[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)




It's fun at least. It'll remain to be seen if that card is as promising as some think, but at the very least you can put it in a deck and it'll provide some laughs without dragging you down.
I was more talking about pulling a golden legendary. Just being a little stupid after having to sit up until 3am before I could buy any packs.

I never run rogue and was actually debating dusting him for Sneed's Old Shredder.


Staff member
I was more talking about pulling a golden legendary. Just being a little stupid after having to sit up until 3am before I could buy any packs.

I never run rogue and was actually debating dusting him for Sneed's Old Shredder.
Sneed's Old Shredder is pretty tempting. I've got enough dust for one legendary, and that's the one that tempts me the most.
Here's my three.

Hmm, not too bad. Looks good for Druids.


Ok, I'm good for Shielded Minibots, thanks.


...and also for Annoy-o-Trons, thanks.

Opened 60 packs, got 1 Legendary and it's Bolvar Fordragon (bleh!, hate playing paladin). Of those, dusted 125 commons (duplicates all and 9 rares, and 6 goldens).


Staff member
I won't be dusting anything right away, especially not if I come by extras of Unstable Portal. I'll wait and see what gets nerfed.
I'm keeping all of my extras. This soon after an expansion, cards are gonna get changed.

Also, I'm the reason we're stuck with 9 deck slots. I just bought the wrong damn packs.


Staff member
Also, I'm the reason we're stuck with 9 deck slots. I just bought the wrong damn packs.
I'm not sure what the connection there is. What does deck slots have to do with buying the wrong packs?

Did you buy with gold or real money? I've seen statements from official channels that purchases with real money may be able to be corrected.[DOUBLEPOST=1418167334,1418167234][/DOUBLEPOST]
All the ones I dusted I already had 2 copies of, so no sense keeping 5 extra copies of Annoy-o-tron.
Well, Annoy-o-Tron doesn't seem to be a likely nerf candidate, but I'll wait for the chance at bonus dust just the same.
I'm not sure what the connection there is. What does deck slots have to do with buying the wrong packs?
Blizzard said they only allow 9 saved decks because they don't want their players to get confused with too many options. Basically, I R DUM[DOUBLEPOST=1418167562,1418167499][/DOUBLEPOST]
All the ones I dusted I already had 2 copies of, so no sense keeping 5 extra copies of Annoy-o-tron.
I've got 9 copies of some cards. But the reason I'm saving them is because you get -full- enchant value for disenchanting a card for a week after it's been changed. So if any of the cards are changed, I can disenchant them for 4x the dust I'd get by disenchanting them now.[DOUBLEPOST=1418167618][/DOUBLEPOST]
I bought the right packs afterwards, and was quite happy with the cards I got from them, getting some nice goldens and even two more legendaries. Now blizzard has finally answered my ticket, and said they can refund the purchase, but it would roll back my account to its status before the purchase and lose all progress afterwards.

Guess I'm just out $20.
So, I've been experimenting with Fel Reaver.

Now, I know what you're gonna say... discard your top 3 deck cards when your opponent plays a card? THAT'S CRAZY, THEY'LL MILL YOU!

Well yes, this card hurts you in late game. Which is why you don't play it in a late game deck. I've tried putting a couple into your average mid-range hunter deck, and so far they've been amazing. An 8/8 on turn 5 (turn 4 with coin) is amazing, anyone that plays handlock knows this. But what makes it crazy good here is that you don't have to hoard your cards to play it that early, so you can establish board control and then play this bad boy. And you can always silence it with an owl if you're really worried about your opponent burning you out (though, if they're leaving it alive to try to mill you, then they aren't dealing with it, which will hurt them a lot.

I just played a game where I turn 5 Fel Reaver'd (with a freezing trap from a mad scientist to protect it) into a turn 6 scar (savannah highmane). By turn 8 I was out of cards, but the opponent was dead.


That's interesting, I may throw it into Hunter to try myself if I pull it. I hit gold in Hunter before they nurfed Leeroy and since then it's been hard to string together more than 2 wins at a time.

As an aside, I did end up crafting a Sneed's Old Shredder and holy hell is it crazy fun in Shaman.

Oh, also as I found out playing Fel Reaver: fatigue damage only happens when you DRAW a card without having cards, not when you DISCARD. So your opponent can't fatigue kill you with this card.


Staff member
And you can always silence it with an owl if you're really worried about your opponent burning you out
On his stream, Nox was musing about making a Wailing Soul Hunter, with Fel Reaver, Dancing Swords, Ogre Brutes, etc. I think the idea has promise, but I don't think it's going to work as well as decks that synergize with Feign Death, which, to me, seems likely to end up being the new star of Hunter Decks.


Staff member
On his stream, Nox was musing about making a Wailing Soul Hunter, with Fel Reaver, Dancing Swords, Ogre Brutes, etc. I think the idea has promise, but I don't think it's going to work as well as decks that synergize with Feign Death, which, to me, seems likely to end up being the new star of Hunter Decks.
And, I just remembered it was Wailing Soul Warlock that he was talking about, using the Anima Golem. Which seems like it would be more likely to work than Hunter.
And, I just remembered it was Wailing Soul Warlock that he was talking about, using the Anima Golem. Which seems like it would be more likely to work than Hunter.
Yeah, I had the same idea, but I feel it relies too much on drawing that one specific minion to make your big group of drawback minions worthwhile. I've been using fel reaver in decks as a way to apply big mid-game pressure, not treating it as a soul win condition.

I did put it in a mech warlock deck with fel cannons though, just for the laugh.
My opponent went afk when he couldn't deal with some of my cards, so naturally I decided the only way to finish this was if I formed the head.
Spoiled for size (that's what she said)

So, an interesting thing happens if you are priest and you thoughtsteal a mistress of pain while you have a soulpriest up. Mistress of pain heals you every time it deals damage. So if you attack with it, it will heal you, but then soulpriest converts that into damage. And then the Mistress of Pain says oh, I just did damage again... time to heal you! Yeah....

So, an interesting thing happens if you are priest and you thoughtsteal a mistress of pain while you have a soulpriest up. Mistress of pain heals you every time it deals damage. So if you attack with it, it will heal you, but then soulpriest converts that into damage. And then the Mistress of Pain says oh, I just did damage again... time to heal you! Yeah....




Staff member
So, an interesting thing happens if you are priest and you thoughtsteal a mistress of pain while you have a soulpriest up. Mistress of pain heals you every time it deals damage. So if you attack with it, it will heal you, but then soulpriest converts that into damage. And then the Mistress of Pain says oh, I just did damage again... time to heal you! Yeah....
And Tree of Life + Soulpriest = Everyone Dies



Staff member
Finished my free arena, and was kind of disappointed that I only got two wins. 45 gold and a pack... but the pack contained:

Hearthstone_Screenshot_12.13.2014 Blingtron.jpg

Blingtron baby! Woo!


Staff member
I just realized that Violet Teacher got a lot more valuable in arena. With all the spare parts flying around, there are a lot more spells to cast (and at 1 mana, no less); even if you don't draft a lot of spells directly, a lot of solid minions come with them, and you can even get some from your opponent.

Here's a great game from Trump that shows the power of tenacity. The big play here was his ability to resist using Lay on Hands when he was down to 1 health, as that may have saved him for a single turn, but would have put him helplessly behind on the board and unable to win. Clench thine buttcheeks and soldier forward.

Here's a great game from Trump that shows the power of tenacity. The big play here was his ability to resist using Lay on Hands when he was down to 1 health, as that may have saved him for a single turn, but would have put him helplessly behind on the board and unable to win. Clench thine buttcheeks and soldier forward.
The luck I have in Hearthstone Ragnaros would have hit me instead of Sylvanas.


Staff member
My current Paladin arena is 6-0 currently, and I just won a game against a Mage who had Deathwing. Drawing Muster for Battle on top of my Frost Elemental is the only thing that saved me. I was dead in two turns if his Deathwing was free to attack, but I stalled long enough that he was forced to trade, and I just kept putting out too many small fry for him to ignore.