@Emrys do you ever give your weasels unique coloured collars and race them? The winner gets your love and the nag gets shamed.

Hmmm, this sounds like a podcast idea....


Staff member
After going all week without any caffeine or soda whatsoever, this diet pepsi tastes like the fucking nectar of the gods.
After going all week without any caffeine or soda whatsoever, this diet pepsi tastes like the fucking nectar of the gods.
We finally finished off the "limited edition" Throwback 12pks I had stashed. During Independence Day, they released wild cherry and vanilla (red/white) to go with their usual Throwback (blue). We stocked up.

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Yes. I have fasted over a long weekend before. It's actually amazing how distracting thoughts of food are when you haven't had any for 72hrs. Every 20min, it's like, "Hmm, guess I'll grab a bite oh wait that's right I'm fasting," and then half an hour later you're repeating this again.
