[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)


Staff member
Just watching that gives me butterflies in my stomach.
Wait, that might just be my testicles cringing.

I would not. Not even if Puddems/Gingerpuss were waiting at the end of the line in a presidential suite wearing nothing but whipped cream.
That's what Clarkson was driving when he finally snapped, huh? :p

And I'd pay for one of those if I had the space to put it and the money.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), the way GoFundMe works is that Facebook is the main advertising medium; so if the mother of 4 year old w/ cancer doesn't have a lot of friends, or there isn't a big news story about it (like there was for Memories Pizza), then she's not going to get the donations that a big story or a high-traffic Facebook page is going to get.


Staff member
Yeah, it's a bit misleading. There are a lot more people associated with a pizza joint than there are with the mom. Or maybe they're in different sized population centers. I don't think it necessarily implies people care more about the pizza place.

Could also be fallout from crowdfunding scams, too.
Fade, it's people supporting an Indiana pizza place that said it wouldn't cater gay weddings.

Too bad, cause pizza would make the wedding so much happier.