Video Game News and Miscellany

The Dutch version works great (both suggested age categories, and clear information on why: this one has bad language, this one refers to drugs, this one shows cartoon violence, this one has full-frontal nudity and penetration,...whatever). The American system isn't exactly as robust or as useful, but still. Things like GTA aren't rated "Great entertainment for toddlers".
I don't know how much clearer the ESRB could be. It has the general rating, the age group it suggests and on the back it gives a general outline of what kind of objectionable content the game contains.

By the sounds of it you want the ESRB ratings to be like Canadian cigarette packaging.

okay, I'm clearly misrepresenting myself here, so I'm leaving this thread. Have fun not understanding what I mean and constuing a point I'm not making instead of asking.[DOUBLEPOST=1380121126,1380121054][/DOUBLEPOST]But as a last resort: I WASNT COMPLAINING. I WAS SAYING THE PARENTS ARE DUMBSHITS WHO CANT READ ESRB RATINGS.

I'm also saying te Dutch system is better than the ESRB ratings system. It's also better than the Belgian system and the EU standard, by the way.


Staff member
Let's *snip* that whole thing because you're missing my point.
The ESRB is a non-profit body established by the ESA as a self-regulating entity. It was this, or have the government do it. I know this may be a HUUUUUGE difference for an American, what with the damn gubmint not getting their paws on censorship possibilities or whatever, but it's all the same to me. It's a generally-considered-neutral third party putting official labels with clear warnings/information about the content of the media on the outside, so that consumers can make an educated decision. I meant the ESRB as "the government", as to me, it's pretty much entirely interchangeable. I'm not suddenly advocating a second bunch of warnings to be plastered all over or something.
The difference is where the money comes from! If this were a government group, then it would be getting money from taxes. Since it's an entity that was set up by private industry, it's funded by the fees it charges to rate games. This is a huge difference, because it means that the cost of having such a rating system is solely incorporated into the cost of games and anyone who doesn't buy games won't be paying for it (unless some big company is subsidizing it's game development with sales of other products... and I don't think anyone does that. Consoles themselves get that treatment, but not software.)[DOUBLEPOST=1380126991,1380126902][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm also saying te Dutch system is better than the ESRB ratings system. It's also better than the Belgian system and the EU standard, by the way.
Can you show an example of how the Dutch system is better? Because I'm failing to see what more information the ESRB could offer than what it already has available.
Can you show an example of how the Dutch system is better? Because I'm failing to see what more information the ESRB could offer than what it already has available.
From what I understand, PEGI is pretty much exactly the same thing as ESRB, except that individual countries who adopt it can legally enforce it (or not) as they choose.

So for example, Belgium supports PEGI but does not legally enforce it, whereas the Netherlands do both.



I'm so glad the single player game was cancelled.

The comments and ratings were disabled. Ha ha ha ha.

I'm about to out myself here as a Legacy of Kain nerd, but the very fact that there're winged vampires shows just how little these guys gave a fuck about what the series had established.
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I'm so glad the single player game was cancelled.

The comments and ratings were disabled. Ha ha ha ha.

I'm about to out myself here as a Legacy of Kain nerd, but the very fact that there're winged vampires shows just how little these guys gave a fuck about what the series had established.

They're pulling from the Legacy of Kain universe to give us this shitty looking shit? Does anyone want this? Who is this game for?
The crossbows make gun sounds. Like, literally the same sound effect I hear out of the SMGs in Borderlands.[DOUBLEPOST=1380157106,1380156539][/DOUBLEPOST]Quote from a Squeenix rep

We honestly feel that the Legacy of Kain universe is rich and deep enough to support all kinds of gameplay experience, and we want to introduce it to a wider audience than just fans of single player games.

If it wasn't for how amazing FFXIV Online is, I'd say that Square has completely forgotten what Fantasy is.
- iOS 2D Final Fantasy battle game that can be played by swiping your finger up and down over the screen without attention
- iOS Final Fantasy Tactics that gets rid of the tactics map in favor of 3D-style characters facing each other
- Main series Final Fantasy games have you running on one-track road to next cutscene
- Unwanted multiple sequels to bad Final Fantasy game
- Good Final Fantasy game is delayed so long they had to change the title
- MMO so bad they had to overhaul it a year after release
- Complete fuck-up of Parasite Eve franchise
- Complete fuck-up of Legacy of Kain franchise
- Thief overhaul
- No classic games released for Wii U or 3DS eshops
- Kingdom Hearts browser game
- Endless Kingdom Hearts padded games delaying instead of Kingdom Hearts 3
- Pretentious flavor text in Dissidia and Theatrhythm that paints the old, good Final Fantasy games in the whiny bitch atmosphere Square-Enix caters to these days
- Inability to retrieve heads from asses despite executive shake-up, loss of stocks, and diminished payment for executives
About the only good thing they've actually done lately is fix FFXIV. I haven't heard a bad thing about it since the initial server problems.
Edit: Slightly ninjaed by AshburnerX

And the only thing in their defense is that FFXIV Reborn is the best MMO released since original WoW.
Edit: Slightly ninjaed by AshburnerX

And the only thing in their defense is that FFXIV Reborn is the best MMO released since original WoW.
... and less people would be saying this if they'd try The Secret World. It's the best game that nobody is playing. Smooth launch, tons of content, fun PVP, unique setting and a one-of-a-kind skill system. That's not even getting into the awesome ARGs they run to expand the metaplot. There is nothing like it on the market and I love it for it.

That being said, FFXIV would probably be my second pick. There really isn't anything wrong with it and it's using the FF franchise elements well. Better than SWTOR ever did. It's a case study in showing how a developer can make an excellent game given the time and input they need to polish it.
I really only liked The Secret World because I could change outfits all the time. I wasn't super compelled by the game play. To each their own.



I'm so glad the single player game was cancelled.

The comments and ratings were disabled. Ha ha ha ha.

I'm about to out myself here as a Legacy of Kain nerd, but the very fact that there're winged vampires shows just how little these guys gave a fuck about what the series had established.
I had just came here to post this... Fuck Squeenix, fuck them with a rusty drillbit.
... and less people would be saying this if they'd try The Secret World. It's the best game that nobody is playing. Smooth launch, tons of content, fun PVP, unique setting and a one-of-a-kind skill system. That's not even getting into the awesome ARGs they run to expand the metaplot. There is nothing like it on the market and I love it for it.
If you remember the Secret World thread, I played it for months, so my knowledge is based on playing both. My problems with that game was the class system was bloated and required way way too much grinding to achieve any kind of real -class- though I did very thoroughly enjoy the world and the voice acting I was never actually drawn into it.

Doews FFXIV use "XP groups" where you farm day in and day out like in 11?
Nope, it has a main quest storyline where you can level from 1-50 solo if you like, with instanced dungeons much like WoW through in here and there that you can party up for using a LFG UI to make your party in a matter of minutes. There are also daily quests if you prefer a more direct approach to xp, there's a FATE system that plays like RIFT's rift system (invasions of certain types happening all the time. Either attack a huge group of npcs, fight a huge boss monster, escort an npc from point A to point B etc). So your leveling choice is varied.

LOTRO was pretty solid.
It took LOTRO a very long time to get solid, it's launch was anything but. That's not even my biggest problem with it. For as pretty a game it was, it was terribly optimized for most systems, as is evident by almost 2yrs of complaints on the technical forums. Even if both those things were not an issue, my biggest problems with it was the evolving main storyline that left behind new players, it's poor party system for dungeons, and the biggest problem was it's lack of connectivity to the world. Your character literally felt like it was sliding across the floor while doing walking/running animation. It never felt like footsteps. For me, that's the kiss of a death for any PC game.
Man, I guess this is what Skyrim could look like if it were using the much more modern CryEngine. It's not open world though. It sure looks neato. This thing is going to make a lot of PCs cry.

Naughty Dog put out a The Last of Us "alternate" ending. It's spoilery as shit so be warned. Also, fuck these people for being so talented.

So, reports are pouring in from sources all abound that the Xbone has some real driver issues. To the point is that this gen is going to struggle with anything above 720p as much as last gen did. Fuck. Watch_Dogs is said to be 720p on the Bone and the 4 just to maintain 30 fps.

PC gaming am I right?
So, reports are pouring in from sources all abound that the Xbone has some real driver issues. To the point is that this gen is going to struggle with anything above 720p as much as last gen did. Fuck. Watch_Dogs is said to be 720p on the Bone and the 4 just to maintain 30 fps.

PC gaming am I right?

Hopefully this can be fixed with better software. Not because I'm interested in the Bone or 4, but because I don't want shitty downres'd ports on my PC.
PC gaming am I right?
Yes and No, my good man.

I realized during the night XBoned got its name that this lackluster console is going to be ONCE AGAIN going to be putting the industry back for the next decade.

If game companies want to make games, they'll continue to make it for the weakest link, the XBoned, then lazily port it to PC.

We'll get a better product from the XBox 360 but not by much.

Companies should make games for the PS4, then lazily port it to the XBone instead.

Microsoft fucked us all.
They'll sku first on whoever's easiest to develop for and for who sells the most consoles. Last gen, that was the 360. This gen, ease of development is definitely in the PS4's corner, and if presales are any indication, with a 3 or 4 to 1 presale lead, the PS4 will have the most consoles in homes too.

Microsoft can make all the parity demands it wants, but if there's only one Xbone for every 4 PS4s, they won't have any power over anyone.

Meanwhile, I'll be playing multiplats on my hires monitor at 60+ frames on my PC like I always have. From the sounds of things, won't even need to think about upgrading till the next round of processors. Though, that new AMD card that apparently outperforms the Nvidia Titan at half the cost sure sounds like something I may be into soon.
Here're some more quotes about Watch_Dogs. Not telling what the X1 is set to.

When asked what the final resolutions of these titles were shooting for, the answer's was almost as indecisive as Morin's, indicating that the team may still be working on optimization:
"720p on PS360, 1080 on PS4, TBD on Xbox One"​
When asked if the difference was noticeable, the answer was clear:
"Big difference between last generation and next gen. You can see it. PC can hit up to 60fps 1080, but I think they are aiming for parity with PS4"​
From there, the question of frame rate was put in the air, as the Xbox versions of multi-platform games have always seemed to be in question as of late:
"Both hit 30fps easy. I think Xbox One suffers a few dips from 60fps. PS4 is pretty smooth. Definitive version"​
Finally, the idea of the Wii U being "between" next generation, although believable, was still questionable as most Wii U ports are simply that, ports. When asked the truthfulness behind this, the answer was... honest... if anything:
"Meh. Wii U is on par with current generation, to be honest."​

Attack on Titan game coming to 3DS.

The 3D Maneuver movement looks like fun, and there's going to be both a story mode and multiplayer. I kind of wish they had a story mode where it was just you as some soldier, not having to play as one of the main characters and exactly follow the established storyline, but whatever, that's what the multiplayer will be for. I'm hoping the aerial mechanics take a page from Kingdom Hearts 3D; the slide they added to that was the only good new gameplay feature and worked really well for aerial control/combat.
Do you own Bioshock 2 on Steam? Well, if you do, you now have Minerva's Den on Steam as well (it was previously only available on the GFWL store). Also, Securom and GFWL have been patched out of it.

Minerva's Den is possibly the single best piece of DLC ever created. It's actually far superior to vanilla Bioshock 2.

Also, it's full of Carl Lumbly (Martian Manhunter from various Justice League series).
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