Shave it off while he sleeps, and find out! Meanwhile, profit off the chest toupees you make from it.I swear my husband could have a chest toupee business. It's Alec Baldwin thick and I bet it grows back fast.
Finally I'll have money to finance my pubic toupee business.Shave it off while he sleeps, and find out! Meanwhile, profit off the chest toupees you make from it.
You could call your store "Merkin Mindy's"Finally I'll have money to finance my pubic toupee business.
From what Mr. Z and his friends have explained to me, you're Asian and that's as good as it's going to get.I am 33 years old, and still not done with puberty yet. My chin and upper lip can produce scruffy hair, but my cheeks stubbornly refuse to sprout a beard.
Yeah but all those ancient Chinese and those badass beards...From what Mr. Z and his friend have explained to me, you're Asian and that's as good as it's going to get.
Asians are either baby-smooth or badass hairy. There's no in-between.From what Mr. Z and his friend have explained to me, you're Asian and that's as good as it's going to get.
When I was a kid, my dad tried every variation of beard/mustache/goatee etc. (within reason) and I HATED having to kiss him because it would always make my face hurt. He finally stopped and remains clean-shaven, but bleah. Thankfully, Mr.Z can't grow much of anything, but when he goes too long in between shaves my face feels like it was dragged across a rug.My daughter doesn't want to kiss me when I have a beard. That beats any excuse I could have to grow one.
And that Ladies and Gentlemen is why men grow beards...I loooooove beards. I'm big on respecting people's personal space, but it's hard not to fluff and scratch every nice beard I see. It's nice.
You, me, and maybe as many as six other people here have seen this movie.
I'm learning a lot from you, Bhamv.In this picture, Jun reminds me of Ryoko Hirosue.
Aw, we can be TWINS!I may have the exact same glasses, except I wear mine all the time because my contacts are very sketchy (yay astigmatism)
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You're so lovely.Have I ever posted a picture of me with my glasses on? I only wear them in the mornings and at night since I wear contacts otherwise. So, you guys may not know, but I do wear glasses!
It's real!
Photo call in between the two Saturday performances. A lot of the photos require long exposures to capture the lighting, so it's necessary to recreate scenes and hold a pose.A rehearsal, I presume? Otherwise... uh... that audience turnout...