Wii U Love Thread

I am torn about Hyrule Warriors, on one hand Dynasty Warriors is a fun if a bit repetitive game and this appears to be a Dynasty Warriors meets Zelda game but I am still concerned about how it will hold peoples long term interest. I think the main thing that could hurt it would be if they hold too closely to the Legend of Zelda mechanics. If they aren't afraid to spice things up a bit by making Ganon a playable character or stuff like that it could be a huge success.
I am torn about Hyrule Warriors, on one hand Dynasty Warriors is a fun if a bit repetitive game and this appears to be a Dynasty Warriors meets Zelda game but I am still concerned about how it will hold peoples long term interest. I think the main thing that could hurt it would be if they hold too closely to the Legend of Zelda mechanics. If they aren't afraid to spice things up a bit by making Ganon a playable character or stuff like that it could be a huge success.
Well, on the one hand I see similarities to his Smash combos (slice slice spin attack, etc), but then there's the integration of items to combos that seems to be in the works, like the combo into Fire Rod. I'd love to see a decent roster of characters since it's not a canon game, too. Ganon/Gannondorf, Shiek, Zelda, maybe the Ancient Knight from TP, Midna in her true form, etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1387414980,1387414929][/DOUBLEPOST]
Does it still have blue shells?
Didn't see many items being used in the trailers so far, but I'd wager it will.
Lots of neat stuff in this Nintendo Direct, but for some reason I wasn't excited about most of it.

Kirby's new game and Rosalina in SSB4 were my highlights. Weird moment was seeing Sonic on Yoshi's Island. Oddly, the gameplay doesn't at all resemble the game it's a DLC for.
I got two new Wii U games and 55$ worth of eShop cards. First, my thoughts on the two main titles I got:

The Wonderful 101
Frickin'. Awesome. The game may have a harsh learning curve, but once you get into the swing of things, this weird mix of RTS and beat-'em-up and is absolutely fun. It's also a thrilling and comedic take on a whole stew of superhero and anime tropes. Plus, tell me this theme song doesn't pump you up:

Super Mario 3D World
Ah, to play a Mario platformer that feels fresh and inspired again is a treat. This really benefits from good level variety and power-up selection, along with a good dose of challenge.

For those North American Halforumites, what Virtual Console titles do you recommend picking up?
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I got two new Wii U games and 55$ worth of eShop cards. First, my thoughts on the two main titles I got:

The Wonderful 101
Frickin'. Awesome. The game may have a harsh learning curve, but once you get into the swing of things, this weird mix of RTS and beat-'em-up and is absolutely fun. It's also a thrilling and comedic take on a whole stew of superhero and anime tropes. Plus, tell me this theme song doesn't pump you up:
I love that game. It's like Viewtiful Joe and Overlord had a baby.
Upgraded my 3DS SD card to 32 gigs, going from 700+ free blocks back to 110,000+ free blocks. It still feels like I don't have enough space, even though I know that's not true.

Re-downloaded Etrian Odyssey IV, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, and Code of Princess nope HAHAHAHA fuck you, Code of Princess. You shouldn't have sucked so much, or taken up 9000 blocks for a 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up. I don't need you; Aeternoblade is coming in two weeks, and the demo alone was already everything you were and more.

Still don't know if I'll keep playing Etrian Odyssey IV, but it's there if I feel like it.
Thanks for the suggestion. I recently used those eCards and, along with cash I already had in the account, got the following games:

Dr. Luigi
Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Super Castlevania 4
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Super Street Fighter II: the New Challengers

I've got just enough left over for an NES title. Should I get Wario's Woods, Wrecking Crew, something else already available or wait to see if anything good comes out?
Amazon, Best Buy, and Gamestop (possibly others) are selling The Wonderful 101 for $29.99 right now.

I'm nearing the end of Wind Waker HD ... I have a feeling I'll be finishing this with 13 or 14 hearts at most, because getting heart pieces in this one feels like a real bitch.
Up to 17 hearts in Wind Waker HD. I think that's plenty, the pieces I've missed sound annoying. I'm ready to finish this thing.

Since the Zelda games I've chiefly been playing of late are this and ALBW, both which feature Link as an expressive and amusing character, what should I expect from Skyward Sword? I know it has a similar visual style as Twilight Princess, but is Link the same wooden block as in that game? I ask because Skyward Sword is going to be the next major use of our Wii U unless I feel more like re-playing Okami.
Up to 17 hearts in Wind Waker HD. I think that's plenty, the pieces I've missed sound annoying. I'm ready to finish this thing.

Since the Zelda games I've chiefly been playing of late are this and ALBW, both which feature Link as an expressive and amusing character, what should I expect from Skyward Sword? I know it has a similar visual style as Twilight Princess, but is Link the same wooden block as in that game? I ask because Skyward Sword is going to be the next major use of our Wii U unless I feel more like re-playing Okami.
I'd say that he's more expressive than in TP, but not nearly as much as WW. The visual style actually isn't very similar to TP at all. It goes back to a slightly more cartoonish look that I find works really well.
I'd say that he's more expressive than in TP, but not nearly as much as WW. The visual style actually isn't very similar to TP at all. It goes back to a slightly more cartoonish look that I find works really well.
That's good to hear. I knew it wouldn't be as much as toon Link, but I was nervous about SS.
I'd say Skyward Sword probably has the best Link/Zelda relationship dynamic of any game in the series, aside from maybe Spirit Tracks.
I'd say Skyward Sword probably has the best Link/Zelda relationship dynamic of any game in the series, aside from maybe Spirit Tracks.
I loved their relationship in Spirit Tracks. I wish I'd been able to finish that game, but that stupid pipe think you had to do with blowing on the DS to open parts of the map just wouldn't work right for me and I only got about halfway through the game.
I loved their relationship in Spirit Tracks. I wish I'd been able to finish that game, but that stupid pipe think you had to do with blowing on the DS to open parts of the map just wouldn't work right for me and I only got about halfway through the game.
Spirit Tracks reminds me how much I liked Phantom Hour Glass, but for some damn reason I can't find my copy anymore. =(
Just finished A Link Between Worlds.

That was really special. The first Zelda game ending to ever get me misty-eyed. This whole game was a treat, and like others, I can't believe I did 100% on the first run.

Yuga also did them a favor. By binding Ganon to a mortal form, they were able to finally defeat him instead of seal him in the Sacred Realm again.

Just a fucking awesome game. I'm sad that it's over.

EDIT: I played the game without a guide, so apparently I only though I got 100%. Didn't occur to me to try the 50 floor Treacherous Tower. The rewards aren't great, but when I have time, I'll do it just to have done everything.
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Spirit Tracks reminds me how much I liked Phantom Hour Glass, but for some damn reason I can't find my copy anymore. =(
If I could lend you my copy, I would. I LOVE Phantom Hour Glass. Some great creative use of the DS in that one.

For instance:

Having to close the DS to transfer the symbol on the map, or having to physically blow out candles and activate wind switches.

Course, it's also helpful that it's the sequel to one of my favorite Zelda games.
Just finished A Link Between Worlds.

That was really special. The first Zelda game ending to ever get me misty-eyed. This whole game was a treat, and like others, I can't believe I did 100% on the first run.

Yuga also did them a favor. By binding Ganon to a mortal form, they were able to finally defeat him instead of seal him in the Sacred Realm again.

Just a fucking awesome game. I'm sad that it's over.

EDIT: I played the game without a guide, so apparently I only though I got 100%. Didn't occur to me to try the 50 floor Treacherous Tower. The rewards aren't great, but when I have time, I'll do it just to have done everything.
On normal the battle tower is nothing to write home about, on HERO MODE, it was something out of my nightmares even fully equipped. The one thing I didnt bother with was the Shadowlink Battles. it just didnt seem that important to me to complete.
Is A Link to the Past on the e-store yet?
Not in North America.[DOUBLEPOST=1390662862,1390662614][/DOUBLEPOST]
On normal the battle tower is nothing to write home about, on HERO MODE, it was something out of my nightmares even fully equipped. The one thing I didnt bother with was the Shadowlink Battles. it just didnt seem that important to me to complete.
If you can beat them at a time when you're hard up for Rupees to purchase items from the mooch living in your house, doing one of those battles is a quick way to get a few hundred rupees. The tornado rod is great for messing them up and getting in a quick slash.

Though eventually it becomes pointless as rupees lose their value. I ended the game with over 4500 rupees and my Streetpass bounty at 999. Anyone who can beat me in that gear likely has no use for rupees anymore either and I know my wife isn't going to beat that since she just started.
Not in North America.[DOUBLEPOST=1390662862,1390662614][/DOUBLEPOST]

If you can beat them at a time when you're hard up for Rupees to purchase items from the mooch living in your house, doing one of those battles is a quick way to get a few hundred rupees. The tornado rod is great for messing them up and getting in a quick slash.

Though eventually it becomes pointless as rupees lose their value. I ended the game with over 4500 rupees and my Streetpass bounty at 999. Anyone who can beat me in that gear likely has no use for rupees anymore either and I know my wife isn't going to beat that since she just started.
no I meant the reward you get for collecting all the shadow battle badges
My wife is getting into A Link Between Worlds--she currently has the flippers, two bottles, the small rock pick-up thing, Pegasus boots, the bee badge, most of Ravio's equipment, 6 heart pieces, and portrait power. She played for a good three hours straight last night.

I'm just elated that she's enjoying it so much. Last time she tried a Zelda game was in 2007 when her friend had her try Ocarina of Time and she kept running screaming from the Skulltulas that drop down in the Deku Tree ... you know, 20 minutes into the game.

More on-topic, we picked up Super Mario 3D World and I'll concur with everyone who says it's a blast. I think I enjoy Mario games best with multi-player now, which is fine, but I feel like this one would be fun anyway. I may even pick up Super Mario 3D Land at some point.
3D World is fun with or without others, especially once you clear the main worlds and move onto the Star Road levels, which are pretty challenging.