[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

I wouldn't say Walt didn't care.
He just wanted her out of the way and saw his chance. He made the choice to let someone die to make his life easier, and it's still capable of bothering him.
That was the creepy part. You could see him start to intervene ... and then pause and reconsider. Great acting, but it made me tear my hair out.

Oh man, I envy you. You have so much ahead of you.
Why does it not feel like a blessing?

And yet I can't stop.


Staff member
I never saw the first episodes of Enterprise until now. The Vulcans are apparently the galaxy's biggest hypocrites, according to this show. T'Pol (sp?) goes on about how humans don't honor other cultures, yet she constantly belittles human culture.


Staff member
I finished green lantern tas. It was fun and I'd like to see more, but I wasn't quite as wowed by it as a lot of the internet seemed to be. The characters were rather weakly developed and the show suffered from some fairly heavy sexism. All the females seemed to exist to serve solely at the men's pleasure and pine for them. It's all they talk about.
Veronica Mars (Season 3)

Last year, I blew through the first two seasons in a very short time. I never picked up the third season, partly due to lack of funds and partly because I'd heard the third season wasn't as good as the first two. However, Netflix posted all three seasons recently, so I thought I'd sit down and finally watch the third season.

Well, I just finished up the 16th episode and I can mostly agree with other people's sentiments. It's not bad by any means. The stories are still interesting. The characters are still engaging. The writing is still incredibly crisp and witty - most especially between Veronica and her father, the best relationship on the show. It's just missing...something and I don't know what. Maybe it's the lack of an season-wide overarching mystery like the last two had. Though I didn't particularly enjoy last season's overarching mystery, especially its anti-climactic pay off or one clumsy retcon re-reveal that had wrapped up in the first season. I digress.

What I find interesting is that this third and final season seems to have a couple of mini-overarching mysteries. The first third of the season involves a rapist on campus, but that's wrapped up early. Then there's a mystery to solve, which leads up to and concludes where I just finished up. And now there's four more episodes to the season (and series) and I feel like it's heading towards a really awkward, anti-climactic season/series finale. I can see why many fans were disappointed by this season.

Still, I'll finish it for the sake of finishing it. There really aren't any more threads to tie up after this last episode, so I'm curious to see how the show meanders to its conclusion.
I never saw the first episodes of Enterprise until now. The Vulcans are apparently the galaxy's biggest hypocrites, according to this show. T'Pol (sp?) goes on about how humans don't honor other cultures, yet she constantly belittles human culture.
Hated the way Enterprise handled human/vulcan relations.

Well, I basically just mostly hated Enterprise in general.
Watched Furious 6 last night. Ugh....[DOUBLEPOST=1400431000,1400430551][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, I basically just mostly hated Enterprise in general.
Honestly, stop being a homer.

We had to literally watch 4 seasons of FILTH before DS9 actually got interesting. Voyager was honestly APOS until 6of9/Borg/8472. Both shows weren't overnight hits and lots of filler episodes were abound.

Enterprise was never give 4 seasons to be good, Enterprise didn't get "The Borg". Did it have it flaws? Absolutely. No where near what the fuck you homers claim it did. It became REALLY good as of the 3rd season but Trekkies collectively sucked an egg and KILLED THE FRANCHISE THEMSELVES.


And what have we gotten since? Fuck all because people won't back a product to form a new series because of people are so incredibly easy to hate on things and fickle as fuck.

That's why all you'll get are blockbuster movies and more reality TV shows.

These people don't deserve more and Enterprise wasn't as bad as you think it did.


Staff member
Enterprise is OK if you take it for what it is - the story of the adolescent bumbling of humans into space. Archer is a terrible captain. He got the job on merit of being an ace pilot and warp-theorist-by-proxy-of-his-father, not on being a leader of men. Wading out into the shallows of the galaxy with a woefully understrength vessel and an unreliable ally (the vulcans are assholes because they're corrupt and decadent, only paying lip service to the teachings of Surak) but eventually finding their role - in being the glue that binds disparate cultures together into an alliance that becomes the Federation.

That said, some episodes are truly, truly awful. Like "A Night in Sickbay."

Watched Furious 6 last night. Ugh....[DOUBLEPOST=1400431000,1400430551][/DOUBLEPOST]

Honestly, stop being a homer.

We had to literally watch 4 seasons of FILTH before DS9 actually got interesting. Voyager was honestly APOS until 6of9/Borg/8472. Both shows weren't overnight hits and lots of filler episodes were abound.

Enterprise was never give 4 seasons to be good, Enterprise didn't get "The Borg". Did it have it flaws? Absolutely. No where near what the fuck you homers claim it did. It became REALLY good as of the 3rd season but Trekkies collectively sucked an egg and KILLED THE FRANCHISE THEMSELVES.


And what have we gotten since? Fuck all because people won't back a product to form a new series because of people are so incredibly easy to hate on things and fickle as fuck.

That's why all you'll get are blockbuster movies and more reality TV shows.

These people don't deserve more and Enterprise wasn't as bad as you think it did.
The first 2 seasons of DS9 weren't great, but they were still better than most of the run of Enterprise. After the 2nd season, the show got really good. Enterprise got 2 seasons to "get good" but then we got that Zindi nonsense instead.

I won't defend Voyager.


Staff member
I enjoyed Enterprise. Just going back and watching the episodes I missed. I thought it did a decent job of showing a group who basically had no clue what they were supposed to be doing. They did the best job so far of handling the portrayal of the ship, too. Things had bugs and issues. They looked like they had actual, usable interfaces, etc.
So, I watched Friday's Hannibal.

I don't have....too many worries about content restrictions for Constantine.

Hannibal spoily picture:

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I never got the chance to finish watching Enterprise when the moved its time slot. So I didn't get to see any of the big opera.
That said, I really enjoyed some of the episodes I did see, such as "Dear Doctor."



Staff member
I just watched the season finale of Grimm. Good stuff. But the one thing I'm wondering about now if someone has made a fan-video of all the Wesen woge transformations set to Madonna's Vogue.
So, I watched Friday's Hannibal.

I don't have....too many worries about content restrictions for Constantine.

Hannibal spoily picture:

Watching him do part of that, I eventually had to glance away. I'm curious what restrictions NBC set for this show in terms of gore, if any.


Staff member
I just watched the season finale of Grimm. Good stuff. But the one thing I'm wondering about now if someone has made a fan-video of all the Wesen woge transformations set to Madonna's Vogue.
What?! That was the season finale?! But it was only Episode 22 of the season!

.... (google google google)....

Those bastages.
Babylon 5

I picked up the complete 5 seasons from Amazon with some gift cards I had and have been binge watching since. I've seen most, if not all, of it before, but not for years. I'm in the middle of the third season now and can confirm this still holds up as one of the best science fiction shows out there. Well, everything except the CGI, which really shows it's age. I can't hold that against it, though what I wouldn't give to see the CGI redone with what modern technology is capable of....

I love seeing the bits that, after having seen the later seasons already, go from unimportant background information into the groundwork for the key points later on.
Watching him do part of that, I eventually had to glance away. I'm curious what restrictions NBC set for this show in terms of gore, if any.
Yeah, when it just kept happening over and over again, I just up and took a bathroom and drink break.
Babylon 5

I picked up the complete 5 seasons from Amazon with some gift cards I had and have been binge watching since. I've seen most, if not all, of it before, but not for years. I'm in the middle of the third season now and can confirm this still holds up as one of the best science fiction shows out there. Well, everything except the CGI, which really shows it's age. I can't hold that against it, though what I wouldn't give to see the CGI redone with what modern technology is capable of....

I love seeing the bits that, after having seen the later seasons already, go from unimportant background information into the groundwork for the key points later on.
Good to know, it's my next series to watch when I have to time.

BSG was solid the first 2 seaosns (not awesome - just good) but the last 2 seasons were UGH.
Babylon 5 [...] I love seeing the bits that, after having seen the later seasons already, go from unimportant background information into the groundwork for the key points later on.
Those lead to some of the best moments in the series*. There are also the little throwaway bits that never get explained. They're just there. You know they matter, but they are never explained. They just happen.

*"Go out into the garden, you'll see. Consider it a gift."
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Penny Dreadful is shaping up to be a good horror show with interesting takes on Gothic characters.

The last few minutes of the second episode has one of the best shocker moments ever and I am now officially watching the rest of the series to see where it goes. Won't spoil more than that.