Just wrote another 1,600 words for THE DAME WAS A TAD POLISH. I'm at 52,442 words now and I'm feeling like there's about two, maybe three chapters left. Depends on how much epilogue I decide - or well, let's be honest, Dill decides - to write.
I just wrote one line that I'm particularly proud of. It just sort of popped out and I think it's kinda funny:
“I don’t give a damn if she has a Panzer tucked in her panties!”
Also, I was struggling on how to get Dill from where he was to where he needed to be. And then, in Dill fashion, he did something even
I didn't expect. I wrote it, looked at it, and nearly vocally shouted right here in Starbucks, "What the hell are you doing, Dill?!" Then I sat and thought about it for like ten seconds and thought, "Yep, okay. You're an asshole and you
would do that." So I kept it. And now Dill's on his way to Point B.
also, special thanks to @
Officer_Charon, who was luckily online on Facebook to answer a few quick questions. Between him, @
Terrik, @
bhamv3, @
Cajungal, and @
Zero Esc, the acknowledgements for this book is starting to look very Halforumsy.