New Picture Thread

I promised Twiggy a cake, so I made this, sent him a picture of it, and then promptly chucked it in the trash.

Really though it was super delicious!

I was worried that there would be far too much cherry flavor to it since the recipe asked for 2 cans of sour cherries (essentially a cup of cherries per layer), 1/2 cup of cherry liquor (basically all layers of cake were drenched in liquor before being stacked) and of course the cherries on top. The chocolate though was super rich, so the cherries were a nice touch! :3
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Well, yay for liquor, most people forget that Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte needs that! :)
Kirschwasser or it isn't th real thing.

Stuff you learn when your girlfriend is from the Black Forest region.


Staff member
Haven't posted one of these in a while because my wife and I don't really make them anymore. Made this one today.
Hold the phone. You have kids? For some reason, I thought it was just you, the little woman, and a bunch of rats. turned your kids into rats. :ninja:
Considering one of the rats is terrified of his own shadow and the other is a fearless daredevil who poops in his food, that would not be a good thing.

One of the girls is my wife, another is my cousin through marriage, another is her "friend so close we're sisters", and the little ones are my twin cousins that I mention from time to time. They're 11, so if they were mine, I would've been a dad at 17.

I'm just closer to some of my extended family than I am to a traditional nuclear sense.
Considering one of the rats is terrified of his own shadow and the other is a fearless daredevil who poops in his food, that would not be a good thing.

One of the girls is my wife, another is my cousin through marriage, another is her "friend so close we're sisters", and the little ones are my twin cousins that I mention from time to time. They're 11, so if they were mine, I would've been a dad at 17.

I'm just closer to some of my extended family than I am to a traditional nuclear sense.
Yeah, I assumed one of them (the on in the pink hat) was your wife. I just wasn't sure about the others. :p
I'm happy to be childless at 28. When I'm ready for kids, I'll adopt a 6-year-old.
Enjoy it man.

At 35, I'm happy I waited this long and while I love Leyla with all my heart, each and every day, deep down inside me, I crave for her to be of a certain age to actually enjoy doing "real things" but for that, they need to be at least 5 years old. We're perplexed on how to even go on a vacation at this point.
Enjoy it man.

At 35, I'm happy I waited this long and while I love Leyla with all my heart, each and every day, deep down inside me, I crave for her to be of a certain age to actually enjoy doing "real things" but for that, they need to be at least 5 years old. We're perplexed on how to even go on a vacation at this point.
Then all is as it should be--she's the center of your world. I'm not ready for that kind of thing, but you're doing it right.
I agree with Jay. Enjoy it. I didn't have my first until I was almost 34. I feel like I am a better parent for it, too, because the person I was in my 20's would have been a terrible mother.