgraded so that when someone dies with crows on them, it turns into a crow trap. Kept pretty much everyone imobilized if you could keep get them bunched up.

Second half, I switched to Sniper Rifle/Shock Jockey with the chain lightning upgrade.




Are you a PC man? I have not yet adapted to the Xbox controller for a lot of aiming. It's definitely a pain. Auto Aim helps, but not so much with moving targets.




I'm on PC, but I use the Xbox controller for games. I've actually become more comfortable with it than the mouse keyboard combo.




I'm on PC, but I use the Xbox controller for games. I've actually become more comfortable with it than the mouse keyboard combo.
Really? That's interesting. Question though. If you can use an xbox controller for a PC, does that mean I can use a wireless keyboard and mouse on the xbox?




I doubt it. I've never owned an Xbox. Most games nowadays have native Xbox 360 controller support, though.




I pretty much used the carbine for 90% of the game once I'd gotten it, and used the fire vigor except when against fire enemies, then I'd switch to shock jockey. But I was only playing on normal.




I pretty much used the carbine for 90% of the game once I'd gotten it, and used the fire vigor except when against fire enemies, then I'd switch to shock jockey. But I was only playing on normal.
Ditto, Carbine was kind of the ultimate all purpose gun. I alternated between the hand cannon and the shotgun for my backup weapon. I used the Fire/Shock jockey a ton although once I had fully upgraded crows I had quite a bit of fun with that.




MoC seems like a lot of fun, and my first run through I think I used it the most. Though I never upgraded it. Once I got shock jockey I started using that a bit. I never really tried Bucking Branco, Return to Sender, Charge, or Undertow. I may have to play around with them.

I used the carbine and the shotgun as my fully ugraded weapons all the way through. I definitely want to try a different combination the second time through. Maybe the hand cannon and/or the heater.

Does anyone know if it's even possible to buy Bucking Branco from the vending machine in the fair at the beginning of the game? 350 is a lot of coins, and usually I can only get just short of 200 before I have to move on to the next section and can no longer go back.




MoC seems like a lot of fun, and my first run through I think I used it the most. Though I never upgraded it. Once I got shock jockey I started using that a bit. I never really tried Bucking Branco, Return to Sender, Charge, or Undertow. I may have to play around with them.

I used the carbine and the shotgun as my fully ugraded weapons all the way through. I definitely want to try a different combination the second time through. Maybe the hand cannon and/or the heater.

Does anyone know if it's even possible to buy Bucking Branco from the vending machine in the fair at the beginning of the game? 350 is a lot of coins, and usually I can only get just short of 200 before I have to move on to the next section and can no longer go back.
I don't think there's a way to buy it without having the pre-order bonus of extra starting money




I used undertow on fights where bitches were up on ships and I was on the ground, other than that I stuck with the fire and shock jockey.




For me the hardest part of 1999 mode was the first part after the raffle. You barely have enough money to respawn once before it kicks you out to the menu on a death. The automatons in that area suck, and then that fireman was pretty hairy.

After that I pretty much used the machine gun/sniper combo until later on when I swapped out the shotgun for the machine gun. Bucking Bronco was actually pretty useful, especially in areas where you could shoot mobs off the platforms & let them fall to their deaths (also for the Crowmen).

MoC was good for scouting out mobs behind cover. I think ultimately I upgraded Possession to make hitting vending machines cheaper & so mobs would off themselves, Shock Jockey to chain & get longer stuns, & Undertow to increase range & # of targets. Charge & Return to sender didn't do much for me. Undertow with multiple targets in cover + shotgun = game over (especially in emporia in the plaza with the snipers).

Infusions - I maxxed out the shield first, then the salts, & spent the remainder on health. Weapons I maxxed out the machine gun, sniper rifle & shotgun.

I had been told that you'd need the 5x crit hat for "boss" mobs, but with my luck holding out as usual, I didn't get that piece until the very last one. What WAS important was the Winter's Chill which gave you invulnerability when dismounting a skyline. Between that, the knockback & the reload gear, I would just spend fights hopping on & off skylines. The main fights that gave me trouble were the theater in the Good Time Club (the patriots suck), the Handyman after Fitzroy kills Fink, & the 3 fights with the siren (key tactic I used was to zap the mobs before I killed them, so they disintegrate. Then you get the siren solo.)

As for the story itself, I thought it was well done. My favorite part was in the tower when Elizabeth opens the tear to Paris, but most of that is due to the song "Everybody wants to Rule the World" in the background. This & the 1912 remix in Fink's shop in Emporia. That song is one of my all time faves.




Just finished Burial At Sea. Pt 1

It's okay. I mean it's very short, though I suppose it has every right to be. The story is pretty strong, and fits in nicely with the other Bioshocks, seeing as how they kind of combined them here.
I loved finding the audio records. A few of them are pretty enlightening.
Such as finding out why Vigors are Plasmids you can drink.
The ending caught me off guard again. Though it does ask some questions. And please. These are major spoilers. So don't click unless you really really really want to know.
If the ending of Infinite was that they stopped Comstock from existing completely, why are you Comstock?
oh and not a question but...
I totally cringed when baby Anna was decapitated. Being a dad of an infant certainly made that a bit heart twisting.

Looking forward to part 2. I wonder how it's going to continue from where part 1 leaves off.

Another dimension? Another Comstock/Booker? Will this Comstock survive or will he be turned into a Big Daddy?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Haven't finished it yet. I'm probably getting close, but whatever article I read yesterday saying it was less than two hours probably just ran around killing splicers. It's short, sure, but you don't guzzle a fine wine like it's gatorade. Bioshock should be enjoyed and I take in the atmosphere.

I want to pose thoughts and questions, but I'll wait until I finish in case any are answered by the end of part 1. I'll likely finish it Saturday; won't have time tomorrow (that I know of).




There's only so much to savour...considering how little there is beyond the first bit that isn't just gunplay.




Haven't finished it yet. I'm probably getting close, but whatever article I read yesterday saying it was less than two hours probably just ran around killing splicers. It's short, sure, but you don't guzzle a fine wine like it's gatorade. Bioshock should be enjoyed and I take in the atmosphere.
That's good to hear, I heard it was about 90 mins, which was disappointing.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

That's good to hear, I heard it was about 90 mins, which was disappointing.
It took me more than 30 to get to where any action happens; I wanted to hear what NPCs were discussing, check out the locations, and find hidden audio logs. There's plenty to do if you're enjoying it. Whoever finished it in under two hours certainly didn't find all the logs (and probably wasn't the type who cares).




I finished it in about 3 hours. And I did take my time to run around and explore the first part before the fighting starts.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

There's only so much to savour...considering how little there is beyond the first bit that isn't just gunplay.
While I agree the meat of experience would be pre-combat, there's still plenty to see beyond there.

It's nice how much this feels like the first Bioshock. Infinite is more of a gauntlet, while the original game was about caution. This had me creeping around corners and hitting splicers upside the head, which is a nice feeling.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm not knocking anyone who thinks what's offered is meager for the price. I bought the Season Pass in March, not expecting that one of the three DLCs would be a pointless challenge mode. So essentially this is $10 to me--which is what I paid for the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim.

There isn't a lot to it, but what's present is good. Hopefully Part 2 will be more extensive. I certainly wouldn't recommend paying $15 for it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Finished it, and my questions echo Shawnacy's.

I guess in at least one timeline, the stealing of Anna went horribly wrong, and to escape it, Comstock went through the Lutece machine to fuse with another biological duplicate in another timeline, this one being where Booker exists in Rapture.

However, there shouldn't be any more Comstocks. There shouldn't be any Elizabeths either. Possibly this is something that had existed, but now doesn't after the end of Infinite.




Finished it, and my questions echo Shawnacy's.
You may want to spoiler what he had spoilered when quoting him.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You may want to spoiler what he had spoilered when quoting him.
Shit shit shit. Sorry about that; I meant to hit spoiler when I typed that out, but hit quote instead by accident.




Finished it, and my questions echo Shawnacy's.

I guess in at least one timeline, the stealing of Anna went horribly wrong, and to escape it, Comstock went through the Lutece machine to fuse with another biological duplicate in another timeline, this one being where Booker exists in Rapture.

However, there shouldn't be any more Comstocks. There shouldn't be any Elizabeths either. Possibly this is something that had existed, but now doesn't after the end of Infinite.
A work associate had an interesting theory, which I'm guessing is actually what the creators must have had in mind, as I don't see it making much "sense" otherwise. Basically because he escaped into another dimension and became Booker, per help from the Letuce Twins, he was spared the genocide (used loosely) of all the Comstocks. But yeah. There is the whole "but if he was Comstock before, how could he exist if they got rid of all the Comstocks." And to that I say... "fuck if I know." The damn thing makes no sense. Basically we're suppose to just assume that Elizabeth is basically a God, the Letuce Twins are angels, and there are so many dimensions any crazy thing can happen. I guess if I had to take a guess... Comstock became Booker. This spared him, despite him originally being Comstock, cause apparently these dimension thingies don't always take time into consideration when you screw around with another dimension's reality. If he becomes Booker in one dimension, then he is and always has been Booker. The Dimension basically fixes itself to accommodate you (nose bleeds) and you are effectively saved from the effects of another dimension. So basically the chain reaction that Elizabeth set off to destroy the Comstocks couldn't find him. It might also explain the parallels with the infinite dimension, such as the grabber tool and the presence of "windows" to the infinite dimension. Elizabeth had a term for it, but I forget what she used.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

A work associate had an interesting theory, which I'm guessing is actually what the creators must have had in mind, as I don't see it making much "sense" otherwise. Basically because he escaped into another dimension and became Booker, per help from the Letuce Twins, he was spared the genocide (used loosely) of all the Comstocks. But yeah. There is the whole "but if he was Comstock before, how could he exist if they got rid of all the Comstocks." And to that I say... "fuck if I know." The damn thing makes no sense. Basically we're suppose to just assume that Elizabeth is basically a God, the Letuce Twins are angels, and there are so many dimensions any crazy thing can happen. I guess if I had to take a guess... Comstock became Booker. This spared him, despite him originally being Comstock, cause apparently these dimension thingies don't always take time into consideration when you screw around with another dimension's reality. If he becomes Booker in one dimension, then he is and always has been Booker. The Dimension basically fixes itself to accommodate you (nose bleeds) and you are effectively saved from the effects of another dimension. So basically the chain reaction that Elizabeth set off to destroy the Comstocks couldn't find him. It might also explain the parallels with the infinite dimension, such as the grabber tool and the presence of "windows" to the infinite dimension. Elizabeth had a term for it, but I forget what she used.
Constants and variables. Elizabeth seems a bit older too.

I mentioned this theory to Julie, but cut myself off when I came back around to "but if he was Comstock before" issue. Though crossing timelines does not originate with Elizabeth, of course; it's the Luteces who made that possible. We're accepting that a Comstock got Anna killed, felt horrible, and asked the Luteces to put him somewhere where he could escape. Fusing with his biological identical, a Booker who would have existed regardless of Comstock, he's spared the chain reaction. Maybe the elimination of Comstock's origin wouldn't touch him hiding in this situation, but we still have the problem that Dr. Suchong saw Columbia through tears that emerged thanks to Elizabeth's presence. Not to mention, this doesn't cover Elizabeth, because without Comstock, there is no Elizabeth, since Anna would not be stolen. In Infinite's ending, eliminating Comstock eliminates all Elizabeths.

I really hope Part 2 explains this stuff and that it won't be left to a bunch of fanwanking, because Infinite was succinct and well thought-out. Any plot hole had an answer within the narrative and tied up its loose ends. This DLC just opened a new can of worms. Also:

In one of the elevator descents, everything went fuzzy and there was a nosebleed, meaning at that very moment either another Booker had fused with the one we'd been playing as, or the one we'd been playing as entered a tear, if we're going by the rules and visual cues of the main game. My original theory was that Elizabeth realized Sally was dead in the Rapture timeline she had entered and moved them to one where Sally was possibly still alive.




I kinda figured Elizabeth exists because she's already melded with every dimensions, much like the Letuce Twins: only she possesses the power to combine elements of other dimensions and to cross them with passengers (I think the Letuce twins just tend to show up wherever they want). But because she's part of every dimension, time has no effect on her.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I kinda figured Elizabeth exists because she's already melded with every dimensions, much like the Letuce Twins: only she possesses the power to combine elements of other dimensions and to cross them with passengers (I think the Letuce twins just tend to show up wherever they want). But because she's part of every dimension, time has no effect on her.
Infinite's ending established that Elizabeth isn't above all the rules. Her source was cut off--that's why they began to blink out even though they had crossed into other timelines.




I just finished this game. I really enjoyed the story. The gameplay was a bit banal, but it was okay because there were only very short bits that didn't advance the story. The vigors were kind of useless because of how few shots you get combined with the rarity of salt. The only real challenge I had in the game was the insane asylum in the Empress Elizabeth universe. My favorite vigors were definitely possession and RTS. Also enjoyed the ragtime 80s songs.

Hmm. On a story note, Elizabeth is quite similar to Fade in terms of powers. Well Fade is if Elizabeth and Edward Elric had a powers baby and discovered that it was what people used to call magic.[DOUBLEPOST=1396881138,1396880750][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, one of my favorite parts was seeing Troy Baker and Courtnee Draper (Booker and Elizabeth) perform Will The Circle Be Unbroken (with Booker on Guitar) as the credits rolled.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Glad you enjoyed it. And yeah, that credits blip (and the scene they were rehearsing) was something special.

Do not play the DLC. You've been warned.




Do not play the DLC. You've been warned.
Awwww. I've heard thats the case. Is it really that bad? :(




Man...Ienjoyed the DLC.

It makes everything feel connected.




Conflicting views!!!




The DLC felt... odd, in how it introduced a lot of stuff to Rapture that felt like it didn't belong (like the skyrails). The story wasn't too bad...




The DLC felt... odd, in how it introduced a lot of stuff to Rapture that felt like it didn't belong (like the skyrails). The story wasn't too bad...
Is it supposed to be THE Rapture or is it a VERSION of Rapture in their multi-verse?




Is it supposed to be THE Rapture or is it a VERSION of Rapture in their multi-verse?
It is Rapture after having been exposed to the two-way windows of the experiments originating from Columbia. While Columbia starting stealing ideas from Rapture such as the Plasmids, Rapture scientists in turn stole ideas from Columbia such as the refinement of Plasmids into Vigors and the skyrails/hooks.




Hmmm. That doesn't sound so bad? Is it just not a good gaming experience then or is the story weak or what? Why am I hearing overwhelming negative reaction in general?




Hmmm. That doesn't sound so bad? Is it just not a good gaming experience then or is the story weak or what? Why am I hearing overwhelming negative reaction in general?
The second part of Burial at Sea basically does a genre shift from FPS action game to stealth, which I'm sure several people found to their dislike. Ammo isn't as common in Burial at Sea, which means you need to hide and do backstabs. Salt is also much rarer.


Fun Size

Fun Size

What's funny is that I read a review of part 2 that basically said it was what they wanted from Infinite.

Honestly, from the stuff I've read (including comments around here), I'll be surprised if I don't get the season pass eventually right before a second playthrough. Right now the only thing stopping me is that I just started not sucking completely at Borderlands.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Getting to see some more of Rapture is cool.

The story is absolutely fucking shit. If you want some sights and gameplay, then by all means, go for it. But if you enjoyed the story of Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite, avoid. The DLC strains to connect the two worlds, creating plotholes, making characters act out of character, changing motives, turning much of the backstory senseless so that, yes, it can feel connected. And in doing so reduce Elizabeth to a footnote of the original game.

Goddamn Burial at Sea part 2 was garbage. Between what he did to the continuity, characters, and his staff, Ken Levine can go fuck himself with a cheese grater. Wish I could get my $20 back, but he'd probably just swipe it from his employees' severance checks.

I'd get into it in more detail about the plotholes and stupid shit with spoiler tags, but I don't feel like raging right now. I will, however, post some images.




You know what always bugged me about bioshock? The name. I get that it's a reference to its spiritual predecessor, but it seems like there are any number of better, more relevant names.




Hmmm. I never thought about that. What is a "bioshock" anyway?

Bio: Short for Biology, a branch of science dealing with the study of living organisms
Shock: A sudden upsetting or surprising event.

So… it… kind of works? In a vague and general way?




Hmmm. I never thought about that. What is a "bioshock" anyway?

Bio: Short for Biology, a branch of science dealing with the study of living organisms
Shock: A sudden upsetting or surprising event.

So… it… kind of works? In a vague and general way?
Bioshock as opposed to System Shock. It emphasizes the biopunk elements of the game over the cyberpunk elements of the games that came before and inspired it.




Yeah I mean I figured it was a reference to the plasmids and vigors. But those are just a piece of gameplay. It's like naming a big fantasy epic "Choppy Slice" or "Pokey Cut" or something.


Actually, those are not bad names. Dibs!




Yeah I mean I figured it was a reference to the plasmids and vigors. But those are just a piece of gameplay. It's like naming a big fantasy epic "Choppy Slice" or "Pokey Cut" or something.


Actually, those are not bad names. Dibs!
Flappy Shock!




So, by applying the marketing techniques known to best reach the target demographic, we come up with the ultimate game franchise title:





So, by applying the marketing techniques known to best reach the target demographic, we come up with the ultimate game franchise title:





So, by applying the marketing techniques known to best reach the target demographic, we come up with the ultimate game franchise title:

Go on.




See, there are boobs, and there are guns. You get boobs by using your gun, and the boobs in turn are used to add power to your gun. This lets you seek more and larger boobs, which increase the spectacular nature of your gun until you are Boobgunning to the heavens and beyond.




See, there are boobs, and there are guns. You get boobs by using your gun, and the boobs in turn are used to add power to your gun. This lets you seek more and larger boobs, which increase the spectacular nature of your gun until you are Boobgunning to the heavens and beyond.
Hmm. I don't know. It's an intriguing notion. But I feel like it needs more boobs.




Hmm. I don't know. It's an intriguing notion. But I feel like it needs more boobs.
No, no, no. The boobs are fine. I feel that it needs more guns. Perhaps we should put together a test group, get their reaction, then have marketing crunch the numbers.




I feel that the boobs should also be able to transform into a boat of some type. Like one with a motor, if you will.




I feel that the boobs should also be able to transform into a boat of some type. Like one with a motor, if you will.
...I like the way you think. Figure out a way to work in Doritos and Mountain Dew and you'll be goin' places, kid.




There are more boobs, and there is more gun. As long as there are boobs, your gun can get more powerful.. and as long as you have a gun, you can get more boobs.[DOUBLEPOST=1397064560,1397064383][/DOUBLEPOST]And at the end of every level you will be graded on your performance. Guess what the grading scale will be. Go on! GUESS.




There are more boobs, and there is more gun. As long as there are boobs, your gun can get more powerful.. and as long as you have a gun, you can get more boobs.[DOUBLEPOST=1397064560,1397064383][/DOUBLEPOST]And at the end of every level you will be graded on your performance. Guess what the grading scale will be. Go on! GUESS.




And I'm thinking calibers for difficulty settings.

.22 LR
.38 Special
.44 Magnum
.50 BMG

Hard to say if "normal" difficulty should be the .38 Special or 9mm Parabellum.




Needs ass.




Needs ass.
Well, we've gotta save SOMETHING for BoobGun 2: Assblaster.







Well, we've gotta save SOMETHING for BoobGun 2: Assblaster.
Exactly. Never mind just factoring in the DLC that could concern asses.

Now, major question: can we work in microtransactions for players to get more boobs and more guns? Charge 'em $2 for the lowest ranking boobs and guns, go up to $15 for the premiun boobs and guns.




Exactly. Never mind just factoring in the DLC that could concern asses.

Now, major question: can we work in microtransactions for players to get more boobs and more guns? Charge 'em $2 for the lowest ranking boobs and guns, go up to $15 for the premiun boobs and guns.
We're looking into the female market. Preliminary testing of Weenerkitchen is not going well, however.




We're looking into the female market. Preliminary testing of Weenerkitchen is not going well, however.
Well, that's your problem. What girls are going to play games? You've been lookin' at too many of our ads with the models. Just for that, we're loanin' you over to EA to do PR work for them unless you can come up with an idea to knock my socks right now.




Well, that's your problem. What girls are going to play games? You've been lookin' at too many of our ads with the models. Just for that, we're loanin' you over to EA to do PR work for them unless you can come up with an idea to knock my socks right now.
BoobGun 3: ChickBallin'.




BoobGun 3: ChickBallin'.
Nice. You just dodged the EA bullet. Now, don't come back 'til you get those DLC and microtransaction plans finalized! I want to hear the butts of our customers' wallets clench when they hear the costs.




Did they include cleaning supply micro transactions? Chicks love to clean.




Did they include cleaning supply micro transactions? Chicks love to clean.
Yeah, the WashboardAbScrubber DLC had premium soap on offer for 10 BoobBux per consumable (And 1 dollar is 9 BoobBux).




Bux is short for buxom of course.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Finished my second playthrough tonight. That ending still packs a wallop and I was able to enjoy it more on an emotional level since my mind wasn't too busy following the implications of the twists and turns. And I'll say again

Elizabeth's evident death (or unmaking) here is far more poignant than the tacked-on conclusion that is Burial at Sea.

The second run did feel like it went a lot faster, even though I took my time inspecting places. That said, I still mixed over 20 voxophones. Hrm.
