[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

FUCK! :confused:
My longest was 1 year. I plan on not repeating that ever again but life seems a little uncooperative with me at the moment... ¬¬
Everyone seems surprised when I say that. I almost feel a weird pride about it now, thanks to that reaction. Probably not healthy. Oh well. Such is life.
We waiver between "How YOU doin'?":unibrow: and "Ack! Be very, very careful, or we lose months of sleep again!".

I like sex, but I loves me some sleep.
Guys, this pregnancy is so different than my last one that I am baffled.

I have been diagnosed with low blood pressure so I get dizzy at random and I fainted in the Wal Mart automotive department while telling a guy off about my tires and how NO all season would not due as a replacement for my studded winter tires. I am still throwing up and I feel so tired all the friggin' time.

Mama is not happy.
Each one is different. I'm sorry this one is hard on you. My second was easier as far as not feeling well, but I was constantly exhausted. The first I was nauseous and extremely tired for the first four months, then suddenly I felt like I had never been healthier.
I wanted to get baby rats and my wife caved, but it didn't work out, so we had to return them.

My wife and I had a talk later and think I was trying to preemptively fill a void before it existed. My little cousins who I've lived near since they were 5 are moving to Arizona and likely the two rats I love dearly won't see 2015.

I think this year's gonna suck in the long run, but I need to cherish time I have with loved ones while I have it, deal with the pain, and THEN move on, not try to find more things to put my mind on.


Staff member
Because it's a surprise that they are being recorded and people can hear them doing it?
Some people are just dumb, what can I say. This one doubly so - he voicetracks, and is not live. IE, HE RECORDED HIMSELF DOING IT in our system. I didn't even have to check the skimmer and sift out the talk from the music. The files of him doing it were tidily lined up and isolated, ready to copy and forward.

It's a pity, too, he really had the vocal chops for the job.


Staff member
Could be. How's your knowledge of CHR/CHU?
Not good, if you are talking about something technical. My first thought was contemporary christian/church music, but even that is kinda light. But we all know that DJs fake music knowledge all the time and OJT that shit.


Staff member
Not good, if you are talking about something technical. My first thought was contemporary christian/church music, but even that is kinda light. But we all know that DJs fake music knowledge all the time and OJT that shit.
When a radio guy says CHR, he means modern pop music.

CHU is the same but focusing more on rap.


Faking will get you 20 hours a week at minimum wage, prerecording (voicetracking) your show. If you want a full time live airshift, you have to demonstrate some genre saavy.


Staff member
See, I tried to do it without googling it. I have contemporary pop but the urban is light, although I may be DJing this summer which would bring me back to speed super duper fast.

And voicetracking to start is actually preferable to start. And I'm mostly kidding. I don't have the equipment to record clean enough for broadcasting.


Staff member
See, I tried to do it without googling it. I have contemporary pop but the urban is light, although I may be DJing this summer which would bring me back to speed super duper fast.

And voicetracking to start is actually preferable to start. And I'm mostly kidding. I don't have the equipment to record clean enough for broadcasting.
Yeah, I know you were. You'd have to move down here for the job anyway, and even my endorsement may not carry enough weight with that station's PD to guarantee the job.

And it'd probably start out minimum wage anyway. Nobody moves their family for 20 hours of minimum wage a week.

Which might also be a clue as to why we have such plugola problems.


Staff member
I'm too old to pay my dues in the biz. Plus, it's changed so much getting a plum on-air job is more difficult than getting into the NFL.


Staff member
I'm too old to pay my dues in the biz. Plus, it's changed so much getting a plum on-air job is more difficult than getting into the NFL.
To be frank, the industry is still shrinking. To be full time and on air live, you pretty much have to be the Program Director himself, or a very, very proven quanta that draws listeners (IE, 20+ year veteran jock with local name recognition). Everybody else here is part time, and usually voicetracked. Something they do for a little extra cash for an hour or two a day before/after going to their real job.
I signed my kids up for a pottery session last Friday and totally forgot about it until I was digging through my inbox for something else. :(
To be frank, the industry is still shrinking. To be full time and on air live, you pretty much have to be the Program Director himself, or a very, very proven quanta that draws listeners (IE, 20+ year veteran jock with local name recognition). Everybody else here is part time, and usually voicetracked. Something they do for a little extra cash for an hour or two a day before/after going to their real job.
One of my current coworkers was an on-air morning show talent for 25 years...until the station got bought and he got sacked.
It's stories like his that "encourage" me to not pursue that particular career as persistently as I was prior to getting hired for full-time work.
