[News] The USA Police State will never satisfy its lust for beating, gassing, and imprisoning minorities

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Another source.

Kid essentially gets gunned down (probably gang crossfire). No riots. No one seems to give a shit if children die as long as it's not a school shooter or police doing the murdering.
Well of course the media doesn't care. This kid was the wrong color for the media to care. Had that been a little white boy, you bet the media would be in a frenzy over it.
I should really put that in a less "charlie" way. The reason that there will not be protests and such over this child's death is that there is nothing to protest against. Who are they going to protest, exactly? Would the picket the homes of the gang members?

No one is defending the rights of the gang members to shoot each other and bystanders.
Most likely black, in which case black on black violence is media priority number 3,001 down the list of reportable news.
It depends on whether it is national news or local news. Local, it takes top billing every time unless the victim is white. "If it bleeds, it leads" is always the mantra of local news stations.


Staff member
CNN Anchor Don Lemon has absolutely no idea what an Automatic Weapon is but he sure wants to talk about (read:vilify) them.

"There are a lot of racist people in America, just not me or anyone I know" - NY Times Poll.
What really surprised me, is 64% saying they didn't know enough to judge. Technically, that number should be 98% or so, but you usually expect it to be about 10%.


Staff member
Both sides are so conveniently self-serving that the truth is probably in the middle. I mean, come on. The kids in the street speak like silent movie title cards, and the door just happens to bounce off Brown? On the other side, the officer just begged ever so gently for the kids to get off the street?
hey @sixpackshaker , even Wilson himself, who I believe is completely lying off his ass and you believe is a shining defender against thugs everywhere, says that the the shots after the first (which struck Brown in the chest) happened after he was over 10 yards away, with his hands raised and in a kneeling position
"And then he said all of a sudden [Michael] just started to bum rush him. He just started coming at him full speed so [Wilson] he just started shooting and he just kept coming. So [Wilson] really thinks [Brown] was on something because he just kept coming. It was unbelievable. And then so he finally ended up, the final shot was in the forehead and then he fell about 2, 3 feet in front of the officer."
That is nothing like what you accuse the officer of doing.

There is no way in hell those wounds were made when the victim had his hands over his head.[DOUBLEPOST=1409164570,1409164538][/DOUBLEPOST]Also you have very little understanding how guns work.


Staff member
A decent side-by-side timeline of the events of the shooting from the two different perspectives:


Has a few pieces of information I wasn't already aware of.

Wow, some of those discrepancies are absolutely hilarious.

Officer said:
"They were walking in the middle of the street. He rolled his window down and said, 'Come on guys. Get out of the street.' They refused to and were yelling back, saying we're almost where we're going and there was some cussing involved
Dorian Johnson said:
The officer tells the young men either "Get the f*** on the sidewalk" or "Get the f*** out of the street," according to Johnson's accounts to CNN and other news outlets.
The young men reply that they are "not but a minute away from our destination, and we would shortly be out of the street," Johnson told CNN.
Seriously Dorian? "Not but a minute from your destination and would shortly be out of the street"? If you're going to lie, at least learn how to lie well. Like in the officers quote.
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Staff member
That one discrepancy and some other clearly flowery additions by the witnesses, this does still doesn't look great for the officer. Trying to pull the kid into the car and losing control of your gun? Somebody messed up bad here.
That one discrepancy and some other clearly flowery additions by the witnesses, this does still doesn't look great for the officer. Trying to pull the kid into the car and losing control of your gun? Somebody messed up bad here.
The adult was my sized, there is no way in hell a small man can yank me into a car.
My big understanding with this is that forgetting about the killing, the Ferguson police have shown to be ruthless and incompetent. That makes me not inclined to trust their side of the story.


Staff member
My big understanding with this is that forgetting about the killing, the Ferguson police have shown to be ruthless and incompetent. That makes me not inclined to trust their side of the story.
That's most of my feeling as well. I'm still undecided about the initial shooting until I've heard the evidence, but the police response in the days that followed indicate to me that some serious changes need to be made, and there are a lot of FPD cops who need to lose their jobs, especially higher up the chain.


Staff member
That's one thing I'm glad of - that this situation has started a movement in washington - that is getting traction - to demilitarize the police.
That's most of my feeling as well. I'm still undecided about the initial shooting until I've heard the evidence, but the police response in the days that followed indicate to me that some serious changes need to be made, and there are a lot of FPD cops who need to lose their jobs, especially higher up the chain.
We need some RICO action up in here.
Sorry, had to change my rating to "love it".

"You're tired of hearing about it? Imagine how tired of it you would be if you were living it." Fucking spot on.
That is nothing like what you accuse the officer of doing.
Yes amazing how a third hand account told by the friend of the shooters girlfriend shows how perfectly justified the shooter was.

Honestly she has no more first hand knowledge of the situation than we do.

There is no way in hell those wounds were made when the victim had his hands over his head.[DOUBLEPOST=1409164570,1409164538][/DOUBLEPOST]Also you have very little understanding how guns work.
Have any experts who have said that there is no way that Brown had his hand when he got shot? Would love to see what an actual expert has to say about Brown's wounds.
Yes amazing how a third hand account told by the friend of the shooters girlfriend shows how perfectly justified the shooter was.

Honestly she has no more first hand knowledge of the situation than we do.

Have any experts who have said that there is no way that Brown had his hand when he got shot? Would love to see what an actual expert has to say about Brown's wounds.
hold you hands over your head, and tell me how somebody standing in front of you can shoot the front of your arms.[DOUBLEPOST=1409191660,1409191617][/DOUBLEPOST]

The "eye" witness was involved in the attack on the officer.