Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


Staff member
They ain't exactly helping your cause, Gas.

Sure. But when I point out batshit loonies on the left, it's "#NOTEVERYLEFTIST #EVERYSIDEHASITSCRANKS"

Quick quiz, boys and girls - how many gun control opponents have been in charge of tyrannical regimes that have committed genocide?
Sure. But when I point out batshit loonies on the left, it's "#NOTEVERYLEFTIST #EVERYSIDEHASITSCRANKS"

Quick quiz, boys and girls - how many gun control opponents have been in charge of tyrannical regimes that have committed genocide?
Saddam Hussein. He gave away AKs during the last days of his regime.
Pretty sure that a desperation move intended to salt the metaphorical earth for his enemies doesn't count.
Basically this. He gave them away so people would take potshots at the American forces, not because he felt arming his people was right for philosophical reasons. He knew he was going out and he was just looking to make it a harder fight.
If that article is accurate, the incident is grotesque and the officer should face serious criminal charges. Holy shit.


Staff member
I can't go 2 months without hearing something like that coming out of New York, it seems. I continue to be mystified as to why any sane person would want to live there, where apparently any badged psychopath can literally shoot you at will and have the blue wall protect them.
Everything about that page screams fake. Is there corroboration from any other news source?
I saw it from Facebook and just assumed legitimacy. Doing a Google search now, it does appear on other sites, but not ones that would suggest legitimacy, so there's a good chance this is a fake meant to piss people off. It worked on me.

Apologies to others; I should've checked first.[DOUBLEPOST=1407494004,1407493951][/DOUBLEPOST]
40 years ago today...

Pat Buchanan won't let it go. Blames the whole sorry mess on "Liberal elites." :facepalm:
And 40 years later, nothing new: "How DARE you catch us doing things we shouldn't be doing."


Staff member
And to this day, the "gate" suffix still means a huge, potentially damaging political scandal. Ironic, considering the original Watergate scandal was basically a hotel break-in that probably would have gone unremarked today. Certainly much worse abuses and failures that actually get people killed already do.
Sad thing is, it was probably entirely unnecessary. The Democrats were an absolute mess in 1972, and McGovern was likely going to get curbstomped in November, anyway.
Anyone keeping up with what's gone on in Ferguson? News is saying a vigil for Michael Brown (killed by police--this one wasn't satire; again I apologize for that others news story!) went riot.
It's hard to get a good read on the situation. News is saying a riot and people yelling 'kill the police'. On the ground reports from people in the area are saying that's bullshit and people were yelling "No justice, no peace" with their hands in the air (presumably to show they were unarmed in the face of tons of police with guns and dogs).

Until I actually see video of a riot or them saying what is claimed, I'm going to wait and see. The video I've seen has been of the above.[DOUBLEPOST=1407885678,1407885117][/DOUBLEPOST]My error, I didn't get a chance to catch up till now. Yeah, there was rioting. Feels like a 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg" scenario though.

[DOUBLEPOST=1407885796][/DOUBLEPOST]This will not bode well. For anyone.
She always knew they were like that. She never allowed herself to forget how they truly were, no matter how dismissive others were. Now who's laughing?

What could have been a peaceful demonstration was turned into a complete clusterfuck. This is exactly what NOT to do when something like this happens. So needless all this violence. The police in this case were not there to protect anyone, they just exacerbated the situation.
From John Green's Tumblr.

Twitter Feeds Reporting from Ferguson
Couldn’t find a list like this, so I thought I’d make one.
Wesley Lowery, Washington Post journalist who was arrested while sitting in a McDonald’s.
Local alderman Antonio French.
Huffington Post journalist Ryan Reilly, who was also arrested while reporting on the protests.
Local TV reporter Christina Coleman.
Guardian reporter Jon Swaine.
Rembert Browne.
I’m sure there are many, many other good sources of information on the ground; hopefully, people will reblog with links to them.
For an overview of what’s happened in Ferguson, Missouri since police shot and killed an unarmed teenager named Michael Brown, this New York Times story has some background. You can also read about the story in the LA Times, and there are live updates at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
There’s livestream video here.
From John Green's Tumblr.
I'm kind of shocked there were any white people on that list.

In seriousness though, the reporters were arrested as a muzzle. Good luck using that camera in the holding cell. It's probably why the Ferguson police were shooting tear gas at people standing off to the side, away from the action, with their phones out recording. Smart phone photos and videos are the bane of people like this. They'd arrest everyone with their phone out of they could. It's why some places have wanted to pass laws against recording police while on-duty.

I have to ask if this type of firearm is necessary for the situation:

Also (ignoring that Anonymous is jumping in), Confederate flag in chief of police's house. How's that South rising going, shit shack?