So, Jet was playing outside this morning. I was up having a nap and husband is home sick from work. Blue here's Jet talking and looks out side and sees no one to talk to. This isn't unusual, Jet will often talk to himself or 'invisible robots'.
Except Blue notoices he has something cupped in his little hand and that's what he was talking to.
Curious, he went outside and asked about it.
Jet had a found a dead shrew and was claiming it was his best friend and he was showing it around and making it better. Blue, a little repulsed, gently explained that it was dead (most likely one of our cats had tried to 'gift' it) and he should really toss it and come inside to scrub his hands.
Jet broke down in tears because 'Daddy doesn't like my friend!' and Blue had no idea what to do.
Thus we now have a burial plot in our garden be for a shrew.