Video Game News and Miscellany

When I was a kid, I'd get a game for Christmas and play it for 4 months straight. Now, I'll pick up 20 games on a steam sale, play half of them, never touch the other and fully complete one or two.


Staff member
When I was a kid, I'd get a game for Christmas and play it for 4 months straight. Now, I'll pick up 20 games on a steam sale, play half of them, never touch the other and fully complete one or two.
And it's not just video games. Babylon 5 aired once a week. We'd watch it, discuss it, get on the internet (IRC FTW) and discuss it more, conjecture about what happens next, compare with clues from previous weeks...

Now, when I watch Babylon 5, it's "Another episode! Now! Another! ANOTHER! ANOTHER! GREAT MAKER IT IS 3 AM"
Ehhhhh 30 maybe. 20 yes. 50 definitely not. 60? Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
The original portal, was a 2 or 3 hour game. Even 20 bucks is stretching for me. Portal 2 I could have seen paying 30 bucks for as it was more fleshed out and substantially longer. But again, I think I only have this mindset now largely because of Steam sales. The stuff I've picked up for 10 bucks or less makes me hesitant to pick up stuff that's in the $40+ range. That being said, if they developed a Mechwarrior 5 or a new kickass Warhammer 40,000K game, I'd probably drop $60 on it.
I would never argue that I want a longer game for the sake of wanting a longer game. Thats inane that anyone would even think thats what people want.

There's an expectation that certain game styles will have certain lengths and if a rpg, with all content done is barely 12 hours, thats pretty short. Does it mean it's bad? No. Not at all. But it does mean that for folks who are watching their wallets they may wait a bit before purchasing it. I don't spend a lot on games, so when I do I want to maximize my dollar.
"Final Fantasy 13 gets good around 20-30 hours!" is exactly why I don't want needlessly long games.
Yeah, thats insanely stupid (and also not what anyone here is arguing, although people seem to think it is? Oh well). If you need more than 10 minutes to get me hooked I'm probably not going to play your game.
Isn't Ground Zeroes the really short one that is a lead-in to the actual MGSV game? I'm a little concerned that when MGSV comes out, GZ will just come in the box with it (so to speak).
It's actually part 1 of 2 of the entire game. The point here though is that unlike some companies like EA, they're not only NOT charging full price for both games, but acknowledged that even half price per part is too much AND they acknowledge a difference in price between PHYSICAL and DIGITAL copies of a game.
Yeah, I know it's probably not going to happen but seriously, it's time to start pricing digital content lower than physical counterparts.


Staff member
In case anybody was wondering, Capcom still hasn't gotten around to taking GFWL out of SF4 yet, despite saying they were gonna. I wonder if they're going to put it off until July. Or if they ever really intend to do it.
Isn't Ground Zeroes the really short one that is a lead-in to the actual MGSV game? I'm a little concerned that when MGSV comes out, GZ will just come in the box with it (so to speak).
Doubtful. They are offering exclusive DLC for Phantom Pain with Ground Zeroes in order to spur purchases. Even if they did include it, you'd still have a reason to buy this version.

Honestly, it kind of reminds me of what they did for Warhammer20k: Space Marine, where if you bought the prequel gauntlet style game you got access to the power sword in the Space Marine.
Possibly one of the first times that phrase could be attributed to that company in the last 10 years without sarcasm.

Heads up on people going into Ground Zeroes, apparently it takes a lot of what happened in Peace Walkers and continues it, so the game will make even less sense (bless you Kojima) if you haven't played that generally missed little gem.
Peace Walker is probably my favorite entry in the series after Snake Eater... probably because it continues the story of Snake Eater. I like how Kojima's response to Mobile Ops 1 and 2 is to basically say they are canon but don't matter all that much, in order to focus on the titles that he had a more active hand in. You can pick up Peace Walker without having played ether game and still make sense of the story... well, as much as one can make sense of the Metal Gear timeline.
See, now people have me questioning if I should cancel my South Park pre-order and pick up Tales of Symphonia Chronicles instead--two full-length JRPGs for $40.

A thread from the Men's Rights movement discusses Broken Age. Spoilers, of course, for those that haven't played it.

But it's just...every single post just makes me shake my head and say, "What?" I can't believe people actually think this stuff.
Just the name of the website makes me roll my eyes. This is not the place for -that- discussion, but "A voice for men?" Well damn, about time, right?
Dammit Nick, I've already got precious few IQ points, I can't go wasting them by reading that sort of.....err.....Myeah. See? I lost part of my intelligent-sounding vocabulary simply by reading 5 posts there!
Guys who are very mad about not getting laid as easily as they get snacks from the kitchen, from what I gather.
There you go, putting down men by trying to get them into the kitchen, switching long standing gender roles for...


Fuck it, I can't even figure out how to mock them without feeling dumber for it.