Hello, my name is Necro and I'm an addict.
Over the weekend and after a number of drinks I decided it would be a good idea to reinstall WoW. I was 3 years clean (last play date according to the armory was april of 2012).
I was an end game DK tank, now I'm.... I'm not sure. they stripped all my talents, my gems are gone, etc etc.... Pandaria seems pretty cool, I played with a monk, went over as my main toon, but I still find the same complaint I used to have and that is that questing, exploration, etc, it's just so hold your hand babying through. It feels less like playing and more like ... I don't know how to explain it but do I really need you to hold me hand and be my training wheels through even the tiniest thing? I've got a big giant dot to go to for everything....
Yet, I'm still kinda having fun,learning the new changes to my toon, maybe I'll get back to a point where I can do some tanking and etc, but, might take a bit