Rant VIII: The Reckoning

My folks have a couple of rescue dogs. One is a schnauzer mix. She was so timid and scared when they got her. She seemed so abused and mistreated. She bonded with my dad and followed him everywhere. She laid at the bathroom door when he was in there. She grew to be a sweet loving dog. She was hit by a car yesterday. Poor doggy. My folks are going to miss her a lot.


Staff member
Ordered Sammi's birthday presents weeks before the actual date. Nothing showed up on time. Her birthday way the 7th. Still nothing. Got some emails saying that because of Christmas everything is behind, but come on. Good thing she understands.
I hate this time of year. Everyone's stressed out over every little fucking thing.

Girlfriend's been a mess because her family is coming in the next couple of days and, well, that never goes well for her. Of course, her way of unraveling in the face of stress is to let all of her insecurities worsen to absurd levels, which is really hard and frustrating to deal with.

I'm not spending enough time with her because she's too old, I'm spending too much time with her because I'm just feeling sorry for her, I'm too distant because she's too crazy. BLERGH.

My brother being a constant pain in the fucking ass isn't helping things and his lack of basic respect for anyone in my life is getting fucking grating.

I want Christmas to be over, I want her family back in Ontario and I want him to get a fucking job and get out of my house.

That's all I want for Christmas.
This year, I've decided to completely ignore my shitty extended family, and am only having Christmas with my immediate family and the few extended members I really care about. It's basically an outcast's Christmas, and much smaller and more intimate than it would usually be.

Shit's awesome.
Despite going 'home' to BC for Xmas and leaving the gf at home, I am having a great holiday and will maintain my happy happy nature ;) That said, lots of people appear very stressed.

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Other humans who aren't friends (which includes all of you knuckleheads) or family members can fuck right off. Thankfully, I shouldn't actually need to leave the house (except to go out on my back balcony for a smoke now and again) until I leave for work Monday morning - but it took us 4 and a half agonizingly busy (and expensive) days to get to this point. I don't remember Christmas being this much work before.
Fuck me. Well, my wife's car is totalled. Now my car broke down, so we have no vehicles over the holiday. I swear, if everyone wasn't so supportive in my life I'd just break down about now.
Aw man. At least the weather looks like you won't be able to go out anywhere anyways...
True. Still, had lots of plans for the week/weekend. Lots of gaming, getting together with family, having a general good time. Ah well, guess I'm staying in for the most part.

Thanks all for the support. I appreciate it.


Staff member
That sucks. I hope you wife's ok...no bad bruises or anything? My mom was involved in a hit and run a few weeks back and she was sore for a really long time.
Man I wish a grizzly bear would explode out of hiding like the Spanish Inquisition whenever adults start fighting like children and go old school biblical on their asses.
I hate how indigestion... feels like a heart attack. How allergies... feel like a heart attack. How big changes in the weather... feels like a heart attack. How a bad night's sleep... feels like a heart attack. How stressing out over if it is or isn't... feels like a heart attack.

Wasn't feeling all that great Sunday. Monday was worse. Lots of twinges that shouldn't have been happening, but not quite enough to take extra nitro pills or call an ambulance. Twinges went away by this morning, and I could definitely feel the indigestion this time. Feeling better now. Scary time over... I hope.


Staff member
Our oldest dog had a series of strokes last night starting at about midnight. I stayed up with him all night until we could get him into the vet to have him put to sleep so I've been tired, depressed, and cranky. It's why I stayed away today. I'm a little sad he's gone but I know he's not hurting any longer. Kerri is broken up and we aren't going to tell my son until after Christmas.

No hugs needed. I just wanted to explain why I was an asshole earlier and to apologize again.
Our oldest dog had a series of strokes last night starting at about midnight. I stayed up with him all night until we could get him into the vet to have him put to sleep so I've been tired, depressed, and cranky. It's why I stayed away today. I'm a little sad he's gone but I know he's not hurting any longer. Kerri is broken up and we aren't going to tell my son until after Christmas.

No hugs needed. I just wanted to explain why I was an asshole earlier and to apologize again.
My daughter "adopted" (it was free) a dog from the spca that she's in love with its a chihuahua terrier mix but the dog is like 11 years old. I dread when he passes because my daughter is super attached
Our oldest dog had a series of strokes last night starting at about midnight. I stayed up with him all night until we could get him into the vet to have him put to sleep so I've been tired, depressed, and cranky. It's why I stayed away today. I'm a little sad he's gone but I know he's not hurting any longer. Kerri is broken up and we aren't going to tell my son until after Christmas.

No hugs needed. I just wanted to explain why I was an asshole earlier and to apologize again.
You lost a major part of your family, Dave. Any pet owner understands what you're going through. You're getting your damn hugs.
I just wanted to explain why I was an asshole earlier and to apologize again.
I didn't notice. It's true that your snark ebbs and flows unpredictably, but I just assumed that was you or you + environment. You have an established track record of bouncing back from your "down" periods, so I never really start worrying when it happens.

"I don't want to hurt you/I don't a relationship with you to get in the way of our friendship."

Ugh. Bull fucking shit. You weren't worried about preserving our friendship when you were making out with me. At least have the decency to just tell me you're not attracted to me and cut the egomaniac "I'll only end up hurting you" shit. I like you, but my world isn't going to revolve around you. I'm well aware of your past. Let me make the goddamn decision of what risks of getting hurt I should or shouldn't take.

Cutting contact with this woman.

Merry Christmas, everybody!
"I don't want to hurt you/I don't a relationship with you to get in the way of our friendship."

Ugh. Bull fucking shit. You weren't worried about preserving our friendship when you were making out with me. At least have the decency to just tell me you're not attracted to me and cut the egomaniac "I'll only end up hurting you" shit. I like you, but my world isn't going to revolve around you. I'm well aware of your past. Let me make the goddamn decision of what risks of getting hurt I should or shouldn't take.

Cutting contact with this woman.

Merry Christmas, everybody!
On the bright side, at least you got to make out!
Fucking hell. My 1.5 TB external HD that housed all the shows, movies, and comics I'd downloaded over the last few years just died. All it does is this endless clicking noise.
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