Welp... (Leyla has joined the battle)

Then it changes to "Get to sleep early."
Funny thing is, I let my kids (once they hit 12yrs old) choose their bedtime. They went with past 11pm and learned the hard way on school nights. They actually ended up setting 9pm as their time for a solid couple of years. Now it's between 10-11pm. They feel rested enough (they say) with that schedule.
You can sleep in before they are teenagers, you just need to invest in earplugs if you have more than one. ;)
Jay, you and your wife have my heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your daughter...

even though I can't quite shake the feeling that this is all part of an elaborate plan to boost your brofist total.
How I felt when my wife left for 3 hours worried about me and the baby and I fed her (bottle), changed her diaper twice, had tummy time with her and put her to sleep without problems.

Flawless Victory.jpg
I don't understand people who are scared of babies. Babies are easy. In fact, until they are mobile, it's just like taking care of your drunk best friend. Potential for lots of screaming, making sure they have some fluids, and then cleaning up the mess. ;)
The best time I have with my daughter is tummy time.. especially when she wears the little hat with cute ears. She melts my heart.

I'll never look at porn the same way again.
The best time I have with my daughter is tummy time.. especially when she wears the little hat with cute ears. She melts my heart.

I'll never look at porn the same way again.
This post just got you put on some NSA and FBI lists.
I reckon the feds have had this place flagged ever since they learned about Operation Minotaur Pe... aaaaand I can't make that joke here. Not so close to baby Leyla.
I'm pretty sure she'll be able to cope, considering where half of her originated. Same size, different genus.
Typical jealousy. you've got 99 of them, but somebody else can't have one? You truly think this is a world of haves and have-nots, do you? We can all have children! We should rise up against the tyranny of centralized parenthood! Together we can take our babies back from our cruel Stienien overlord, hoarding all the cute for himself! Everybody, follow Jay's example! Breed! BREED!
It was more of a D'AWWWWWW, CUTE! Than a WANT!

She is a beautiful baby, and very photogenic. The first picture in particular.
Fun fact: There are little things that I know about expected gender when pregnant, but I can't remember off-hand if they're for real world pregnancies or The Sims 3.

Or both!
It was more of a D'AWWWWWW, CUTE! Than a WANT!

She is a beautiful baby, and very photogenic. The first picture in particular.
I know, I know. I was just trying to make some sort of lame joke about the many-baby guy and the new baby and I wasn't quite awake yet. have mercy, I've slept 2 hours and I'm only half-way through my 12h-work day today....

Err, maybe something about her being a prize the Stienhorde will sack Troy over?
Dammit Jay. Your cute baby reminds me of my cute baby who isn't a little baby anymore and it makes me kind of want another cute baby and OHGODNO!!! but stillkindofwant...