My available student loans to pull out is way up this semester. That's a lot more I have to work with. But also a lot more I'll have to pay back in the end. I need to start a budgeting spreadsheet.


Staff member
I want this to be a thing that exists:



Seriously, chocolate filled wafer cookies that you can assemble into model planes and dinosaurs? WANT.


Staff member
Deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily deedily DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee....
You know, I never really got that. What attitude?
You'd think with those requirements, Bulk & Skull would make better Power Rangers. I mean, if Zordon said "Recruit 5 keener teenagers who I swear are involved in EVERYTHING in school and also good at martial arts" then yeah, it fits.
So, Jet was playing outside this morning. I was up having a nap and husband is home sick from work. Blue here's Jet talking and looks out side and sees no one to talk to. This isn't unusual, Jet will often talk to himself or 'invisible robots'.

Except Blue notoices he has something cupped in his little hand and that's what he was talking to.

Curious, he went outside and asked about it.

Jet had a found a dead shrew and was claiming it was his best friend and he was showing it around and making it better. Blue, a little repulsed, gently explained that it was dead (most likely one of our cats had tried to 'gift' it) and he should really toss it and come inside to scrub his hands.

Jet broke down in tears because 'Daddy doesn't like my friend!' and Blue had no idea what to do.

Thus we now have a burial plot in our garden be for a shrew.
I'm (FINALLY) getting my own printer at work. (I print more than anyone else in the office.) But it hasn't come yet and I'm suspicious because the person in the cubicle next to me just got their own printer.



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Thinking of moving Fade to tumblr. It feels weird though. First it was static HTML. Then a homebrew Cms made from php and MySQL. Now it's a heavily customized Drupal. It looks good now and it's sweetly dynamic. But it seems tumblr already has all the tools I need plus it's a community. I put so much work into the site's code base that I hate to give it up. But why keep something like this when tumblr does everything? There's even an official webcomic theme that duplicates stuff I had to force Drupal to do. Kill your darlings they say.


Staff member
"Welcome to Earf" belongs up there with "beam me up Scotty" on the list of Things That Never Actually Happened In The Movie.


Staff member
I respectfully completely and totally disagree. Sounds like Earth to me. Everyone I've ever met must be slurring the word too is all I have to say.

Edit: I listened to that like 10 times just now. There's a distinct "th" on the end.


Staff member
"Welcome to Earf" belongs up there with "beam me up Scotty" on the list of Things That Never Actually Happened In The Movie.
Kinda like that movie where, when asked, "What does it do?" he replies "That's the beauty of it, it doesn't do anything."


Staff member
It just struck me that Everclear's I Will Buy You a New Life could be interpreted as a ghost, possibly of a suicide, speaking to his still living girlfriend.


Staff member
Just posted Supervillainous over at Reddit in the webcomics subreddit. Care to help me out with a comment on an upvote?
Whenever I hear All American Rejects "Dirty Little Secret", I always hear the chorus as "Just another egret" instead of "just another regret". Whenever I'm driving and the song comes on the radio, I go "caw! caw!" during the chorus. It drives my wife crazy. And now she can't hear the song without thinking of birds.

On a similar note, when Anna Kendrick's rendition of the Cup Song was popular on the radio, I told my wife it sounded like she was saying "you're going to miss me by my taco" and that it was really dirty. She can't listen to that one any more either.

I'm a bad person.
I'm having trouble finding it in the archives right now, but there is an It's Walky! where David Willis admits he thought The Beatles' "Ticket to Ride" went "She's got a chicken to ride" for the longest time. I haven't been able to hear it as anything but since that comic.

Incidentally, if to sing "Chicken to Ride" in Rock Band: The Beatles, you can still get 5 gold stars. :whistling:
My wife had to sit me down and go over the lyrics to Timber to show that it was not about lumberjack and Pitbull was not singing in French.