I sometimes have the dream where I've signed up for too many classes and apparently missed going to one the entire semester and I learn this- RIGHT before midterms. Scary.
Random because I'm not sure how to feel about things...

Last week was rough for me since it was the first Valentines since Mom passed. I recently learned, however, that my Dad coped by having a date last Friday. I don't know this person at all, and it's none of my business, but I'm just not sure how to process that at all right now.


Staff member
Random because I'm not sure how to feel about things...

Last week was rough for me since it was the first Valentines since Mom passed. I recently learned, however, that my Dad coped by having a date last Friday. I don't know this person at all, and it's none of my business, but I'm just not sure how to process that at all right now.
Reminds me of how after my grandmother died of cancer, my grandfather remarried within 6 months. She was a family friend since school, who was also widowed. Kinda raised eyebrows among my uncles (my mother had passed 5 years earlier), but they're still together. I think just neither of them could stand being in an empty house.

Anyway... valentines can be rough. I hear you man. I am right. There. With you.
Dudes, I'm looking at house that has smaller bedrooms.

I saw a neat idea on tumblr but I don't know how to go about it if we actually 'win' this house.


What would someone call this kind of set up?
Dear Abbey had an interesting question lately that some out there are decrying as fake.


DEAR ABBY: My husband and I relocated to Florida a little over a year ago and were quickly welcomed into our new neighbors' social whirl. Two couples in the neighborhood are gay -- one male, one female. While they are nice enough, my husband and I did not include them when it was our turn to host because we do not approve of their lifestyle choices. Since then, we have been excluded from neighborhood gatherings, and someone even suggested that we are bigots!
...But really, who is the true bigot here? Would you like to weigh in? -- UNHAPPY IN TAMPA
Abby said:
I find it interesting that you are unwilling to reciprocate the hospitality of people who welcomed you and opened their homes to you, and yet you complain because you are receiving similar treatment.
Now, whether or not it's fake, whatever, it's the comments as always that really bring out the sweethearts in humanity.

patriot 2 hours ago
unhappy in tampa is right. she is not a bigot just because she does not believe in that lifestyle. i can choose who i want to associate with we are still and call friends. i realize that goes against everything the current culture tries to cram down our throats - they want to tell us we have to accept them - NO WE DON'T! and i do not believe you are born to be gay - that too, is your opinion that does not mean i have to accept your opinion. apparently you abbey, want to tell us who our friends should be and who we can associate with or be called a bigot like you did to that woman.
how arrogant of you! you should have answered, the woman can invite who she wants and that the others are the bigots and worse they along with you are using intimidation to force her to go along with their view or be shunned. the woman was right -who's the real bigots? you and her neighbors! why don't they let her decide who she wants to be around!
ellanrilleq 3 hours ago
So, if the neighbors were pedophiles they should accept that as well, right? They can't help their sexual orientation, they were born that way. Clueless. Stop the hypocrisy. Either being a pedophile is acceptable, or being gay is not. You can't have it both ways.
TERRY J 4 hours ago
well lady what in the hell did you think you were going to get when you brought this issue to the likes of the ultra liberal media and yahoo?? dont you know that its just unpopular now to be a heretosexual now. i mean in this anything goes and dont offend world that we live in you are suspossed to accept all debaucherous behavior no matter how abhorrent. anal sex.beastialty,child porn is all totally acceptable now and if you disagree well then you are a bigot. you know i am not a real religious person hell i dont even attend church, but you dont have to look very far to understand why our society is so perverted and violent.look in the mirrow american and you will see the root cause. look at your idols in hollywood that you tell your childern to worship. they spew with drugs and perverted homosexual sex and every perverse thing you can imagine. look at your childrens musical idols like miley cyrus who was once a clean cut little girl singing childrens songs who now finds it necessary act like e lesbo prono star in order to get her attention. you all take your children to her concerts and then wonder why your 10 year old daughter is already sexually active. again look in the mirrow dorain gray. its not a pretty picture is it???????????
When I saw the Lego Movie one of the trailers was what I am glad to know was NOT a trailer for Madagascar 4 but a documentary about lemurs. And after seeing said trailer I realized that I jumprun exactly like lemurs do. I am not sure if I am shocked by this, but I'm pretty cool with it.


Staff member
So I just found out this morning Extreme Reach bought DG Fastchannel. That probably doesn't mean anything to you guys, but in the radio production world, it's like... I dunno, if you just found out that Schlotzsky's bought out McDonald's and Subway.
So I just found out this morning Extreme Reach bought DG Fastchannel. That probably doesn't mean anything to you guys, but in the radio production world, it's like... I dunno, if you just found out that Schlotzsky's bought out McDonald's and Subway.
Now I want to see how Steve Landesberg would've done the commercials for McDonald's and Subway.[DOUBLEPOST=1393009416,1393009380][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'll be over in the far left lane.
Don't go too far, or you'll hit the rumble strips.

You never did make that video of you making goose sounds and stuffing marshmallows in your mouth.
Oh lordy, you're right!! I mean, that can't help me now, since I'm at work, BUT, if the interest is still there, maybe I could make it still? Probably not today, I've got family stuff going on. But, hey! I don't see why I couldn't make it tomorrow.