WHAAAAAAT???"I've got two Band-Aids on my right ring finger," he said. "And a little bit of ice on my left eye."
Do you have an adress for a high def image?
Tineye has nothing at a higher res than that.Do you have an adress for a high def image?
Sorry, can't find anything bigger either. Though there are prints available, and the company does ship to Germany ($10-15 depending on size of print, I think).Do you have an adress for a high def image?
My first thought upon seeing it was that the style reminded me of that shuttle picture.Also didn't realize it, but this is from the same guy who did the decrepit shuttle on the crawler
While the inspiration might be red skull, this just looks like someone really, -really- into bodymod.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/...06.html?cps=gravity_2425_-3540496469979020693
Pics in the link.
WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK???????????????
And then just to throw a curveball, also had to learn to speak Lizardman.This is where I, too, learned Runic.
(And, once upon a time, Gargish AND Ophidian....)
Look at china just closing in on us like PacmanJust a reminder that, for pretty much everyone, everything is gradually getting better over time.
I always feel bad for the plants. They never asked to be brought in there. When developed space goes under, plants are supposed to move in and reclaim the area, not be forced to die along with it.About 15% of US malls will be converted to non-retail space within the next 10 years, according to Green Street Advisors.