[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

Oh wait, we won't be the first generation shorter lived than the last after all? It's just another way boomers like to shit on the X+ers?
I know this guy who's got tats and a Harley. He has a special parking lot at this place on the south side of town, an old roadhouse bar.

Eh, these are some of the worst of the worst. Not to say there isn't a lot of pollution, but there's plenty of places like this:

I'm pretty hopeful that the growing number of rich are going to force the government into overdrive. I remember a common thread in a lot of conversations on the topic with my Chinese friends before I left was, "You can buy a lot of things with money, but you can't buy clean air". It's not like they can't do it. They turned the skies blue for the APEC summit.


Staff member
I'll go one further and say I thought it was the shuttle pic at first, with some new element on top. Like it was the next in the series or something.
After seeing The Internet In General, Red Skull isn't that shocking. Hey, if he wants to spite his face, more power to him. I'll bet he really appreciates it when he gets all stuffy in the Spring.



Staff member

Seph Lawless likes to take pictures of defunct malls. For this particular photo series, Lawless visits Rolling Acres Mall in Akron, Ohio.

About 15% of US malls will be converted to non-retail space within the next 10 years, according to Green Street Advisors.
About 15% of US malls will be converted to non-retail space within the next 10 years, according to Green Street Advisors.
I always feel bad for the plants. They never asked to be brought in there. When developed space goes under, plants are supposed to move in and reclaim the area, not be forced to die along with it.
