Inizuma Eleven: This started a bit slow and unfair, but now that I can get into what are essentially random encounters (soccer scuffles instead of monster fights), I'm learning the mechanics more and it's a lot of fun. Reminds me of Blitzball a little ...
Weapon Shop de Omasse: Gods, this is a goofy game, and I love it. There are lots of little things to keep track of, but it keeps everything energetic and light-hearted. The laugh track is bizarre, but is welcome in the game's weirdness.
Both Level 5 games. I hadn't played anything of theirs before, but they are really kicking ass with these little downloadable titles. My wife plowed through Attack of the Friday Monsters and The Starship Damrey. We really need to get onto playing through Ni No Kuni.
And maybe the Layton games at some point. These people put out some solid work.