[Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree

I did like the strips posted here so far and finally hve the time to go on an archive binge.

Just finished Diana's birthday party.

Thanks guys!


Staff member
So...WOW. John Campbell, who does Pictures for Sad Children, just had one hell of a meltdown on his Kickstarter page.

I think this means the comic is over, too.

Hmmm. Found this Tumblr post by him from his recent internet fight with the Hijinks Ensue creator.

Sounding kinda cult leader-y about now...
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So...WOW. John Campbell, who does Pictures for Sad Children, just had one hell of a meltdown on his Kickstarter page.

I think this means the comic is over, too.

Hmmm. Found this Tumblr post by him from his recent internet fight with the Hijinks Ensue creator.

Sounding kinda cult leader-y about now...
Yeah, we've been talking about this in the general KS thread. He's basically committed fraud on the basis that the people who supported his works don't deserve his works because MATERIALISM.
Seems to me it just shipped Heisenberg with Rainbow Dash.
No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in slash fic, Skyler. I am the fic. A guy opens his door and gets shipped and you think that of me? No. I am the one who clops!
I'm pretty sure those are all the official toys. I don't think the movie Proton Packs had the big barrel, but I know the toy ones id because it came with a foam noodle to jam in there and pretend you were firing a proton beam.
And did you notice Egon is using the official merch PKE meter toy?

Woah, nostalgia rush. I remember being 6 years old and going to another kid's house who had enough Ghostbusters gear for multiple kids and his house had lots of narrow corridors and extra passages that connected the rooms. After sunset, his mom turned out all the lights and we had a ghost hunt. I can't remember how long it took before our 6 year old brains made it real and we got scared.


Staff member
I'm pretty sure those are all the official toys. I don't think the movie Proton Packs had the big barrel, but I know the toy ones id because it came with a foam noodle to jam in there and pretend you were firing a proton beam.
I think you're right, by crackie. I do remember that the toy proton packs had that.


Staff member
I JUST realized that the Abominable Charles Christopher is retelling the Epic of Gilgamesh. I feel kind of dumb now.